Be the living example of what you have been given

Teacher: Christ Michael

T/Rd by John Morris
6th of November, 2024

My Beloved spiritual family, please speak to us with words of encouragement in these times when it seems this world is careening out of control and the darkness threatens to overwhelm us. Please keep us aligned with the Will of the Father and firm in our intention to bring this love to this world and assist Christ Michael and Machiventa in their plans of correction for Urantia.

My little children this is Christ Michael, your Sovereign and elder brother. You shall know the victory and triumph of faith if only you stay true to your conviction to do the Father’s Will. In times of severe testing, follow my example of seeking out this living communion with our Heavenly Father and drink deeply of the waters of life He offers you. Do not allow fear to overwhelm your faith and your love for humanity and this world. Pray for each other and support your fellows. Now is the time you have been trained for. Remain calm and centered, positive and optimistic. When so many around you panic and succumb to fear, keep your eyes on the eternal destination of an Agondonter. You have the answers they are looking for. You are to be the living example of ones who have found the source of love and have built a firm foundation upon this love, and can stand fast as the cataclysms around you sweep so many away. You must be the living example of what you have been given. You have been shown the way, you have my example before you. Now is not the time to fall into commiserating with one another and complaining about how bad things are. Let your light shine as one who has connected with the love vibrations of our Creator and can shine forth this love, even in the dark times of the purification of the Lucifer Rebellion.

My children, you are not alone. You are not bereft of support and assistance. But you can only access this assistance with the key of faith. You must decide every moment to allow your faith to uphold you and inspire you to great acts of love and service. By doing so, you will attract others to you and continue the transformation of my world upon which I triumphed over just the very same darkness you now face.

You have my teaching to guide you. You have my example to inspire you. You have this opportunity to demonstrate to others what a mortal can do when activated by a living love connection to the source of love. This is not just a fairy tale, but a true and living reality. Now you get to live your faith against the backdrop of a darkness so deep that it threatens to extinguish the light of truth on Urantia. But as I did in my incarnation, you must also do likewise.

Trust me, my children, you can do this. I will walk beside you and inspire you, if only you believe. It must be your decision to reach out and take ahold of my hand, but if you do, I will never let you go. Come, let us walk together through this purification of darkness and see the glory of our Father’s love triumph once again over those who reject this love and so reject reality. We will not fail. And when your mortal career is over, you will come to me on high to continue this revelation of the love of one who can allow faith alone to sustain them in this darkness, and emerge unsullied by the temptations of material lures.

This is the time of great testing. You are ready. You have done your homework. Now, with the confidence of one who is prepared, walk boldly in this world and proclaim the truth of the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of man and let us see what a handful of mortals can do and become when motivated by unconditional love for this creation.

Even so, let it be so, right now. You are always in my love. My arms always enfold you. If this were not so, I would not speak this. But it is so. Let us enjoy this journey together. Be in my peace.

Christ Michael ― Be the living example of what you have been given ― 6th of November, 2024 ― John Morris ― US
Received by John Morris
Session: 6th of November, 2024



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