Your First Step in Service

Sunday, 4 February, 2018
attunement with your Thought Adjuster

There are certain individuals among you that have achieved a level of attunement with their Thought Adjusters—more fittingly—their Thought Controllers, and is nearly ready to step into “the work of correction” at a most auspicious time of converging events. These events are not something you shall witness on your TV screens or hear about in your media, but none the less, they are important in the plans of the Correcting Time and have a more energetic significance for the progress of the Planetary Supreme. My message to you today is subtly coded to “stir things” deep within you—to prepare those who would hear the call to serve as they have been prepared by their Destiny Guardians.

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New Era Transition 34 – Race; #MeToo; Moral behavior; Alternative to Jails

Monday, 12 February, 2018

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Your Christian heritage
  • Willing to do God’s Will
  • Co-creating with Christ Michael and the Celestials
  • Attribution in quotations
  • Debt jubilees
  • Race relations and the seven core values
  • Being less than human
  • Cleansing negative thinking of others
  • Conflict between moral conscience and personal thoughts
  • Preparation for the changes to come
  • The seven values and current movements in society
  • The age of materiality on a global level 
  • Rise in human consciousness
  • Using shame as a deterrent 
  • The alternative to jails
  • What is needed is a moral evaluation of behavior
  • Society’s moral responsibility to remove predators from society
  • The immaturity of our societies
  • Talking about capital punishment with others
  • Understanding the removal process
  • Human rights
  • Closing statements

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Where do these heavy Influences come from?

Sunday, 18 February, 2018

Many of you may begin to feel a strange “disconnect” within you—not dissimilar to grieving, for which you have no explanation for these disconnected feelings and emotions. There is, at this time, a great purging taking place within the mass consciousness of humanity and with this purging comes an “absence of influence” for which many of you may be feeling a withdrawal effect. These heavy influences have been inundating the mass consciousness of the planet for many, many years and they shall no longer find refuge in the planetary consciousness of Urantia.

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New Era Transition 33 – World of “Fragility”; Filling the Vacuum; The Look of the Future

Monday, 29 January, 2018

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Waiting for massive implementation
  • Your own plan of implementation
  • Having a personal affirmation
  • A need for guidance
  • A world of “fragility”
  • Creating an interconnected system of systems
  • Beginning an era of intentional social evolution
  • Values and ideals
  • The era of rapid implementation on a global level
  • What is happening with material sustainability
  • Filling the vacuum of the socially unsustainable
  • A business plan from a team member
  • Reasons for not forming a foundation
  • Befriending directors or trustees of organizations
  • A web site for the seven core values
  • What will the world look like two generations from now?
  • Everything now is monetized
  • What is transposed for money in the future
  • The decrease and elimination of crime
  • A hope for better days ahead

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You are Treading New Ground

Sunday, 21 January, 2018

Teacher Ophelius:
Today, my dear students, there is a great need for spiritually aware individuals like you to participate more fully in the Correcting Time initiatives. We (spirit) are aware of each individual who reads these messages and takes the lessons “to heart” so to speak. It is you that we address today, for within you exists a great untapped potential, and so it is that you are recognized by your Thought Adjusters as “willing participants.” Many of you have reached the Third Psychic Circle and are now ready for accelerated growth—your Thought Adjusters are committed to “bringing you along” for the good and needful things required by those of advanced standing.

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Good and Needful Things

Tuesday, 30 January, 2018

Teacher Ophelius: 
Today, my dear students, we would like to speak about how you may become a more “willing” partner to your Indwelling Spirit and to “allow” the Spirit to move freely through you. Deity expression is the all-creative force in the universe and it is through the child-creature of the Indwelled that the diverse expressions of deity are experienced. As you approach the higher levels of attunement with your Thought Adjusters, you have the opportunity to become a part of your own plan for this “expression”. As we have so frequently and recently admonished you to “Ask and it is given”, we say this because many of you have reached a level of spiritual maturity that allows for this active participation with your Thought Adjusters for the co-creative expression that serves the Great Plan of the Universal Father.

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Think Big and Think Great

Sunday, 7 January, 2018
Think Big and Think Great

Teacher Ophelius
Dear Students on the Path,
Today, we have a question for you: What is it that you most want in your life? If you could achieve one important goal that would give you the most sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and would be the crowning achievement of your life for which others and perhaps future generations would see as truly great, what would that be? Many of you have never considered this and even more of you believe these things to be impossible for you to attain. Nothing, my dear friends, is impossible in life—for the whole universe shares in your success and accomplishments and therefore do all things work for the good of those who strive for greatness—the extraordinary—the “impossible”.

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Creating Consistently Effective Humanitarian Programs

This paper gives readers another way of looking at moving our societies, communities, and families toward the Days of Light and Life.  We do not have to do all of the work ourselves!  By promoting Social Sustainability to humanitarian and philanthropic organizations — those who wish to do 'good' to others — we can give them a way to be of greater service to those they serve when the use the seven values that have sustained our species for over 200,000 years.  These values give everyone involved a better, more accurate way of measuring how and where to place the resources to help those in need.

God for All Children, and Grandchildren

There is one topic (actually there are two topics) that parents always seem to stumble over — how to explain God and God’s relationship to their children.  The problem has been that almost all parents are as uninformed as their children.  Parents cannot teach what they do not know, and children know when their parents are not confident in what they are trying to explain.
God for All Children, and Grandchildren” provides very simple, straightforward explanations about God.  Whether you read this to a child or for yourself, you will understand and be far better prepared to explain God’s relationship to your children.
You will feel safe using these explanations as they are neutral and do not take sides or positions on the contentious issues of religions.  This is all about God, you, and your children and grandchildren.

Embrace the Inner Guru

Sunday, 10 December, 2017
inner guru

Teacher Ophelius
Today we would like to address the Corps Students—those who have diligently followed this teaching program and have taken the messages and lessons to the “heart and soul” of their being. We also want you to know that we leave no one out who is actively engaged and may be only starting on this path, for you are all developing your mature spiritual personalities in waves (soul groups) and so today we address those groups that are ready to receive our guidance and instruction for their active participation in the Correcting Time and in Father’s Great Plan.

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New Era Transition 32 – World in Crisis; Raising Consciousness; Mark in History

Monday, 1 January, 2018

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Prince

  • A time of waiting for developments
  • Your world is in an ongoing crisis
  • A time for change by you
  • You will be led by opportunities
  • The use of the word “co-creative”
  • Other observable cycles that impact humans
  • The raising of consciousness has been huge
  • Organic morality of social sustainability
  • Raising consciousness is necessary to engage the future
  • Reinventing the individual
  • “Let’s try something new”
  • How do we band together to bear fruit?
  • There has been no organic value system for social constructs
  • A new web site for the seven core values
  • Our intransigent culture in terms of making drastic changes
  • “I know what to do; give me the knife”
  • This solution is for all peoples of the world
  • Seek validation of your work as being free of bias
  • Chiseling a mark in history

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No Greater Time in History

Sunday, 3 December, 2017

Teacher Ophelius:
Today, my dear friends—students on the path, we would like to speak about the tremendous opportunities available to you all. There has been no greater time in the history of your world to expand mind and bridge the gap between the human and Divine Self. The Planetary Supreme is evolving, and with Her, She brings the circuits and energies needed for human consciousness to evolve as well, which makes it now possible for all humans to have greater attunement with their Indwelling Spirit—the Thought Adjuster. This is a monumental achievement for your world and it is something we here on the Mansion Worlds are excited about as we watch your world transform from darkness into Light and Life!

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The Age of Miracles is upon you

Sunday, 31 December, 2017

Teacher Ophelius
Dear Students on the Path,
Those of you that have been with us for some time, taking our messages to heart and applying them in your life, we say to you—the age of miracles is upon you. Many of you are experiencing great change, and you are advancing in your Psychic Circle attainment having greater and greater attunement with your God Fragments, the Thought Adjusters. With attunement comes the power to manifest and to heal. Your Thought Adjusters is speaking to you now with a greater voice and is saying, “Ask and it is given”.

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The Degree of Attunement you have with Me

Sunday, 30 April, 2017

My Beloved, I delight when you come to me and ask Me to share in your joy—in your experiences with your friends and family and in those quiet moments alone. When you see a thing of beauty and you stop and appreciate the moment, give thanks, and ask ME to share in that moment, I come in close and give you that “warm nudge” that I am here with you. You are developing a “divine” relationship when you consciously choose to share your inner personal thought-life with Me—your Beloved Indwelling. No thing do you hide from me because we have a trust-bond—you remain open to me and maintain a continuous “knowing” that I AM ever guiding you. This is only the beginning of your faith journey with ME, yet this simple trust is the key to the eternal adventure.

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New Era Transition 31 – Innate potential; The Challenge; Developing Teams

Monday, 18 December, 2017

Teachers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Ahshah Melchizedek and Sondjah Melchizedek

  • Infinite innate potential
  • Invite your Thought Adjuster to guide you
  • Opportunities and difficulties in your life
  • Am I ready to receive?
  • The final test is when you engage in an opportunity
  • A question on personal catastrophes
  • Accepting the challenge
  • You cannot mandate how others will receive and use your information
  • Time limitation and making choices
  • Managing resources
  • Team leadership and relationships
  • Developing team cohesiveness
  • The future of civilization
  • Ahshah’s closing remarks

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