New Era Conversations 40 – Two or Three Brains – Mental Health of Children; Teaching Moral and Ethical Living

Teacher:  Machiventa Melchizedek

  • Every mortal on Urantia is subject to mental health issues
  • Few individuals are introspective
  • Your will-self acts as the third member of your two-part brain
  • Evaluating your life as a three-part brained individual
  • The conscious evolution of your own being
  • Accepting Christ Michael’s mind in lieu of yours
  • Self-esteem and self-worth
  • Raising children to become productive individuals
  • Developing a socially sustainable society begins with the family
  • Conscious parenting
  • When will it ever come about?
  • Defining “religion”
  • Teach children moral and ethical living instead of “religion”
  • Sustainable family dynamics
  • Focus on successful marriages and successful parenting
  • Instant gratification- unconscious living
  • Conceiving children responsibly
  • Our educational system has no intentions for its existence
  • Sustainability must exist as a holism in all aspects of life and living
  • The births of physically deformed infants
  • Having an aim or goal in mortal life
  • Being of service to others
  • Further discussion on the 2-part brain
  • The intentions of the celestials on our world
  • Machiventa’s closing statements

TR:  Daniel Raphael
Members present:  Roxanne Andrews, Michael McCray, and a new student.
February 9, 2015 

Invocation:  Heavenly Father, Michael and Nebadonia, the rest of the Triumvirate and honored guests, we again gather to discuss the business of the Correcting Time.  We are honored to be a part of this co-creative endeavor to change the course of the people of Urantia to one that will lead us into Light and Life.  We wish to offer you our sincere thanks for your help in this endeavor.  Amen.
MACHIVENTA:  Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I offer my welcome and appreciation for our new member, so welcome.  (Student:  Thank you.) 
Roxie:  Good morning, Machiventa and thank you for joining with us.

Every mortal on Urantia is subject to mental health issues 

MACHIVENTA:  You are most welcome.  We see that there is much enthusiasm for the topic that we have been discussing lately, yet there are some who have trepidation, and some even have great amounts of trepidation about the topic material of mental health that we are speaking about.  It brings to the presence of everyone discussing this topic that every mortal on Urantia is subject to mental health issues, problems and difficulties that may be known, or unknown and latent.  There are some who are very healthy, well balanced, but they are a minority.  Being a mortal on Urantia brings with it an inventory of difficulties from your genetic makeup through your disturbing family dynamics that brings new children into existence with very similar problems as their parents.  You add to that an individual’s interpretation of their upbringing, their values that they were given to by their family, and you can see how difficult social existence on Urantia can be. 

Few individuals are introspective 

Very few individuals have capacity and the patience and the calmness to be introspective, to look at their thinking processes, their values, their beliefs and their assumptions in a clear light.  This is not something that you have been given.  Your self-observation is in short supply.  Many people—well over 50% and approaching 70 and 80% believe everything they think, and they believe that what they are thinking is how it should be—meaning how life should be, and how others should react to them, and how they react to others is justified and rational. 
Your will-self acts as the third member of your two-part brain 
You would be amazed at the differences between your behavior and your thinking as a two-part brained organism, compared to a three-part brained individual on another planet.  The three-part brained mechanism is able to—what you might call “jury” decisions that come forward.  You have the two-part brain and you can fundamentally divide this into logic and reasoning.  This is a very gross, inadequate description of your two-part brain, but there are two sides to your thinking, the creative side and the linear side, and very few of you are able to step out of that as an individual, as a self-observing individual to realize that your will-self acts as the third member of your two-part brain.
I will stop there; are you following me so far?
Roxie:  Yes, it’s very interesting, Machiventa.  Please continue.

Evaluating your life as a three-part brained individual 

MACHIVENTA:  Whereas in people who have a three-part brain on other planets, have this “juried” or this “thoughtful process of examining” their thinking, and decisions in three different perspectives.  In the thinking of most of Urantians, their belief about the world is either/or:  them or us; you or me type of thinking, which is horrifically simplistic and inaccurate.  When you become a self-observing individual you are in many ways acting as, or thinking, evaluating your thinking and your life as a three-part brained individual.  This is a very evolved and very mature perspective on your planet.  It is something that we encourage all of you to strive to access.  This is something that more evolved individuals can learn. 

The conscious evolution of your own being 

Self-observation is the beginning of that process to realize and know that you are not your body, and secondly, to realize and know that you are not your thinking, that you as a “Father invested being” have the capacity, with the aid of your Thought Adjuster, to begin to observe your thinking and to choose what you want to think, and what you do not want to think.  Those choices are very important.  When you act on those choices and begin to promote your mind to accept new concepts that are positive, then you are on the road to a conscious evolution of your own being.  What many of you struggle with, however, is the removal of, or the controlling of your mind, as it wanders about thinking about this, that and the other thing, your childhood experiences, your regrets, your remorse, your anger, your hostility, your interpretations of what occurred in your early life, and even the social embarrassment, or the problems that you may have working with others, and the others may be spiteful, they may be sarcastic, they may be skeptical or simply rejecting of you as an individual.  And so, your interpretation of that is highly important. 

Accepting Christ Michael’s mind in lieu of yours 

You have a choice in how you interpret your life’s experiences.  When you offer to Christ Michael to accept his mind in lieu of yours, you are really saying to yourself in situations that are difficult, “How would Christ Michael interpret this?”    “How would Christ Michael react to this situation?”  And then, you would want to act out how Christ Michael, as Jesus, would react and interpret that experience.  This, as you can see, is a highly evolved position to take.  You are aspiring to become the master as you are growing into the fullness of your life.
The difficulties for this evolved person become much more difficult for a person who was abused or neglected as a child, and/or if they have mental/emotional disturbances or disorders that persist into their adulthood.  We have found, and we know with certainty that when people are in their disorder, acting out their disorders, they are really automatons that are controlled by their mind.  This is most unfortunate, as there are few conscious choices that this injured individual can make in the evolved perspective I was just describing to you.
I will stop now and wait for your questions, if you have any.  I could go on at great length concerning this, but let us bring a halt to my discussion at this point.

Roxie:  Machiventa, the topic you have chosen today is the same one that I prepared questions for.  In our previous session, you discussed several topics related to our progeny, such as personal responsibility and training children to overcome their own disabilities.  I would like to continue on with more discussion concerning Urantian children.
As my Guardian Angel and Teacher Rayson can attest to, I have been through 5 years of group therapy, which consisted of about 15 married couples, or 30+ individuals, that was led by a longtime Urantia Book reader who obviously had good contact with his celestial helpers.  His techniques were largely derived from the Urantia Book, and from his studies of Gestalt therapy and the techniques of well known human Psychiatrists.  He introduced the Urantia Book to all of his clients when they were ready and receptive to it.  And on a different night of the week, we all formed a Urantia Book study group that continued on for about 5 years.  Most of my knowledge about mental health I learned from listening to what others shared about their life experiences, and problems with relationships.

Self-esteem and self-worth 

One of the main problems that concerned all of them was poor self-esteem and self-worth from their childhood experiences.  Parents who belittled their children by calling them “dumb,” “stupid,” “worthless,” “idiots” or yelling at them, “What did you do that for?”  “Why can’t you do anything right?”  “You’ll never amount to anything!” or words to that effect.  In my case, my parents didn’t belittle me with words, but my father made all the decisions, which gave me the feeling that I couldn’t be trusted with making my own decisions.  By not allowing me to make decisions, I didn’t develop self-confidence and trust-worthiness at the proper stage of my development.  That came much later at great price.  Machiventa, do you have any comments to add to this subject?
MACHIVENTA:  Not at present.  I will wait for your more pointed questions concerning that.
Roxie:  I suppose a more pointed question would deal with developing self-esteem and self-worth during childhood.  How to make more parents aware of this and override their own bad training in that area.

Raising children to become productive individuals 

MACHIVENTA:  Yes.  Your own life from your childhood actually began long before you were born.  The formation of “you,” as a personality with your social deficits that you were raised with by your parents, began in their own childhoods.  This is process of looking back at their lives, is a process that you can use to forgive parents for what they do to their children in how they raised their children.  Your life is a living testimony to the lack of social sustainability of the typical family dynamics in most societies.  It is particularly painful to see children raised as you were, hearing the words that their parents give them and know that this is fairly typical throughout most western nations.  There are many reasons that we could point to, culturally and religious-wise, and there are some typical behaviors and statements that are typical within some ethnic groups and nationalities, but the focus that we have here is on you seeing the necessity of how to raise children to become productive individuals.  Productive is dependent upon self-esteem and self-image.  These are given to children consciously and unconsciously by their parents, and by authority referents, as they are raised.

Developing a socially sustainable society begins with the family 

What you are pointing to is a necessity of writing sound family dynamics workbooks and texts, with experiential exercises for individuals or couples who wish to have children.  There is a high reluctance in your society with its extreme individualism, to suggest or to teach others what is right; what is necessary, as your society values independent decision-making.  Yet, decision-making is worthless, and in fact detrimental, when the value structure underlying those decisions is erroneous, is unconscious, or is based on fallacious values and beliefs and assumptions.  To develop a socially sustainable society begins with the family; it begins before there is a family; it begins particularly in the adolescent years where children are taught parenting skills, and that these are honed more carefully and more consciously by society when a couple comes together and chooses to be in relationship for their life, or for the long term, with the thought of bringing children into existence. 
The symbiosis/symbiotic relationship between society and the individual is intensely intimate.  The sustainability of a community and society is totally dependent upon what goes on behind closed doors, what goes on, what is taught within the confines of the family’s home.  There is a relationship that is intimate, there is an obligation of the individual to support the sustainability of society, and it is the obligation and responsibility of society to teach individuals how to do that.  The benefit for each is that society becomes sustainable, individuals are happier, individuals are able to unlock the potential that lies within them that is innate to their being, to their very existence in their minds, and this is of tremendous benefit to society as well.  It is rare that people who are in great turmoil are productive citizens. 
Yes, there are individuals as Dostoevski, who wrote some wonderful novels, but he was immensely disturbed mentally and emotionally.  This is a wonderful example of a genius mind, applying genius to a way to express their creativity within the odd-shaped, so to speak, of their psyche.  Most individuals with similar mental disturbances become dependent upon society and become a drag on the progress of that society and community.  It is even an egregious situation when they become parents and pass on their mental illness genes to their children, and so on it goes. 

Conscious parenting 

You see, you are a living example in your life of what is needed and necessary for individuals to come into the life as being whole and being productive almost immediately.  This is conscious parenting; it is a conscious way of developing the individual to become a contributing member of society.  Your societies have yet to grow into their maturity and their responsibilities of giving care and sustenance and nurturance to its citizens.  This is nearly impossible to do when there is an excess of people in the population—there is so little to go around.  This is why we have begun our work at the local level with social sustainability, to teach people how to become productive parents.  The future of your civilization is dependent upon the parenting skills of individuals for the generations that come into existence.  As you can see, it is almost by happenstance.
So you see, that through the guidance of your Thought Adjuster to an open mind that you had, you may have been raised an atheist, but you had an open mind to investigate other phenomena, and so you were led through your curiosity to The Urantia Book and to these therapies, and so on.  Thank you for sharing your life’s course with us.  It is very typical of many.  You, however, were most fortunate to have come into the care and support of a group therapist who had the Urantia Book on hand, which tickled your curiosity about the universe, and so, here you are. 
Now you are in intimate relationship with the unseen members of the society that are around you, and you are participating in these New Era Conversations sessions, knowing full well that the reality of the universe is far broader than anybody had ever thought.  It comes to the essential aspect of the Correcting Time and that is to bring in new processes for your societies, for your communities, for your families and for individuals to engage in the rehabilitation and reformation of your world, co-creatively with us.  This means real programs in real time, involving real people doing real things in their real communities.

When will it ever come about? 

Yes, many of you who have been following this for years say, “Oh, this is just so slow, though.  When will it ever come about?” and that leads us to the present moment where we are now involved in the developments that will take our work to the global level, and almost totally unknown to anyone outside of the Teaching Mission/Magisterial Mission and the channeled work that people share through these messages.  The work of spirit in your world is through the lives of individuals as they express that.  We have not asked you to stand on the corner and tell the world about The Urantia Book, or that the angels and Melchizedeks are here; we have simply asked you to invite us into your lives so that we may assist your societies and your families and communities in their social evolution on a conscious level.  And yes, there will surely be manuals of how to raise children, and how to be parents.  There is great confusion about that currently; it is our hope and our work and our endeavor to ensure that the three core values of social sustainability become a part of every parenting manual, and that those values are accompanied by the three core value-emotions of empathy, compassion and love.  Those 6 values are sufficient to raise any family, in any condition, in any society.
Thank you again so much for revealing the intimacy of how you were raised.  It is very similar and almost identical in many ways to thousands of individuals who will be in contact with these messages.

Defining “religion” 

Roxie:  Thank you, Machiventa.  You brought up the subject of religion.  Most of our counseling group had been raised within very strict religious confines and they tended to rebel against those confines as they became teenagers.  In contrast, I was raised without any religious training at all, so when I raised my children, I didn’t indoctrinate them with anything of the religious life, and I kind of wonder if that was the better way to do it, or if children need the guidance into religion in order to be able to handle their life and their decisions.  Do you have a comment about that?
MACHIVENTA:  Yes.  When you say “religion,” you have to be quite careful about that, because your religion is not the religion of others; religions of others are not the same as for the majority of people.  When we think of religion, we think of the worship of the Father; adoration of the Creator Sons and Mother Spirits.  Religions that you have on Urantia, even though they were founded by devout individuals, often direct followers into rituals rather than genuine, adoring relationships with God and Jesus. 

Teach children moral and ethical living instead of “religion”

 Well-meaning men who have had experiences of knowing God have started many religions.  As you are aware, Jesus did not start a religion; he was simply the messenger and the proponent of the values of love and the Fatherhood and Sonship of all of you.  Answering your question would take an encyclopedia to truly answer.  It is better that the children be taught moral and ethical living, with a social conscience than to be taught that they are worms of the dust, and that they are innately sinful, and that they are flawed beyond worth of being saved.  The traditional religious view is a very illogical, irrational perspective of the relationship of God to Jesus, and of God to you.  In the case where children are given erroneous beliefs about their relationship to God and God to them, and that parents see their children as something flawed about the children, by saying, “What is wrong with you?” and exhorting them to behave better, ingrains in the child a very desperate self-image and self-esteem.

Sustainable family dynamics 

Let us move forward into the sustainable family dynamics, where conscious parenting, using the three core values, and the other three value-emotions, is essential.  To see children as being ignorant, they do not know how to be social in an acceptable way.  Parents must see that their children are a responsibility—a tremendous responsibility—and in fact a “report card” on the parenting skills of the parents.  How children act and react and interpret the world around them is a virtual report on the parents themselves.  It is important through Correcting Time programs that this process of conscious parenting involved the standards of your species—of quality of life, growth and equality—as the final backdrop (or the backboard) against which they will measure their parenting skills.  If this is what the parents are teaching the children is a moral code of social sustainability—how to make decisions every day of their lives—and every situation is evaluated by how those decisions contribute to their own sustainability as a social creature, how it supports their growth and the development of their innate potential, and that they have every bit of right to experience the development of themselves as anyone else, and that they are of value equally as anyone else. 
The test for parents is then to direct and guide their children, discipline them when necessary in ways that support those values.  The test of their disciplining and their parenting is based on the empathy, compassion and their love for that child.  We have seen repeatedly in the vast majority of most adults who are parents, that those parents have totally forgotten their own childhood.  They forgot how they felt as a child when they were going through the same process of being raised by their parents.  It is a very important that the parents in their adulthood, use empathy—not to feel sorry for their children, or to over indulge them—but rather to raise that child responsibly and see the adult in them already there, and that how they raise them is what that child will become as an adult.
Yes, this requires a lot of forethought; it requires education and training, but the basics are quite simple:  Simply accept your child where they are, in the condition that they are, with the awareness that your child acts the way they do because they do not know differently.  Can you imagine what would happen with a child who has come into their age with their Thought Adjuster, and has begun to be taught by their parents or grandparents that they have a conscious capability to decide what they think, and what they do not want to think?  The development of that child would be incredible; they would become self-aware beyond your comprehension.
We are not talking about cerebral giants, or intellectual giants.  We are talking about whole and complete individuals, who are able to interact with others without a negative self-image, without embarrassment and without acting superior to others.  This requires the very best of every parent in every moment of their lives as they raised their children.  You can see now, we/I hope, that your question that you posed for open comment is one of immense magnitude.  It encompasses the whole of all parenting over many generations.  Religion is just a very small part of that.  Considering that aspect of religion in our discussion, you can see how religion must realign itself with the greatness and the goodness of each individual, that religion itself not be the cause of poor self-image and self-esteem, but that it be the promoter of good parenting in how to bring out the best love in the parents as they raise their children, also to become loving individuals.
Yes, we are asking a lot of you, but we know that you are capable of this, and in fact, you truly want it because you see the despicable nature of your societies and how people treat each other, whether it is in the grocery store, on the streets in their cars, and in their groups in the workplace and in the family.  We know that you are truly up to the high standards that we are setting, that Christ Michael has set for you over 2000 years ago when he was here as Jesus.

Focus on successful marriages and successful parenting 

Roxie:  I can certainly understand why it is so critical for design teams to develop methods of parenting that will save our children from the mental health issues that they now face.  50% of marriages end in divorce because the children are not being taught the fundamentals of consequences and opportunities that lead to making right decisions.  That leaves the children with one parent to raise them predominately when they need the balance that is more likely if they have two parents.  (Machiventa:  That is correct.)  What, in your opinion, has created the high divorce rate that we see in our society?
MACHIVENTA:  I will not address your question, as it would be reactive or reactionary to those developments that have caused that.  We are proactive.  We are active to develop proper parenting and proper relationships, which begin in early childhood.  It is not the cause of divorce that you should be concerned about, but the causes of successful marriages and successful parenting, and successful children becoming adults that must be foremost in your minds.
Roxie:  A very good answer, Machiventa; I’m glad that you brought it out that way.  I need to learn to be more positive in my approaches.

Instant gratification-unconscious living 

The desire for instant gratification permeates our societies’ marketing, and parents do not teach their children the importance of planning ahead and waiting until the right time, or in some cases that they really don’t need the item in the first place.  The parents just whip out the credit card and pile up debt.  The need for instant gratification is seen in all financial classes and covers houses, cars, toys and even what we eat, to name a few.  Will the cataclysms wake people up to this unnecessary vice?
MACHIVENTA:  No, not necessarily.  There is not a connection made between that and the cataclysms, or the outcomes of the cataclysms.  This developing the insight into purchasing is also a product of conscious living, and consciously thinking of every decision that is made, and moving the impulsive decisions into the realm of conscious decisions and considered decisions.  There will be no healing directly of impulsive buying, whether it is with cash or credit cards.  What will come about is that we plan to teach social sustainability throughout all areas of human interest, whether it is in goods and services, products, or whether it is in their parenting.  The process of bringing about and teaching social sustainability does not address those problems directly, but addresses them quite indirectly with a positive effort developing the conscious thoughts and living processes and thinking processes of individuals who remain.  Yes, we know that there will still be impulsive people who will survive and their difficulties will be exacerbated by their impulsivity.  The only way to change such personal and impulsive behavior is through major cultural changes to your society, to your culture and particularly through the dominant cultures of your world. 
We are not saying that teaching social sustainability and the relationship of the individual to their fellow brothers and sisters on this world and to God is a panacea for everything, but it surely addresses many of the foibles of human nature indirectly, but powerfully and permanently so that there is a change or a bending of the culture to that which becomes more socially sustainable.  You must remember that you live within the petri dish of your culture (double-entendre intended.)  You live within the petri dish of your culture, that you are highly affected by what happens around you.  You may think that you are independent; you may think that you can make any decision you want—and you will—but the option development that precedes decisions is always originated in your culture.  Very few of you think outside the box of your culture, which Rayson has spoken of many years ago.  You live within the confines of your culture, your ethnic group and your dominant group in your community.  To think outside of that requires a tremendous leap of your capacity and thinking processes, though each one of you is fully capable of doing that.

Conceiving children responsibly 

Roxie:  In our last session, you talked about couples that should not have children of their own due to mental illnesses that are hereditary.  Since our world cultures do not pay any attention to this at all, and often that if they conceive a child, “it is a sign that it is God’s Will.”  I cannot envision a culture that will define whether a couple may procreate, or not, especially after the decrease in population due to the catastrophes.  I think that those who remain will do the same thing they did at the end of World War II, which is to have more babies to replace those individuals who lost their lives.  How do you see that through the design team process?  Will our culture be able to make this huge change?
MACHIVENTA:  You have within the perspectives or the parameters of your question already designed in the answers of your thinking.  You have already stated that humans will reproduce rapidly after the cataclysms, that they will be unthinking.  This is your opinion and we are working to inform, educate all people on your planet at this time in their responsibilities as parents and future parents of the next generations.  God’s Will is one of those phrases, which is much maligned and interpreted incorrectly by most religions.  It is a way of passing off or accepting without challenge the difficulties of life and living in your societies, and it absolves individuals of responsibility for their actions, and for their bringing “damaged goods” into the world.  This is simply unacceptable in a society that is moving towards social sustainability.  Your cultures today that promote individuality, and so on, will be in great jeopardy in the future.  It is not that you will live in coercive societies, but that the enculturation of children will be much more deliberate and focused than it is today. 

Our educational system has no intentions for its existence 

Your educational system in the United States has no intentions for its existence; it does not know why it exists.  Not knowing why it exists, it does not know what its values are, or what it is to teach to the next generations.  It is just an activity to occupy children’s time until they grow older and leave home.  This is an egregious situation in any society as education is the primary indoctrinating and enculturating facility of any society outside of the family.  Education and families have a co-responsibility to bring new generations of children into existence who are more social, more sociable, socially competent and of higher social intelligence, and that they understand their responsibilities to societies and to themselves and they understand what it is that they are to learn.  Education in this nation must change—and it will change—and it will look immensely different than it does today when there is clarity about education and the purposes of education, and what it is to do that supports the sustainability and the very survival of your species, and the sustainability of your societies.
I say these things against the backdrop that all societies, all nations, all civilizations heretofore have all failed.  None have survived.  Oh yes, there are remnants that are still there, you can see where they were, and even some of the indigenous individuals represent former societies and civilizations, but none have survived; none had an intention for their existence; none had the means or the insight, the values that contributed to sustainability, whether materially or socially.  The fact is that all those are known.  The answers are already known to the question, “What does contribute to the sustainability of a society?”  Strategic planners must ask these questions.  What is it that sustains society? 

Sustainability must exist as a holism in all aspects of life and living 

The immediate answer is that what sustains society are the organizations that are themselves sustainable organizations.  Society is just an aggregate of organizations, and when organizations are not sustainable, neither will the society be sustainable.  You see, the ethic of social sustainability must exist as a holism in all aspects of life and living of a social society, as all congregations of individuals who live in a community are supported by organizations.  And, unless those organizations are sustainable, individuals will not learn sustainability either.  These rules of sustainability of a society must be invested in the primary institutions that promote, and are supportive of the survival and existence, stability, peace and sustainability of every society, and that is your educational institutions and your family institutions.  Yes, the three pillars of your societies, the social, political/governmental and economic/financial are primary to a functional society.  Major organizations within each of those pillars must design themselves to become sustainable.  Yes, we know that most people today believe that your societies will exist forever.  This belief is simply untrue.  There have been no societies that have sustained themselves indefinitely or continually, or had the processes to do so.  That is why the Correcting Time is of such a nature that we strive to change the cultures of all your societies.
Roxie:  Thank you.  While most children are joyful, happy and peaceful, there are some who do not fit into this category, even from the very early stages of their infancy.  With the increase of the diagnoses of autism, ADHD and colic, what is causing this increase?  I know that the increase in population is a big part of that, but what can we do to change the situation?
MACHIVENTA:  I will not answer your question, as it is not productive at this time.  Again, I offer you to begin designing new family dynamics and processes of teaching parents-to-be.  What is also necessary concerning the difficulties that you mention is genetic analysis and counseling, and for individuals who have defective gene structures that they would choose to become sterilized and not beget any children who would become unstable and non-productive in their lifetimes.
Roxie:  Using the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg, what is the first thing that we need to address in our design teams, the raising of children or building healthy parents for them?
MACHIVENTA:  This topic is an issue that every design team will need to invest in and they will become most affective by investing their time in a topic of their choice.

The births of physically deformed infants 

Roxie:  This question is quite different from the others.  Concerning babies that are born with terrible physical deformities and are currently being kept alive by modern technology and a great number of surgeries, what should we do concerning this dilemma?  How is it handled on advanced worlds?
MACHIVENTA:  The situation that you mention is one that your society will have to address, given its understanding and its education concerning the principles and morality of social sustainability, it will be further addressed by genetic testing, analysis and counseling, so that parents that have these latent genes, recessive genes, which when combined result in a malformed child, would have this awareness beforehand.  We do not want to arouse individual’s ire or hostility toward social sustainability, as it is society’s responsibility to choose how it deals with those situations.
Roxie:  One of the things that I enjoyed in your beginning monolog was your discussion on why we have two brains, rather than three.  I thank you for answering that question for me.  (Machiventa:  You are most welcome.)

Having an aim or goal in mortal life 

I also have questions from one of our readers in France; it is a question about mental health.  I’ll try to read it as he wrote it.  “[To] live a life as correct as possible to enable us to continue after our arrival on the 1st Mansion World, and into eternity.  Does that mean we should first envisage an aim, a goal?”
MACHIVENTA:  Yes, most definitely.  The aim or goal would be to live your life as productively as you can, without hurting others or hurting yourself, and to make a contribution to your life by developing your potential, and to assist in the service of others.  These lessons have been given to you before, and this is simply a reiteration of those statements.  Your conscious aim and goal should include to make moral decisions correctly, to recognize those situations as having a moral quotient to them; also to apply the same standard to your ethical thinking and decisions, and to have a social conscience, which allows you to make contributions to others, without self-aggrandizement or self-embellishment.  When you have accomplished this level of performance in your life, then it is to be of service to others; to be of service to Christ Michael’s Correcting Time, to assist your world in one way or another, to help others overcome their difficulties and to learn from those difficulties.
Roxie:  He asks four additional questions, but I think perhaps you have already answered them.  Those questions were:  “How to choose this?, How to trust it”  How to follow it?”  And “How to have full confidence in it?”  Do you have any additional comments on those?
MACHIVENTA:  One moment.  We will not provide any further comment to those questions.
Roxie:  He says, “[To] open other people’s eyes to enable them to see this aim and follow it, we all know the difficulty of that.  Therefore, should we only be concerned [about] ourselves?  But to me, this is not satisfactory enough!”       

Being of service to others 

MACHIVENTA:  No, of course not.  When you are of service to others, then you are not self-centered and you want the development and growth of other individual’s potential, as you do for yourself.  Being of service, you begin to assist others, whether it is other parents or children or friends, or mere acquaintances you find during your days, to be of service to assist them in how they view their life and how they can see through their problems.
Roxie:  He further asks:  “Should we ask for advice to discern good sense?” 
Roxie:  “Should we do our best to develop a strong, humble and honest character, and help others to do so too, especially our children?  And be unselfish, and do our best to follow the Will of God?”
Roxie:  Those are all the questions I have.  Michael and ______, do either of you have any questions?

Further discussion on the 2-part brain 

MMc:  I have a couple of questions.  The first one is on something you said today.  You mentioned the two-part brain.  There’s been a popular belief that each hemisphere of our brain, the right and left, has a separate function:  One is articulate and the other is logical.  Recent experiments show that artistic thought and logical thought arise in both hemispheres of the brain.  How do you rationalize these experimental results with the two-part brain?
MACHIVENTA:  We do not.  Your medical sciences and psychiatric sciences simply do not understand the character of the human mind.  It is difficult to be the subject and the observer, though this is what we are asking you to do, but in terms of analysis of your own brain, you must realize that the mind is the “software” that can be rewritten by you during your lifetime to change your thinking and so, answering your question does not offer the best response.

The intentions of the celestials on our world

Our efforts in these sessions are educational; that our true efforts over the long period of time of 10-20 generations is to bring about the evolution of your species, that the retarded elements of your species would be voluntarily eliminated by the conscious decisions of individuals and that you must have the awareness and the appreciation of the magnitude and the importance of every decision you make, particularly those of your begetting the next generation, that you, as parents and as generators of the next generations, you are totally responsible for the condition of the world that comes into its existence. 
You bring children into existence without forethought or without caring whether they are dependent upon others for their care, in the case of mentally/emotionally disturbed individuals, or those who are physically debilitated and are deformed, then you are creating a huge deficit on the sustainability of future generations.  The ignorance of your species in this generation is immense, that there is a selfishness which permeates most individuals concerning their production of the next generation of individuals, that they do not think ahead enough to want the very best of conditions for their children, that by assessing the prior generation’s disabilities and disorders, that they would choose whether to have children or not. 
Particularly in a technologically developed nation, it is important that all people, all children who come into their reproductive years, have their genetics analyzed and that they are made completely aware of the dominant and recessive genes, which may cause problems in the next generation.  If you want the very best for your children, ensure that the very best children come into existence to begin with.  Knowingly begetting children with disabilities is immoral, both on the personal level for yourselves, and it is a moral disability that you give to your children, and it is a tremendously immoral decision and situation for all others that share the wealth of the world with those who cannot assist in their own care and sustainability.  This is egregious; this is an extremely retarded situation for a civilization to tolerate, but it is not part of the thinking of most people.  We hope that you are beginning to understand the magnitude of the difficulties that we are entertained with, were given by you, your species, at this time.  Yes, the Correcting Time is an immense attempt to create new cultures within your world, cultures that contribute to the sustainability of your species and your civilizations and societies.  There is much to work against.
MMc:  Thank you very much.  (Machiventa:  You are welcome.)  I have some understanding, some small understanding of the gargantuan task that lies before you and before all of us here on earth.
I have two personal questions that are off topic, but I need some help with both of them, if I may.  (Machiventa:  Yes, of course.  Please proceed.)

Question on book being written 

In July of 2012, Charles made a request that I take on a project to produce what has become a booklet on the Art of Inquiry.  My own journey into the subject seems much larger than the pragmatic “How to” booklet that I have prepared.  The booklet is written for design team members; it explains how important asking questions are to the human intellectual and ethical development.  It walks the reader through the development of those skills necessary to become a critical thinker, the highest measurable level of intellectual development.  It explains questions of different types, how they are used and how asking seemingly the same question in different ways will evoke different answers. 
I found it necessary to include some explanation of how design teams work.  As you well know, problem solving in the design teams who use the schematic is completely different than the usual way we solve problems, and that also needed explanation.  It is my understanding that social sustainability will find a larger secular audience first, so I produced a secular booklet.  The booklet mentions very little about co-creativity, TRs, celestial consultants or stillness.  My editor feels that I have missed the mark.  He feels that social sustainability will never be accepted without being linked to co-creativity.  Should this booklet be prepared for a secular audience, or should it be prepared for an audience ready to accept co-creativity, TRs and celestial consultants? 
MACHIVENTA:  Our assistance has been consistent that this be oriented to the secular audience.  The secular audience constitutes the vast majority of most people’s thinking, and even those individuals who are spiritually inclined, often disavow the possibility of speaking consciously to angels, Melchizedeks or to God.  This is in the realm of the preposterous and the mentally ill, [not] a realm of social acceptance. 
The insistence that this be oriented towards spirituality does not preclude this booklet being made for two different audiences.  It would be reasonable to adjust your secular guide as the fundamental base work for the development of a spiritually inclined booklet that includes the participation of the TR and as the Consultant as an unseen spiritual being.  This would also need to include guidance and assistance in teaching individuals how to discern what is an acceptable spiritual being and what is not.  The responsibilities of presenting the co-creative spiritual aspect must be fully developed to include the responsibilities of knowing whom you are talking to.  The responsibilities of participating in the Correcting Time, under the guidance of Christ Michael in this spiritual way would be such that you would want to ensure that the guidance that comes through was not from someone from the borderland, but someone who is a part of the morontial/spiritual and deity realms. 
[The second personal question has been deleted from the published text.]

Machiventa’s closing statements 

MACHIVENTA:  (Addressed to the new student), what you have experienced is rather dramatic, as there has been a good deal of drama on the minds of each individual, here, who has participated in the session.  We thank you for your participation today, thank you for openness to ask questions, which may not provide answers that you are seeking… or no answer at all.  We call upon your patience to continue to work the process, as there is much good work to do for us as a working team in the future.  Again, we welcome our new member to the team and appreciate her presence, her mind and the many questions she has.  We would be willing to engage all of those questions, and more, in future sessions.  Please consider the continuing topic of mental health during the interim time between now and our next meeting.
Please be patient with yourselves, you expect a great deal of yourselves, even as you are in your immaturity of budding and growing spiritual beings.  You are no different than the child who sees their father pole vault and tries to, at age 5, grasp a stick in the backyard and hurtle over the inflated swimming pool.  You have the same kind of enthusiasm for life and living as this child; you will make mistakes, you are making mistakes, and we trust that you are learning from them.  This is how you grow; this is how you become more valuable to us in your life and living at this time.  Please do not be too dismayed at your performances today; this is simply one of those odd occasions when performance may have been nil in your estimation, but which may be quite positive in our estimation.  We trust that you will edit this session highly, and make it as productive for our audience as possible.  Thank you for your patience with yourself; this is an imperfect world and remember that you were given many deficits in coming into this world, which makes you those courageous, undaunted Finaliters, which others will respect through all eternity.  Good day.

Machiventa Melchizedek - New Era Conversations 40 – Two or Three Brains – Mental Health of Children; Teaching Moral and Ethical Living - February 9, 2015 - Daniel Raphael, Colorado, US ― NOCO group
Received by Daniel Raphael, Ph.D.
Session: February 9, 2015



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