Psychiatric Problems

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TheJUST's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-01-22 23:26
Psychiatric Problems

I had a psychiatric problem four times.

On the year 2011, also 2016, 2017 and this year it nearly happened to me. Now I will like to know more about Psychiatric Problem.


TheJUST "shall live by his faith"

Godwin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-03-04 00:24
Dear brother, I believe that

Dear brother, I believe that you have already done a search on the site with the keyword "psychiatric" or something similar. Pay attention to the transcript «New Era Conversations 40 – Two or Three Brains – Mental Health of Children; Teaching Moral and Ethical Living»,
as well as «New Era Conversations 41 – Power of Thought; Engaging Will-self; Parenting», the section «The power of thought» in particular.

When there are defective genes, it usually manifest themselves to the age of 18-21, as our Teachers said. However, DNA is amenable to correction with the help of intention, personal efforts and prayer requests

One could give the key to thinking that consciousness does not belong to man, because consciousness is created by Nebadonia, where it works as a circuit, like a magnetic field, and in this circuit our brain works as a radio receiver, perceiving the circuit of cosmic consciousness.

I believe that when your thoughts of intention generate the highest frequencies, that is, love, then the damaged parts of the brain are restored. The conclusion can be as follows: Control/manage the quality of your thoughts/desires.

Share your progress.

TheJUST's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-01-22 23:26
Thank you brother. I will

Thank you brother. I will share my progress.


TheJUST "shall live by his faith"


TheJUST's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-01-22 23:26
Dear, Godwin. I was

Dear, Godwin. I was challenged mentally again the passed two weeks it happened for oneday. I now see that I can control the challege.

I was using the transcript you recommended to formulate a solution, but the computer I was using was not mine and after relocating I have to start afresh but I will start once I get my own compute.


TheJUST "shall live by his faith"


Godwin's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-03-04 00:24
I would suggest you try to

I would suggest you try to learn the healing practice yourself. There are great capabilities within us. How to activate them? With the help of your FAITH. For this, faith must become a real feeling, not just an idea about God (as usually we start our spiritual way). You must feel your faith.

How to do it? Very simply. For this, find an ordinary box of matches. This exercise is that you have to take a box of matches in your hand, then put a match on top of the box, and slowly turn the box down. In this case, the match must remain under the box.

As we know, the force of gravity will cause the match to fall on the floor, but if you mentally "glue" the match in the surface of the box, then the match will remain on this surface. Use any idea to keep a match on the surface, for example, like a magnet.

You can use any other light object if you do not have a box of matches at hand, such as a wooden toothpick.
You need to turn the box very slowly so that during this time you have the confidence that the match will not fall. In fact, when you believe that the match will be held on the surface of the box, or when you have a feeling of FAITH (!), then your faith will hold this match.

The exercise is very simple, and everyone can easily do it. First, start working on your faith.

* * *
Besides, pay attention this information in New Era Transition 37

Question on praying

Question: Can I specifically pray for DNA repair of my own being, or other peoples’?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, you may pray for all people with a similar genetic condition as your own. Specifically praying for you individually is counter-productive for your own welfare, as it is a selfish gesture. Would you not want the same result for others who have the same condition? And your answer would be, “Well, of course!” So you would pray for them first and include yourself in that group. We would not disparage you or distance you from the healing but that we would engage for all others while you have the same condition. It is important to learn how to do this prayer, this will-command effectively, and this is one of the basic lessons that we have taught you just now.

TheJUST's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-01-22 23:26
Thank you, Stay Blessed

Thank you, Stay Blessed

TheJUST "shall live by his faith"


mauriciopsique's picture
Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2020-04-13 05:30
psychiatric problems

there is a many psychiatric problems. the first question is: do you have a mental disorder? if you have you need to care for medications, healthy life stile and spirituality