Machiventa Melchizedek: This is Machiventa. Gathering together like this today is done in response to the intentions of the participants. I desire to speak to you, and you desire to hear from and converse with me. And so, it has always been; when the children of God desire to connect with God, He always responds. You have many spiritual resources with which to satisfy your longing to feel connected with the higher impulses of your heart. This Transmitting/Receiving is only one way we do this. You do this also when you practice stillness and seek conscious contact with your indwelling Thought Adjuster—that supernal gift of love bequeathed to each of you. By aligning your higher spiritual impulses, you eventually come to know that you are children of a loving Creator who has an eternal ascension plan for each one of you. You who gather here are getting a head start on your plan and opening up a great possibility for your morontial career. Always is this the plan the way with the most love in it. Always this plan involves greater and greater cooperation with your fellow beings. You are learning to cooperate with your Thought Adjuster, your guardian angels, myself, Christ Michael, Mother Nebadonia and others who are devoted to assisting you on your journey to become a spirit being, to overcome the obstacles in being mortal—material—and become pure spirit.
Machiventa Melchizedek: This is Machiventa. Thank you once again for this moment where we can commune together. I am here at your invitation, and I accept your willingness to give me your attention so that we can discuss what is that you want to know about the administration of Urantia. Your world is transitioning to a planetary destiny that’s hard for you to imagine. Try as you may, you can have no real idea of what your world would look like if there were worldwide peace, yet this is the next plateau for your collective evolution. Many of the issues that plague you now must wait for their resolution until such time that there is peace on Urantia. The seeds have and are being planted for this epoch of planetary status, and the germination of these seeds, the timing of the bearing of the fruits of these efforts is in your collective hands. Until there are enough mortals who will advocate for peace, you will continue to have war. The ability of a few to create war for profit and power depends upon the tolerance of the many who allow it. When enough people refuse to allow this, it will end.
MACHIVENTA: Good morning. This is Machiventa. As usual, I look forward to these meetings. I look forward to the time I can spend with this community. I thank you for making the space that allows for me to be here and create an intention that makes it possible. I’d like us to take stock this morning. It has been about a year since I asked this community to make my presence known to the greater population of this world. I will share with you how I and my staff view your progress.
Machiventa Melchizedek: This is Machiventa. Thank you for making yourself available. Thank you for your invitation. I have no prepared remarks for you today. I am interested in what those who attend these conversations have to say to me. What questions would you like to ask me or my team: questions of personal practice, project status, or how you see yourself in the scheme of things? I would like to know what you think about our engagement with you and how you view your participation with us. Am I and my staff meeting your expectations? If not, what would you like us to do for you? How do you understand this co-creator relationship we as planetary management have with you? Do you think we should be more directly involved in your lives? If so, what would that look like? If not, then how can you be more directly involved in our efforts? Surely you have questions, and I am here to have this conversation with you. So now I'll leave it up to you. Who would like to start us off?
Christ Michael: Good afternoon, my dear children. Mother Spirit and I are always glad to be with you in any way you choose to start. It is the very essence of spirit--both of God’s, and ours, and hopefully yours too—not to impose upon others, but always respect their free will--their need to be an autonomous being in the midst of their lives. Most fundamentally, we encourage you to get a feeling for the unique beings you are, right from God. This is both a truth and a blessing for you as my dear children, yet also quite a challenge not to feel desperately lonely in your very uniqueness, your inability to share all of yourselves with another.
MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK: This is Machiventa. I would ask this gathering: What is your understanding of the purpose of these meetings? What do you see as the future of these conversations? What would you like these meetings to be and to become. I am the planetary manager of this world, and you are awakening citizens of this world; a world currently in decline and heading towards the collapse of its civilization. How best can I serve you? How best can you use my time? I want you to think about this. I am a resource at your disposal to assist you in improving your world. What can I do for you? I want you to see what this meeting can evolve to become. What is it that you need? How can you best secure from me and my staff what you need?
Machiventa Melchizedek: This is Machiventa. I welcome this opportunity to speak with you once again. I honor your presence here and acknowledge your contribution to our efforts to bring the Light of truth to a world in need of a restatement of what their relationship to Spirit is, and how to cultivate this communion with their Creator. So, I would like to begin a co-creator process with each of you and those who receive these transcripts. There is a great deal of soul searching going on in the moment within this group, and I would like to ask this group to participate with me and my staff. I'm going to make a statement here and then I want to get your feedback on it and we'll talk more.
CHRIST MICHAEL: Good morning. This is Christ Michael. I know you're expecting Machiventa, and he will be available after I address you to answer questions. But I wanted to join you this morning as this is an important moment in this new effort of ours to move the ball forward, so to speak. When you wish to minister in my name, you become my disciples. You devote your Life to my service. Your Life is no longer your own, but you join my inner circle of mortals who have made the doing of the will of our Father the prime purpose of their Life. Now, you must have the faith to follow your heart and expect big things to happen. You no longer play small ball. You're in the big leagues now. You are major league professionals and training camp is over. The new season begins now. You have shown that you have the skills, the devotion and the dedication to play at this level. As spiritual individuals you have your own practice that keeps you in shape to play on this team. Do not neglect this. It is the foundation for your ability to participate on the team level. As a team, it is time to execute our game plan and get out on the field of play and put into action all the elements of what you have practiced and trained for.
MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Thank you for inviting me again to be with you. We are here together again because you have made it possible by your faith. You have conditioned this space by your love for one another and for your spirit friends who delight in reaching across this veil of the illusion of separation to connect with us on this side of the equation and join with us to do our Creator’s Will.
As you can see, and as I forewarned this group long ago, your world is continuing to drift into peril and the cataclysms foretold are now becoming a reality. This is only a beginning as the grip by a few greedy and selfish individuals has yet to loosen and allow for new ways of living in harmony and peace to replace greed and materialism. If ever there was a need for a new way of thinking, living, and being to be proclaimed on Urantia, now is the time. Who will bring the message of Christ Michael to this world? Everything is in place for a spiritual renaissance to take place. The spiritual quarantine has been lifted. The spiritual circuits have been not only reconnected but enhanced, and the vibration of these circuits increased to enable individuals to connect with their Thought Adjusters and begin to understand their place in creation.
MACHIVENTA: Good morning. This is Machiventa, your Planetary Prince. I am here as a representative of our universe sovereign, Christ Michael. I represent the ever-descending sons of light to the material worlds of time.
In the course of the evolution of human mind, there comes a moment when that mind can comprehend a larger understanding of the context in which it exists. Mind on Urantia has come to this point. The pull of spiritual gravity has drawn thinking mortals to seek for the truth of their existence and the purpose for their life. There is a hunger on Urantia for a greater understanding of what life is about. The current status of affairs on this world no longer makes sense to an ever-increasing number of its inhabitants. It is time to end this confusion and to make forever clear humanity's place in creation.
Nebadonia: Good evening, my beautiful children. I would be happy to expand your knowledge about the transcendent reality that you are. Let me start by noting that personality is one of those words that has such various meanings and importance in the different societies of the world’s religions and philosophies. It goes all the way down to your pictures of “Personality Pete and Petunia of the Hallways” in your high school yearbook. Almost universally it refers to a person’s essential identity, so it comes as a surprise to read in your Urantia Book that personality has no identity in and of itself, ever.
Christ Michael: Good morning, everyone. This is Michael. Mother Spirit and I are very happy to be with you this way. Always remember that we are as close as your next thought, as is our mutual Father. Yes, I would be happy to give you a lesson on your relationship with this presence of God within you. It's called a Thought Adjuster because his input is exactly that. He can supply thoughts that affect the balance of all the thoughts that occur to you.
MACHIVENTA: Good morning. This is Machiventa. Why do you doubt me? Why do you question my presence and my ability to reach across this veil and contact you? Do you not know by now the reality of Spirit and your place in Creation? My dear ones, you are all children of light, and each of you is attended to as if you were the only begotten child of our Heavenly Father. You needn't worry that you are forgotten or alone. We are in an amazing era of transition on this world. As your current society descends into chaos, and confusion plagues your contemporaries, you are the salt that will provide the leavening that will rise up a new way of thinking, a new way of looking at how to live upon this world in cooperation with Spirit.