

Space Respiration

Space Respiration - Urantia Book
Space is, from the human viewpoint, nothing—negative; it exists only as related to something positive and nonspatial. Space is, however, real. It contains and conditions motion. It even moves. The space respiration is occurs, and all space alternately contracts and expands. This respiration affects both the horizontal extension of pervaded space and the vertical extensions of unpervaded space which exist in the vast space reservoirs above and below Paradise. In attempting to imagine the volume outlines of these space reservoirs, you might think of an hourglass.

Correcting Time

The Correcting Time is a program of healing occurring upon this planet along with all 36 planets formerly isolated by the Lucifer Rebellion. The Correcting Time includes every every soul living on these worlds. This program began February 1, 1992, according to celestial Teacher Ham and was millennia in planning with many Teachers having trained a 1000 years prior to activation of the program.
