Teacher Ophelius:
Today's message is about preparedness. The Correcting Time is NOW my beloveds, and for many, it is very real where they are. You see it on your televisions and read about it on your Internet, yet most of you are numb to it because you think, It won't happen to me or It wont happen here. Many are suffering as the disruption of their daily lives becomes a reality. They wake up to the cold hard fact that their lives will never be the same again and there is no going back. This is happening in the physical and the spiritual realm for them. Some are digging out of the rubble of an earthquake; others are choking on the ash of a terrible volcano watching their homes burn and crumble; while still others are wading through the flood waters of a storm looking for their loved ones. Nothing will be the same for them, yet they are the survivors of the Correcting Time and for them they will start anew and they will be stronger for it. They have become the pioneers of new thinking and living.