
Numsort ascending Date Celestial Teachers Topic of session Receiver Category
871 2024-11-24 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 24 John Morris CTAG
870 2024-11-06 Christ Michael Be the living example of what you have been given John Morris Father's Will
869 2014-05-20 Thought Adjuster The Idea of God Oscar Universal Father
868 2024-11-11 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 23 John Morris CTAG
867 2024-10-28 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 22 John Morris CTAG
866 2024-09-30 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 21 John Morris CTAG
865 2024-09-16 Nebadonia Mission Urantia - 20 Jerry Lane CTAG
864 2024-08-24 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 19 John Morris CTAG
863 2024-08-19 Christ Michael Mission Urantia -18 Jerry Lane CTAG
862 2024-08-05 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 17 John Morris CTAG
861 2024-07-22 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 16 John Morris CTAG
860 2024-07-08 Christ Michael, Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 15 John Morris CTAG
859 2024-06-24 Nebadonia Mission Urantia - 14 Jerry Lane CTAG
858 2024-06-10 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 13 John Morris CTAG
857 2024-06-23 Galactic Federation The Force of Light is here ~ The Galactic Federation Chellea Wilder Cosmology
856 2024-05-27 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 12 John Morris CTAG
855 2024-05-23 Nebadonia Mother Spirit Nebadonia about personality Jerry Lane CTAG
854 2024-05-13 Christ Michael Mission Urantia - 11 Jerry Lane CTAG
853 2024-03-04 Orion Orion Introduces Himself and the Intentions of Stellar Friends to Help Us Through the Transformation of the World Al Fike Surviving
852 2024-04-29 Machiventa Melchizedek, Christ Michael Mission Urantia - 10 Mark Rogers CTAG
851 2024-04-15 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 9 Mark Rogers CTAG
850 2014-04-02 Thought Adjuster Leaders Oscar Society
849 2024-04-01 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 8 John Morris CTAG
848 2014-03-28 Thought Adjuster Justice Oscar Faith, Morality, Love
847 2024-03-18 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 7 John Morris CTAG
846 2024-03-04 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 6 John Morris CTAG
845 2024-02-19 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 5 John Morris CTAG
844 2024-02-05 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 4 John Morris CTAG
843 2024-01-22 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 3 John Morris CTAG
842 2024-01-08 Machiventa Melchizedek Mission Urantia - 2 John Morris CTAG
