Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
- Consciousness rising
- Sequencing of developments in a life plan
- Service in the sequence
- Steering conversations
- Relationships with celestials
- What does it mean to be enlightened
- Political shredding
- Nature of past and future
- Request for intervention to thwart use of nuclear weapons
- My will is to do Your Will
- A question about public health in the pandemic today
- Progress on becoming a Transmitter/Receiver — opening a beach head
- What is a circuit
- Questions of consequence
- Future progress lies in the expression of latent genomic instructions
- The great vibration of goodness
Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael, PhD
Invocation: JT
October 03, 2022
1. Consciousness rising
MACHIVENTA: Good morning. This is Machiventa. Welcome to a new day. It's a pleasure to be here with you. And yes, your world has been in tumult. There have been great changes around the world, and this is all part of the raising of consciousness as those who are affiliated, are attached to the old consciousness, resist the change. As the new consciousness pulls many people into its light, it is a process we discussed earlier that will continue for quite a few years. For some people it will never end, and they will be resistant to the end.
2. Sequencing of developments in a life plan
I particularly want to tell you this morning more about how we work in the mortal realm. This One had a recent occasion to watch his eldest son manipulate a drone to record his running and the running of his brother and to put together a video. And it occurred to us that the video script recording sequence would look very familiar to you and look very familiar to us. There is always a sequence of developments in a person's life when they are following their life plan that leads to their success and the fulfilment of their life. Every mortal’s life has a life plan. Some are shorter, some are longer, some are oriented towards service, and some are simply just oriented towards their own personal growth past the first levels. There is a sequence of scenes—of developments—that dovetail together, and as you watch a video on YouTube or some other media, you will find that there are what videographers called transitions, from one scene fading into another; there might be a scene that goes to black then to reveal a new scene, and that the positioning of the characters change within those scenes and from scene to scene.
That is how we see you. We know the script that is supposed to occur and the sequences of developments that lead to your fulfillment. Throughout a lifetime you may have several dozen sequences that lead you on towards the goals of your life as a spiritual being. You, however, do not know the script. You do not know the sequencing of the scenes so that there is progress and evolution that lead to your successes and your fulfillments. We of course are fully aware of that and know how to adjust the sets, the scenes, and the development of new scenes that are appearing to dovetail with one another to bring you about into the right order of your life plan. You have some idea, if you are aware, or if you see or notice those signs, symbols, and omens of the next scene or the scene that is developing. One sequence leads to another and so on, so you are able to acknowledge that there is progress—there is change that is positive—and you are able to see ahead the larger picture of where all this is going. And so, if you have dedicated your life to doing God’s Will, and you command yourself and your spiritual environment to support you in fulfilling God’s Will through your life, then you have made a commitment to this scene, this development, this sequence that's called your life.
You have opportunities that come to you. If you are attentive to these opportunities, you may see how they fit into your life. However, some opportunities may require you to move geographically. They create changes in relationships whether you like that change or not. And so, you must reinvent yourself in the next scene. And the scenes pass, and the years pass, and you grow, and you develop. And so, as you work through the first sequences of your mortal life and have overcome the moral and ethical challenges that you are presented with through temptation and through your own ego, you progress from one to another. And of course, overcoming those challenges is part of your success story that allows you, enables you, and empowers you to go to the next sequence. And so it is through your life that finally you have confidence in yourself to become the person that God wants you to be. You have confidence in yourself to make right decisions when they are needed. You have confidence in yourself that you are fulfilling God's plan for your life and so your life changes.
3. Service in the sequence
As you fulfill those sequences, you have overcome the moral and mortal challenges that are evident for many people, and then you move on to service. This is one of the last sequences of your life as it is recorded, and as you play it out—that you become of service. It could be something as casual as helping out a neighbor or helping develop a neighborhood care program. It may be as significant as starting a program to help the underprivileged, those who are fully capable, but haven't had opportunities to express that and engage their innate potential to become who they are supposed to become. And so, you become one of God's angelic helpers. You become in many ways a mortal midwayer who helps all others engage their progress providing encouragement and interpretation to those other people, so they know that they are on the path—that they know that they have made the right decision to commit themselves to fulfilling God's plan for their life.
So, in many ways, you have seen several movies that have portrayed these videographic sequences of a person's life as they become more mature. Some of these involve scripted angels, scripted helpers, antagonists, and so on, but through it all the person knows that they have help, they have hope, and have confidence that they are on the right path as they understand the developments that come into their life. Understanding and seeing beings perceive and appreciate those signs, symbols, and omens of the present that is becoming the future [that] give you a great deal of confidence that you are on the right track. Thank you. If you have questions regarding this or past situations or your own personal questions, please proceed.
Stéphane: Hi, good morning Machiventa. Stefan here. How are you today?
MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. And yes, I'm exceptionally well. And thank you JT for your wonderful hosting of this program. Please proceed.
JT: You’re so forgiving. [JT: I had botched the transition to the Q&A session.]
4. Steering conversations
Stéphane: Good morning, and thank you, again for your introduction. Along those lines, my path, and yes, I am more and more aware as I progress, of being of service, and for me being of service has many meanings—to family, friends, and whoever I meet. However, I'm thinking more and more these days on how to steer conversations. And in this society with the amount of changes we're seeing, people are always talking about what happens in society. So, my path for me as for being of service is to steer them in the right direction—to steer them beyond just the drama that goes on in day-to-day life and think in the long term. So where do you think this is going, and how would you like it to go, and hopefully steer them in a way that the outcome of all these dramas that we're seeing in life is benevolent, the outcome is progress, and that the outcome is something that we all wish to have happen for the greater good of society and for the greater good of this earth. So, I was hoping to get some steerage from you as to, you know, talking to people that are not necessarily aware of the Urantia movement, of the Teaching Mission, etc., but to steer people towards thinking beyond just the drama that happens, and into something more benevolent is something that can be of service for all of us as we interact with society and friends.
MACHIVENTA: Yes, certainly. And bravo for your work that you've already accomplished, and that we see you have done. As for your guidance, you are on the right track, and you would want to get people out of the drama and the trauma. Life is not a soap opera; it is real life, and when a person has the right perspective of their place in it all, sometimes they can make sense [of it]. And for those who are so immersed in the drama, it seems to even make the situation worse. The change of perspective is very important to assist you. These are just loose suggestions, okay? You might say, “Well, if you were a parent of this whole situation, what would you be doing?” “What would you wish to occur?”, and so on.
Most people never think of themselves as parents of society or communities, but in many ways, they are because as adults grow older, they should be growing in wisdom and being of greater assistance to the younger generations. And it is the younger generations that we would hope you would be addressing. Of course, the adults that come to you need their concerns addressed for how they affect the outcomes for their own children. Your approach of asking questions is admirable and of course follows the Socratic method and the method that Jesus himself used. So, we would suggest that you continue doing the question and answer process. You have enough maturity and wisdom in your spiritual development to now understand how you interact with these people. Yes, you approach them with your aura, and you bring them into your aura and you into theirs. And so, you would want to impart and import the frequency of your own vibration to theirs so that they would be left with more light in the enlightenment process when you pull away from them. Thank you.
Stephane: Yes, thank you. And I think, you know, draw them into answering some questions which most of the drama's involved with social interactions and what's happening in politics, etc., but also to hopefully draw them to the attention of Social Sciences and ultimately to the seven values as to why we're making decisions. And if we wish a benevolent outcome and a progress outcome, then to lead them towards an appreciation of the seven values.
MACHIVENTA: I agree, thank you.
5. Relationships with celestials
Stéphane: Machiventa, another point of interaction also involves [the fact that] some people know I interact with celestials. Some are dumbfounded to even consider such an activity, and when confronted with that I usually say to them: “Well, yes, I am involved with celestials.” And they say: “Well, what do you talk to them about?” And I'll say “Well, what questions would you ask if you were faced with Celestials?” We all believe in some amount of celestial activity whether it be angels or others, but if you were able to communicate with Celestials, what would you ask them? Do you think this is a valid point of entry?
MACHIVENTA: And you're asking me, Machiventa?
Stéphane: Yes, please.
MACHIVENTA: Yes. This is a very good approach. We suggest you might direct your listener to ask questions of their Guardian Angel who is more immediate to their life and their life course and who is concerned about their spiritual, moral, and ethical progress. The questions they might ask of their Guardian Angel, one moment (This One's laughing), is: they may wonder why they have had such tremendous difficulties in their life, and why their life isn't as beneficial as others—so they observe or may seem to think. So, what you would be doing is bringing around the conversation with Celestials to be, of course they would ask the questions, but they will be asking questions concerning their own life. And this is not a selfish thing to do. It is also a wonderment to those who have children to ask about their children—to ask about the problems that their children are having and so on. There are many answers to these questions, and of course the questions and answers are secondary to the primary interests of the spiritual being of establishing a workable, working, functional, relationship with the mortal. And that is the point of the questions and answers—not to make them, convince them, or persuade them to believe in angels or celestials, but that they do exist and that they are there as a resource for garnering wisdom and guidance. It is like having your own $500 an hour consultant and never using them. Now's the time to use them. Thank you.
Stéphane: Machiventa, yes, certainly I steer them in the personal side of things, but I also mention that celestials are concerned that everything we do in society is unsustainable for the longer terms, and they are here to teach us, as a society, as these unsustainable ways break down and will break down, how to steer our society and our ways of living into a more sustainable direction. Do you agree that this is also a fair approach?
MACHIVENTA: Yes, very much so. And it is in their own immediate realm that they can be of greatest influence. And, of course, if they have children, then they will be influencing the next generations—not just their children, but their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on. And this is how civilizations and societies are changed. This is how cultures develop. And we salute and applaud you for the work you've done, and if you share with your friends that it is the relationship that Celestials wish to have with them, that would be wonderful. It is the relationship that they seek to have with the individual and that is an open, non-obligatory relationship. It cannot be bought, cannot be coerced, cannot be bribed, cannot be extorted. And so, they have the option to use this as a freewill gift from God. Thank you.
Stéphane: Thank you, Machiventa. Back to you, JT.
6. What does it mean to be enlightened
Walt: Good morning, Machiventa. Good day, everybody. I have a couple questions. My first question, because it was touched on in the last session, is: what does it mean to be enlightened, or what are the key changes in the human that accompany enlightenment?
MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your question. A shift of consciousness is the first one. The consciousness is a shift to that which engulfs all people, the consciousness of oneness of all people, and of the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. This enlightenment is the appreciation of truth, beauty, and goodness. It is evident in one's life as they lead their personal life and as they interact with their own family members and their neighbors. It is an enlightenment of attitude and values. It is one in which they are seeking to engage and fully live in the culture of enlightenment, which is the plan that Jesus brought to this planet. He brought the plan of enlightenment. In very simple terms, it is that salvation is in the relationship between the individual and God, and that the individual is a representative and a student of the way of light. Enlightenment is a process; it is a process of becoming; one must have an intention for their life that includes this benevolence for themselves and for others. It is one that cherishes the values of love, honoring, integrity, and so on. You see, an enlightened person is one who understands the life course at its fullest while still being a mortal. You know of many spiritual avatars and those who have been titled as being enlightened. They live differently. They think differently. They speak differently. They believe differently. And their values are of the oneness of all people. Thank you.
7. Political shredding
Walt: Oh, wow. I am so grateful for that insightful and comprehensive answer. Thank you so very much. My next question is, you mentioned in our last session that political shredding will become more extensive, and I'm wondering, did you mean in favor of or against democracy?
MACHIVENTA: My comment was the fact that there will be shredding between political points of view. It does not necessarily involve that of democracy. So, as you are seeing even within the realms of democratic governance and political parties, there is a shredding going on now. It too has to do with values, beliefs, attitudes, and expectations. There is a lack of true understanding of political wholeness and what that means. If you take only one value—that of equality—then you have really grasped the roots of democracy. And as you are seeing, there are many people who are denying that equality applies to all people and that some people are special and that they don't have to adhere to the oneness that is the oneness of all humanity. Democracy cannot survive without equality being the premiere value. It means that everyone has equal rights, equal importance, equal value as anyone else regardless of their affiliations, their associations, friendships of power, and so on. The process of democracy must reflect that and ensure that it supports its continuance. Thank you.
8. Nature of past and future
Walt: Wow, thank you. Thank you so much for that too Machiventa. And my third question relates to a comment you made in a previous session. You indicated that Michael has been granted a peek into Urantia’s future and has seen its triumph. This makes me wonder if the future and past are actual living realities, you know, whether or not New Age spiritualists are correct in saying that all time is now.
Walt: Now—n, o, w.
MACHIVENTA: Please repeat, slowly
Walt: Yes. You indicated that Michael has been granted a peek into Urantia’s future. and has seen that it is triumphant. That ability to see into the future makes me wonder if the future and, I guess, also past are actual, living realities. I just referenced the view among New Age spiritualists that all time—whether it's present, past, or future—is actually occurring now. But the main question is whether or not the future and past are actual, living realities.
MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Your question is ambiguous as I interpret it.
Walt: OK.
MACHIVENTA: The past and the present in the ultimate realm of reality is eternal, and, therefore, in the eternal the past and present are seen as occurring now from the position of the First Source and Center.
Walt: That is tremendously insightful. I mean, I think that is fascinating and very helpful.
MACHIVENTA: It is most difficult for mortals, who are bound by time, which is the sequencing of developments in their life, to understand this possibility. This is how consciousness works. It is also non-temporal and non-dimensional which in some regards means that consciousness has the qualities of being eternal though not eternal itself. You will learn more about this on the morontial realms in the schools you attend. What is important is that you, as mortals, live now, this moment, today responsibly, morally, ethically as an intention to become greater than you are today meaning that you become more enlightened and that you have the will to raise your consciousness to that of the angels, Nebadonia, and Christ Michael. This is an onward, progressive, evolutionary process that you will live out through this lifetime, your morontial lifetime, and your spiritual lifetime. Thank you.
9. Request for intervention to thwart use of nuclear weapons
Walt: Well, thank you so much Machiventa. I think I'm very much helped and edified. My penultimate question is: I embrace and share your concern mentioned in the previous session for our nuclear safety. And I also accept the divine rule against spirit's involvement or overruling the mortal will in regard to the use of nuclear weapons or other matters. So, I'm requesting guidance on how we can contact and appeal to other peace-loving, light-bearing, technologically superior mortals to neutralize or disable any attempts to deploy nuclear weapons by earth humans.
MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. If you project your last statement as a prayer and a broadcast to all of your world, it will have great effect. Thank you.
Walt: Whew! That is exciting. Thank you very much. [That is] very, very helpful. I don't know if there's anything else you were going to say, and I'm so sorry if I interrupted.
MACHIVENTA: No, this is sufficient, I think.
10. My will is to do Your Will
Walt: Thank you. Well, that's awesome. And the very last question I have is I regularly state to the Universal Father, the Thought Adjuster, Christ Michael, and Nebadonia to have carte blanche over my will and being, however they choose, and to whatever extent they desire. But I sense that there's something immature or not fully correct in my understanding of the request. Could you help with guiding me on a more spiritually mature approach or desire?
MACHIVENTA: Most certainly. First of all, Walt, you need not make your relationships so complex. Keep it simple. Just simply will and say to God: “Dear God, my will is to do Your Will”. It is not a matter of relinquishing, it is really a matter of empowering your will to be done—that you will to do God’s Will, and that you ask all of God's angels and those who know you to assist you in the process of fulfilling God’s Will through your life. Can you do that?
Walt: Yes, indeed. Very, very gleefully. Thank you so very much for your insights and, you know, the edification you've imparted. I am very grateful. Thank you.
MACHIVENTA: You're most welcome.
11. A question about public health in the pandemic today
Jeff: Machiventa, I was very happy that you answered Walt's question about your comment that nuclear weapons are intolerable to us. I do believe personally that prayer warriors have a great effect.
I have a question about public policy. It's kind of a long way from where we've talked recently, but there are now, in the pandemic or cataclysm of viruses, reports of serious injury from the currently circulating viruses and vaccines that were originally reported to us as “safe and effective.” Can you give us an updated comment on where public health stands there?
MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. This is not my purview. This is a question that you would want to address to your Center for Disease Control and some media individual within that department to ascertain the validity of those public comments through media. Thank you.
Jeff: OK. Thank you very much for that.
12. Progress on becoming a Transmitter/Receiver — opening a beach head
John: Good morning, everyone. Machiventa I just want to say thank you so much for making yourself available to connect with and to experience this connection. The question that I have is relating to your request for us to involve ourselves in experiencing Transmitting/Receiving. I take your suggestion quite literally, and I have been doing this and lately, you know, speaking out loud. And it seems to me that this T/Ring is part of a process by which we penetrate this kind of illusion of separation that is the legacy of the Lucifer rebellion between the celestial realm and our realm. And that, in the recircuiting since the end of the quarantine, the establishments of these circuits are a way to uplift the consciousness of this world, but also to enable individuals to actually participate in a growing awareness of their own connection so that they can feel less separate. And so, I was just wondering within this context, in your request for us to get involved in T/Ring is kind of a natural outcome of our participation in these circuits so as to broaden the awareness of this connection to an ever-expanding group of mortals. And my sense is that, in building these circuits we're creating an energy field that helps uplift the consciousness of this planet. And so, when we work together in a group like this, or our affinity group, we're actually creating, I would use the metaphor of a beachhead of light on this world to anchor this energy into the physical realm that will affect the consciousness of others so that they will find it easier to make these connections. And I was just wondering if you could, you know, validate my perception or not, and give us some encouragement in this idea of trying to connect to the celestials and use this process of T/Ring to serve your greater purpose. Thank you.
MACHIVENTA: Well, John, I would not disagree. I would not disagree with anything that you have said. The Transmitting/Receiving process does exactly as you have surmised, that, when you do it, you create a beachhead—an opening—around you, and when you are in your affinity group and you all share these sentiments, and you are striving to engage the conversation that goes on around you as a participant in that celestial conversation, then you do create an aura of light—an energy and frequency around the group—that enables others who are striving to Transmit/Receive to be successful more quickly. It is important to continue to meet. Do not give up after a time or two with nothing happening. It is very much like a quartet coming together or a group of people who want to sing together. And so, you would have a choir director—someone who orchestrates the setting much as JT does for this group, and you would take turns in trying as choir members would try to match in harmony the lead singer.
Being successful is a matter of practice, practice, practice. It may take months or years, or it may take only days or weeks. It depends on how conversant you feel, how relaxed you feel with this very informal setting. You see there are no formalities in our relationship with you and you with us. The only formality is that you would have an opening prayer, an intention for what you're doing, that you begin with sincerity, and that it is not a living joke, but a living reality that this conversation is always going on. You are just simply saying to the angels, Thought Adjusters, and other Melchizedeks who are around you that you'd like to join in that conversation. The formalities of “please” and “thank you” and “may I” and all those childlike, imploring requests are not helpful. You are an equal among equals. You who are striving to become perfect, and you who are striving to communicate with your Thought Adjuster and your Guardian Angel are regarded as students in training—that you are learning the qualities (qualities, remember) of contact. It is not that it would be for five hours or even five minutes, but the fact that you felt and knew that you were speaking to someone, and they were speaking to you.
Whether you are clairaudient or not, is irrelevant at this point. You simply want to be able to hear inside your mind the voice of your Guardian, your Thought Adjuster, or some other spiritual being of light who speaks to you. Speaking aloud within a group is certainly a social challenge for most of you, and it would be one of the last things that you'd want to explore. Simply meeting together with friends who have the same intention is a wonderful way to support the living-light, spiritual environment that supports you hearing your Guardian. Thank you.
John: Thank you very much for that encouragement, Machiventa. Thank you.
Liz: Thank you, JT. Good morning, Machiventa. It's delightful to be with you again.
MACHIVENTA: Thank you.
13. What is a circuit
Liz: With regards to John's question, a lot of what I'm hearing these days has to do with circuits. This has been a topic of conversation that's been going on for a long time: the angels are establishing new circuitry, there are new circuits being opened up on this planet, and I don't know what that means. Now, surely, I have a spiritual circuit established with my husband, and sometimes I really feel like I am in encircuited on these calls with you. I don't know if that begins and ends with you, or if that is something that the angels do. So, my question is, can you help me envision what this circuitry might look like?
MACHIVENTA: Most certainly. This is Machiventa. Let's begin with the telephony technologies of 80 years ago. As you drove down highways in the early part of your life with your parents, you saw the telephone poles and all the wires that carry conversations. As you approached a large city, there were literally 1000s of lines of wire that connected from pole to pole and to the central hub in the telephone company’s headquarters or operations circuitry. This is very similar in many ways to how the spiritual… [Machiventa was interrupted here.] Now today, it may be as finely tuned as the circuitry within a microcircuit chip—a silicon chip—that you have in your computer. Those are lines of communication. Those are circuits, and what the circuit really truly means in the material physics and the spiritual physics is that there is a place of power, there are transformers, and there are receivers, distribution centers, and so on. And so, when you will to do God’s Will, you are saying you want to be connected to the circuits of God to know what God’s Will is. There are Guardian Angels and others who can tune into your circuit much like a party line in the old telephone systems where they had one circuit that would connect five to ten homes and there would be certain ring patterns that would let whoever know to answer the phone. And so, they are encircuited. You are in encircuited.
It is not something that you would see. It has more of a qualitative aspect to it where you would feel and sense the connection to the First Source and Center. Your immediate connection is within yourself. That is the confidence you have within yourself that you are encircuited unto yourself, that you have internal integrity in your personality, and that you are not inconsistent—that you are consistent in your behavior, attitudes, values, and your expression with others. The circuits of the universe are huge. They exist on various dimensional levels as the universe is encircuited. Some are broadcast circuits such as Nebadonia uses. Her presence is known throughout all of Nebadon, and if you were to see this, it would be a pale blue haze or glow like a blue fog, a very light fog, that doesn't impede vision or at all. And so, her presence is everywhere in Nebadon. Does this help?
Liz: Yes, it does help. So, with our affinity group, are we establishing a circuit of our own? Is it already established, and we are tapping into it? This circuit of us here today on the call are you the initiator of the circuit?
MACHIVENTA: I am not the initiator of the circuit. The circuits are granted. You recall from The Urantia Book that when the circuits connecting Urantia to everything else were pulled, that there were conversations between individuals from Urantia outward that were disconnected. And yes, those conversations were recorded and acknowledged later on. And so, the circuits mean that you are connected—that you are not living in isolation. Do not think of these as physical lines of communication. That was only a metaphor. These are energetic, they are vibrational, they are hard to describe to you. I’ll put it that way. When you meet with others, you want to be encircuited with your affinity group. You want to feel a oneness; that you are all working together, that no one is hanging out on their own even while they are there. You know this, you feel it, and everyone else feels it. So, when you feel this, you call it a feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood—of oneness. You are family. These are all circuits. These are all spiritual, vibrational environments that you have become encircuited. You create your own encircuitment by willing to do God’s Will and to abide by the will of your Thought Adjuster and the guidance of your Guardian. You are the prime generator of your encircuitment, and it is important that you know that you can do this, you have done it, you are doing it, you are now encircuited with this group, and this group becomes an active circuit every two weeks. It is latent, however, during the meantime, and you can connect with individuals of this circuit on your own outside of our meeting time every two weeks. Does this help clarify?
Liz: Yes, yes. Very much so, Machiventa. This has been just a puzzlement to me, and now it is an amazement. So, thank you very much.
MACHIVENTA: You're most welcome.
14. Questions of consequence
Walt: Machiventa, do you or your team foresee that the United States of America will be the last, most influential nation on earth before the Days of Light and Life?
MACHIVENTA: This is a Machiventa. Dear Walt, dear Walt, dear Walt. You are missing the point of these conversations. Your questions are non-consequential. They do not seek for advice on how to live your life, they don't seek for advice given to your children, they do not seek enlightenment for yourself as you move forward in your life confidently knowing that you are on the right path for us to meet one day in Edentia. Your questions are superfluous. It is not that you are superfluous, but your intention behind them betrays your honest and sincere concerns. It is not information you need. Enlightenment is what you must seek. It is not data that you seek, want, and need; it is the connection, that encircuitment with me, with Christ Michael, Nebadonia, your Thought Adjuster, and Guardian. We wish you to move away from these hard-fact Six O’clock News questions, and please be more patient and focused on the realities of your spiritual life and that of others; and seek how you can be of service to others and yourself as you grow in your enlightenment. I hope my pause in your question does not sound like a rebuke for it is not. My efforts for you are always instructional. I wish only the best for you but must apprise you of when you go astray. Thank you.
Walt: Yes, I definitely, easily, and immediately see the tremendous help and guidance that your comment is on what questions I formulate and what answers I seek to achieve. That, I feel, is a breakthrough in terms of my questioning. So, thank you. I really accept and receive it. And the other question that I have, which I believe is in alignment with the guidance you have given is: how do you see us as a species emerging from this era of profound political and social division? If that is an improper question, then your explaining why it is would be even further insightful and helpful.
15. Future progress lies in the expression of latent genomic instructions
MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. I will be glad to answer your question. There is learning to be involved in the answer that I give, and I can use your question profitably as an instruction. It is this: How I see the advancement of your species lies in the potential of your species. You see, there are many instructions in the genome of Homo sapiens that have yet to be expressed. They have yet to come to the fore. These instructions will not be forthcoming until there is a need for them to do so. Humans evolved through the demands of their environment. You as a species are sensitive to the conditions around you. Unbeknownst to most people, you are spiritual, energetic beings who are sensitive and receive vibrations from your environment. Some of these are threatening, some are beneficial, some are just highly stressful. These stressors are the things that cause the expression of the genome to come alive. Thank you.
Walt: Wow, thank you, thank you so much Machiventa.
MACHIVENTA: You’re most welcome.
JT: That’s all we have today Machiventa. Do you have a closing for us?
16. The great vibration of goodness
MACHIVENTA: Yes. Now in these closing moments of our meeting my friends, see yourself as being outside, in a shower—a shower of light, a shower of benevolence that wets your soul, wets your mind, wets your personality, and enlivens you to grow from within. See yourself as part of the great vibration of goodness that Christ Michael as Jesus cast upon this world, and that you are becoming the revelators of that life that he lived. You do not need to preach on street corners and so on, but simply be an edifice of that light that he gave you; that you are part of the living light of this world. You and your children will enlighten this world so that it becomes once again a great beacon in Nebadon. Thank you.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you Daniel.
Daniel: You are most welcome.
Machiventa Melchizedek ― New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group 41 ― October 03, 2022 ― Daniel Raphael, Colorado, US ― NOCO group
Received by Daniel Raphael, Ph. D.
Session: October 03, 2022