



New Era Transition 101 – Values, Correcting Time, Cultures, Zero-Point Energy, Crises

Monday, 5 October, 2020

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Your role in all this
  • Traditional values and beliefs no longer serve you well
  • Plan of The Correcting Time—learn the new culture, values, and beliefs
  • The Urantia Book Paper 72 and the seven core values
  • Christ Michael’s order of priorities for you
  • Traditional values and beliefs can be out of date—the hunting party
  • We recommend that you come into alignment with the God Presence within
  • Your institutions need new beliefs and values that echo those of your species
  • You are on the cusp of generating a new era
  • Swords into plowshares—nuclear weapons
  • Our work is to bring your world into The Correcting Time. The wisdom of POGO
  • Be loyal to the core values
  • Examine your traditional beliefs in the light of the seven core values
  • Whole agreement needed to be useful for peaceful intent
  • Withholding love to discipline children
  • Children learn by example
  • Influences of Machiventa in ancient Egypt
  • Afterlife of pets
  • How confident? Not very. Cultures have inertia
  • Transforming cultures, values, and beliefs may require existential crises
  • Reality of existential crisis not yet appreciated by the masses
  • World transition; delaying the progress of Nebadon and negative entities
  • Positive influence of Nebadonia’s work
  • Zero-point energy
  • Connecting values to the universal core values
  • An ambiguous question about The Urantia Book Paper 71
  • Zero-point energy and the fossil industry
  • Holding your breath and the transition of hope
  • We do not sugarcoat this—those days of the “good life” are gone
  • Worry all around. Selfishness must go away
  • You are not abandoned. You are a part of the transition

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New Era Transition 83 – Climate, Virus, Zero-Point Energy, Studies

Monday, 10 February, 2020

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Climate change and a virus—harbingers of the future
  • You are past the tipping point
  • Social sustainability and best practices for parenting and child rearing
  • Intentions of public education and the seven core values
  • Necessity for coordination between nations—toward a global economy and community
  • Relationship between genders and the theology of gender
  • Melchizedek complicity in snow removal efforts
  • Acting to minimize cataclysms now that tipping point has passed
  • Removal of inhibitors on zero-point energy development
  • Implementation of zero-point energy requires removal of ego factor
  • Centralized zero-point energy power generation and electric cars
  • Sequestration of carbon and other chemicals
  • Morontial life—will we study in classrooms?
  • Learning Centers for sustainable families
  • Important areas of study to promote global progress
  • Universality of seven core values
  • T/R process disrupted—a teaching moment
  • Meditation process and progress—judge not!
  • NET participation a two-way street. Thought Adjuster participation during NET sessions and readings


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About Free Energy

Monday, 3 September, 2018

Uteah – Trinity Teacher:
All connections occur at an energetic level. Human beings would grow in awareness as to the quality of their thoughts and emotions if they learned to accurately decipher their energetic charges. Ponder this for a moment. Whenever you feel depressed, you become energetically depleted. You tend to cut yourself off from social interactions, thus restricting, even more, the energy supply that you could benefit from, should you remain plugged into the compensating energetic pool of those who currently operate at a higher voltage.

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Whispers in The Stillness - Session 3 - Apostle John

Friday, 5 October, 2012
Reflective Spirit: The river of energy and life is a continuous outpouring from the Deities, the universal and united stream of Paradise force going forth to all space. This divine energy pervades all creation. The force organizers initiate those changes and institute those modifications of space-force which eventuate in energy; the power directors transmute energy into matter; thus the material worlds are born. The Life Carriers initiate those processes in dead matter which we call life, material life. The Morontia Power Supervisors likewise perform throughout the transition realms between the material and the spiritual worlds. The higher spirit Creators inaugurate similar processes in divine forms of energy, and there ensue the higher spirit forms of intelligent life. Energy proceeds from Paradise, fashioned after the divine order. Energy — pure energy — partakes of the nature of the divine organization; it is fashioned after the similitude of the three Gods embraced in one, as they function at the headquarters of the universe of universes. And all force is circuited in Paradise, comes from the Paradise Presences and returns thereto, and is in essence a manifestation of the uncaused Cause — the Universal Father; and without the Father would not anything exist that does exist.

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