

Jesus: The Conclusion of the Series on Our World in Transition ― Vol 3 msg 24

Friday, 26 August, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
God bless you. I am Jesus. Indeed, change is coming into your lives as you adjust and prepare for the changes that are coming to the Earth. So, you feel the momentum, the desire to shift your attitudes and needs in accordance to what is required. We will guide you along this journey, beloved souls. Do not worry about your future. Rather, have faith in God and His guidance for you in your life.

I come to deliver what is my last message for the world in this formal way. This instrument and I have been on quite a journey together, seeking to bring the truth forward through the gifts of his mediumship and through the truth that I wish to share. We have had a successful endeavour together. Our relationship together has strengthened through this journey. We are bonded as brothers and shall be brothers for all eternity. There will be other works and ways of serving humanity through this partnership, this brotherhood.

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Jesus: The Road to Truth ― Vol 3 msg 23

Wednesday, 24 August, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
I have come to deliver my penultimate message to the world. Through our collaborations together, souls have been stirred and controversy has been fermented to a degree amongst those who are reading and absorbing these messages. What is important is that individuals are awakening to the truth and affirming the truth in whatever way and means that these messages are allowing them to do so.

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Jesus: Faith Can Remove Impediments to Knowing God ― Vol 3 msg 22

Monday, 22 August, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
Beloveds, I come. I am your brother Jesus. I come once again to speak to you, to help you upon your journey toward true spiritual awakening and attainment of light, truth, and love. May the Father’s Love continue to flow into your souls bringing to you great wisdom and knowledge, truth in all forms expanding within you and infusing you with all that is of God’s Truth and Love, and His universe, awakening you to the possibilities and potentials that lie within your soul, spirit and mind. All of these things are rife with God’s blessings, filled with great potential and purpose given their awakening and empowerment with Love.

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Jesus: The Profound Joys of Soul Awakening! ― Vol 3 msg 21

Tuesday, 16 August, 2022
Jesus: The Profound Joys of Soul Awakening! ― Vol 3 msg 21

Teacher: Jesus ―
Beloved souls blessings to you on this beautiful summer day, I am Jesus. I come once again to speak on matters of the soul and matters of the soul pertaining to God. I wish to elaborate on the experience of an individual in a relationship with God and receiving the great gift of His Love into their soul. Although I have spoken of these things many times in many other messages, I have not put together a comprehensive commentary on this deep and profound experience of the soul in communion with God and receiving His Essence within.

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Jesus: More Dedicated Souls are Needed to Build Portals and Extend the Lattice of Light ― Vol 3 msg 20

Wednesday, 28 June, 2023
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
I am here, Jesus. I come once again to speak to the people of the world and to all of you who are actively engaged in the Truth of Divine Love, seeking to receive this gift with each prayer, expressing your desires of the soul to your Creator.

I wish to speak today on the proliferation of the Truth of Divine Love in the world and how we in the Celestial Kingdom, many bright spirits, and our friends from other planets are working together to uplift humanity and to bring the choice to each soul to progress spiritually through the ways of the natural love or to progress through the way of Divine Love. This is a crucial question for your world at this time as it enters into the crossroads of decision and choice which is coming to every soul in your world. God is making it possible for each individual to come in some way to the understanding of this choice and how the individual may proceed given a decision as to what path they might follow.

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Jesus: God’s Laws of Love and Harmony ― Vol 3 msg 19

Wednesday, 10 August, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
I have come to speak to you and those upon the earthly plane regarding spiritual truths and truths of the soul and its relationship with the Creator. The Creator is the Source of All Love. The Creator has made for the beginnings of all life. Through the operations of His laws, life exists in a flow of harmony and direction.

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Jesus: Overcoming the Spiritual Immaturity of Humanity ― Vol 3 msg 18

Monday, 8 August, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
May God bless you deeply with an inflowing of His Love into your soul. My beloved friends, I am Jesus. I come once again to speak of the truths of the spirit, the soul, and the mind, and how, with the alignment of these aspects of consciousness, there may be openings and revelations that will guide the individual forth in their life pursuits. Today I wish to speak of the impediments of the mind regarding its relationship with the spirit realms.

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Jesus: Psychic and Deeper Spiritual Gifts are Available to All ― Vol 3 msg 17

Friday, 5 August, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
I come. I am Jesus, your friend and brother who is earnest to speak to those who have ears to listen, minds and souls to receive and integrate the words in which I speak and the truth in which I share. May all who are seeking truth discover the truth in what I share with you and that they may apply these lessons accordingly.
Today, I wish to speak about the gifts of the soul and the psychic abilities of the mind when combined to create a passageway of understanding and clear reception of those things received by the soul and in need of integration by the mind and the spirit mind. Each individual is gifted with many perceptions and abilities to understand spiritual things, although the depth of their perception and understanding varies greatly. How they are able to do so also varies in accordance with the unique make-up of each soul.

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Jesus: How the Barriers of the Mind will be Shattered by a World in Transition ― Vol 3 msg 16

Tuesday, 2 August, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
Beloved souls, I am Jesus. I come once again to speak to you about things pertaining to the spiritual nature of humanity. Today, I wish to address the issues of the mind, how it inhibits the conscious experience and understanding of the soul and why this is such a formidable barrier to this understanding and experience. The mind is a gift from God. It is most certainly a powerful part of the expression of humanity in the material world. Of those spirits of the lower spheres and those in the natural love spheres, the mind is the great focus and expression of the individual. The material mind is not formed until the spirit incarnates into the flesh and becomes an individuated being where the soul is separated from its other half, embarking upon its journey of development, experience and expression. Because of the very nature of your material world, a world that has been created by humanity, the mind is the focus where education and reinforcement is given to that of development of the material mind.

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Jesus: The expansion of Soul Consciousness With Divine Love ― Vol 3 msg 15

Thursday, 28 July, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
This is Jesus and I come to speak to you once again on the wonders and glories of God and His creation which is you and all children of His creation. Whether they be in the material world or the spirit world, each soul is loved by God deeply and profoundly. Each soul has the opportunity to reciprocate in this Love by receiving its blessing within their soul.

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Forgiveness Falls Under the Category of Human Affairs

Sunday, 18 June, 2023
Forgiveness Falls Under the Category of Human Affairs

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
From the above statement made by Jesus about the forgiveness of sins, one can imply that, because sin is not part of his consciousness, God does not perceive sinful behaviors as punishable offenses of lese-Majesty. He cannot take sin personally. He IS and, therefore, fully inhabits each now moment. His Carpe Diem mentality, combined with the unconditional nature of his ever-outgoing love substance, keeps him grudge-free.

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Jesus: How the Soul and the Mind deal with Desire ― Vol 3 msg 14

Tuesday, 26 July, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
I am Jesus and I come once again to speak to you and to humanity so that the words of truth may be given and proliferate in the world. So many concepts and ideas of truth given by spiritual teachers of today are complicated and filled with many mindful concepts that are unnecessary to guide the individual on their spiritual journeys. When the human mind is engaged in teaching spiritual truth, it filters those truths as it does any information that passes through the mind and adds to it so that the simple truth becomes something more complex and more difficult to understand. This gratifies the mind of the teacher and gives the impression to his students that because of its complexity and difficulty of truly discerning the words and concepts given that it must be an important truth and one, because of its difficulty of understanding, is of a higher caliber.

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Jesus: Balance and the Law of Harmony ― Vol 3 msg 13

Saturday, 23 July, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
I am Jesus. Before I begin my dissertation, I wish to acknowledge each of you (DV Dozen participants) in your efforts, dedications and love which is bringing forth work and ventures that are of the highest nature and intention, seeking to fulfill the Will of God. You gather together with great consistency and dedication, with a desire to work together in harmony so to be channels of love and light in the world. In these dedications, in your efforts, you bring to you the high angels, the beautiful blessings of God, and messages of truth. These blessings will continue as you continue to dedicate yourselves accordingly and seek the great blessing of God’s Love to awaken your soul.

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Jesus: The Meandering Road of the Human Condition ― Vol 3 msg 12

Wednesday, 20 July, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
I come. I am Jesus. I wish to talk of the experience of life that most have in this world, that indeed for many, their path for life is a meandering one, one that is not truly focused, one that is filled with unexpected events and outcomes. Unfortunately, most upon your world feel that they have no control over the events of their lives. Rather, they respond and react to whatever is happening for the moment and make their decisions and choices in accordance to this event.

Of course, your culture, your educational institutions and other institutions that are important to society, lay out a framework, a paradigm of expectations and possibilities for the individual. Most often, the individual falls into alignment with this and takes great comfort in their place in society. Others are rebellious and stretch the limits of the tolerance of their society. It was always thus in this world of yours. Those who are compliant and those who wish to see change or do not feel comfortable within the usual ideas and expectations that come with life.

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Jesus: The Nature of Mind and Soul Consciousness ― Vol 3 msg 11

Monday, 18 July, 2022
Jesus lessons

Teacher: Jesus ―
Beloved souls, I am Jesus. Again, I come to speak to you and to the world regarding the need for a shift of consciousness and soulful awakening in the world. How important it is for humanity to embrace a new way of living in your world. How important it is, for the present activities and ways of interacting with your world must be transformed and changed to something more harmonious, something that will bring the will and power of humanity to sustain life, the flow of life for themselves and the flow of life that is the world.

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