Thought Adjuster

Thought Adjuster, God Fragment

The System for Spiritual Growth

Sunday, 1 October, 2017
Thought Adjuster, spiritual growth

Teacher Ophelius:
Today, dear students on the path, we would like to explore the idea of bringing together all your spiritual resources into a ‘system’ using your Indwelling Spirit of the Father, your Thought Adjuster, as a spiritual hub to connect you with any deity, guide, ascended master, guardian angel, arch angel, teacher, friend, or loved one — here or hereafter. Since all minds are a part of the One Universal Mind, there is no greater way to connect than to ask your Spiritual Operator to make that connection for you.

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Evolution and Transcendence

Thursday, 20 March, 2014
Evolution and Transcendence

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Many of your lowest tendencies are the result of the process of evolution. Your mistrust about the unknown and your natural aggressiveness that is the source of your conflicts and wars, are behaviors rooted in your biology and can be observed in your cousins, the lower primates like chimpanzees and others. Considering that chimpanzees and human beings come from a common ancestor it is correct to assume that many behaviors have been passed through generations up to the modern times.

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The Best You Can Be

Tuesday, 4 July, 2006

Teacher: The Beloved ―
In Order for you to attain the best you can be in every moment of your day, it is essential for you to spend more time with Me, not just in the Stillness, but also in your everyday thoughts. In time, the realization will dawn upon all your waking moments that I am ever the invisible Companion in all things, and that nothing is hidden from Me. As your Mystery Monitor, I am only a thought away, for we are so intertwined that no one can tell can tell us apart. It is through your thoughts and actions, that this will become apparent.

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Mind and Spirit

Tuesday, 21 January, 2014
Thought Adjuster ― Mind and Spirit

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Jesus suggested that the main motivation for human beings should be their most sincere intentions. Many religions teach that mortals should examine themselves, see their mistakes, and make the necessary adjustments. This is a useful and necessary task, but it does not promote spiritual progress on its own. Only when a human being feels the fervent desire to be better will the profound character transformations, bringing them closer to the object of their worship – the Father, take place.

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New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group 47 – The Equality factor, Thought Controller

Monday, 26 December, 2022

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • A time for reflection
  • Equality—a core value
  • Thought Adjuster and Thought Controller
  • Broadcasting your love (topic combines questions from Jeff and Liz)
  • We are Real
  • We teach to the lowest level through you
  • You are the salt of the earth [UB:140:4.2 (1572.2)]
  • Protect your savor

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About Mind Control

Friday, 25 October, 2013
About Mind Control

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
One of the most important requisites for the eventual achievement of fusion with the divine mind – the Thought Adjuster – is self-mastery. This certainly has a physical component but few human beings pay attention to their intellectual life – the thoughts they entertain in their minds. This is the most subtle area and therefore the area most frequently overlooked at the beginning of the spiritual progress journey.

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New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group 9 – Thought Adjusters, Peace, Soul Growth, Cultural War

Monday, 12 July, 2021

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Broad Terms
  • For Godwin
  • The Peace of Jesus
  • Peace and competition
  • Planetary Thought Adjuster
  • Working with Thought Adjusters
  • Soul Growth and the evolving Supreme
  • Preventing the die-off
  • Moral responsibility for future generations
  • Relocation advice
  • Taking sides in America’s cultural war
  • When you choose Peace, you choose Peace
  • Be at Peace

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Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 1

Saturday, 17 July, 2021
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: From the Desk of Chris Maurus
Dear Friends and Light Workers,
During the last six months I’ve been in contact with an extraordinary Mansion World Teacher, named Vutia. Many of you are familiar with her teachings through the messages received by me and published through this conduit of light — The 11:11 Progress Group. It became apparent to me early on in the engagement with Vutia, that she would not be paraphrasing more lessons on universe cosmology and re-stating the concepts of deity relationship. Uteah, Ophelius, and many other Teachers have done a tremendous service in bringing those understandings to our attention over the many years of this Correcting Time. Instead, Vutia said it was time to shift our thinking from understanding revelation to having actual experience in Conscious Contact with the Thought Adjuster.

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Developing Conscious Contact - Part 2

Sunday, 13 June, 2021
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Vutia ―
Greetings to you from the Fifth Mansion World! In the previous message I talked about the importance of having a vision of your progress—a long range view of your ascending soul and the integral part your Thought Adjuster plays in the divine/human partnership. We talked about how mansion world citizens are guided to have regular engagement with their Thought Adjusters as a way to show the Thought Adjuster that they are ready for a more progressive experience. This is what you may do to achieve the same here as you would hereafter—it is a continuance of life that is ever flowing toward a perfected consciousness. Through these teachings, I hope to demystify the elusiveness of the Thought Adjuster relationship that you may have confidence that all these ways of progress are available to you?

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Developing Conscious Contact

Sunday, 16 May, 2021
Developing Conscious Contact

Teacher: Vutia ―
Greetings to you from the Fifth Mansion World! Today I will continue to speak about Afterlife and give you an understanding about how Mansion World Citizens use their mind to develop greater conscious contact with their Thought Adjusters —to create a construct in the mind for a vision of progress. To achieve this, you need to understand how important it is to have a “vision” of what lies ahead of you—not only here, but hereafter. To use your gift as a partner to the Universal Father’s Spirit Presence, each of you have been given a powerful imagination—this is inherent as a partner to the Creator’s Fragmented Nature that indwells your human mind, and this “virtual canvas” can be a vehicle to “see” that your soul is progressing.

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Your Salvation

Friday, 27 September, 2013
Teacher, Thought Adjuster: Salvation is a matter of personal achievement.

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Salvation is a matter of personal achievement. Many human traditions promote the idea of a savior, someone who comes to free humanity from their self-imposed chains and to show the way to heaven. Indeed, these spiritual leaders can only do that – show the way – but have no power whatsoever to bring anybody to that path. Not even the Father dares to overrule the free will of any of His children. In the end, each individual is in charge of their own salvation.

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Understanding the Countermeasures

Sunday, 18 April, 2021
Vutia ― Understanding the Countermeasures

Teacher: Vutia —
Greetings, I AM Vutia of Ponoptia, speaking to you from the 5th sphere. There are many things about your world that are unique in the universe with regard to the guidance Urantia receives in this, your Correcting Time, to counter the injustices of the Lucifer Rebellion and all the tampering that was done by your defunct Planetary Prince, Caligastia, to create a dark domain for rebel habitation—separate and apart from Christ Michael’s sovereign rule. To understand the countermeasures put in place by Christ Michael, you must first understand why they were needed?

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The Beginning (5:52)

Sunday, 17 January, 2021
The Beginning (5:52)

Teacher: The Collective of Urantia Thought Adjusters ―
This message is for all souls on Urantia that are willing—that they may understand the mystery of the Indwelling Presence of Universal Father living and working in their mind. We, the Thought Adjusters of Urantia, are making known to you—blessed souls—the meek, the kind, the loving, the beautiful, and the good, that by acknowledging this partnership (you + Thought Adjuster), you are to be the first group of souls to work in concert with your Thought Adjusters to develop and make use of the Enhanced Circuits now available at the discretion of your Thought Adjuster.

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NET103 – Responsibility, Stewardship, Joining Teaching Mission groups, Mental trauma, Learning and living

Monday, 2 November, 2020

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Maturing effect of the pandemic
  • Year 50 of 500
  • What have you provided?
  • We look for the committed
  • This is an experiential exercise
  • The parable of stewardship
  • You are desperately needed because you hold the light
  • Working co-creatively with your Guardian Seraphim
  • Differentiation of our Guardian Seraphim from our Thought Adjuster
  • Marijuana and gun ownership—freedoms and responsibility
  • Responsible use of marijuana
  • Spiritual practices
  • Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder —you must not reinjure yourself
  • Health wisdom website
  • Finding the time
  • Joining with other Teaching Mission groups
  • Fetal pain during abortion
  • Facilitating Adjuster arrival in children
  • Spiritual value of disappointment
  • Working co-creatively with Spirit
  • Firearm education in other countries
  • The burdens of your spirituality are heavy at times
  • Live your life consciously in the moment
  • Learn from experience and gain wisdom


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Recipe for a Quantum Leap

Wednesday, 15 July, 2020
Recipe for a Quantum Leap

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
When you set out to initiate our dialogue, an effective way to empty your mind and make it standstill in the Now Moment's expansiveness is to do a countdown from 10 to 0—zero being the absence of time. As well, close your eyes to disengage from your spatial reality. Bring your attention to your third eye or heart chakra. It is how you successfully ‘pause’ your time-space experience to connect with My timeless and spaceless Infinity—quite a quantum leap on your part.


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