Monjoronson Conversations #68 - State of The World - Jan 25, 2013 - DanielRaphael - Colorado
- The Value of Loyalty
- The Importance of the Teaching and Magisterial Missions
- “State of the World” Report
- Optimism
- China and U.S. Relationship
- Spain
- The Difficulty with China
- Christ Michael’s Plan for Slow Growth
- The United States
- The Problems of over Population
- Problems Yet to Come
- What Can Readers Do to Help?
- Training for Leadership Roles
- The Hope of the World Is in Individuals
TR: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Michael McCray
January 25, 2013
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Michael, Nebadonia, we are your children. We realize that we are ever safe in your over-care, but we almost cannot help but be concerned about those things that go on around us, that affect this planet. We bring our concerns and our questions to you now, through Monjoronson and his staff. Amen.
The value of loyalty
MONJORONSON: Good morning! This is Monjoronson. I and my staff are here; there are approximately seven of us here, as we engage this session with you—some of greater and lesser eminence, but all totally dedicated to Christ Michael’s work without any variation, whatsoever. And so we give thanks for that dedication and that loyalty as well, for we do not take that for granted at all, because we have seen what disloyalty can do and how valuable loyalty truly is.
MMc: Do you have something that you would like to dialog with us about this morning?
The importance of the Teaching and Magisterial Missions
MONJORONSON: Yes. As you know, we do not strive to make our presence or our work visible to you; this is not an important part of the agenda of Christ Michael. We quietly go about the business of initiating a new era of planetary management, without fanfare and without constant reminders of our presence to the mortal inhabitants of this planet. We have worked with you personally and intimately through the Teaching Mission. Many have come to experience us personally; many have come to experience the God presence within them personally, to have had those precious God moments of contact, where it is without doubt that the mortal is in the presence of that which is holy, that which is so intimate within them.
And as we work in the Magisterial Mission, our contact will be less and less personal to you. This is why it is important that the work of the Teaching Mission continue, that you would meet, that you would teach those who are curious, that you would begin to make your work known to others in your community, quietly and patiently without fanfare. The work of the Teaching Mission was initiated many years ago in your time frame, and its vitality and its importance and the essence of its work still remains and must continue to be explored and expressed.
You who have come through that era of the Teaching Mission know how vital your awareness of that which is holy, that which is divine, that which is angelic and celestial, is important to your life. And it is so important to us too that you are the soldiers—not the pawns—but you are the soldiers: bishops, knights and rooks, who move about on the playing field of your world to make contact in most unusual ways. And so, it is almost as though the hand of God moves you and places you in those situations where you can be effective, and sometimes it is the presence of others in front of you, in your nearness and life, that you can be of tremendous influence to them, as they upon you. You are not pawns of God at all, but you are mighty and powerful individuals who are co-creating the event and victory of this world to bring about the days of light and life. This is not a contest; it is not adversarial; it is not competitive; it is not destructive. In all ways it is positive, constructive and supportive of all the best elements, values and virtues of Christ Michael during his lifetime as Jesus, and we wish the same for you, to express those same virtues and values.
And so it is that we are telling you today that we are working in the organizations of your world, using those individuals who come into your life so serendipitously, almost covertly, into your life to participate with you in expressing Christ Michael’s work on this world. Those individuals—some of them are mighty and powerful in the realm of your world, and they have positions where they can be of influence for the work of Christ Michael, to bring about those facets of the days of light and life in such an early era as it is now. You will not see these events; they will not be stark and displayed in great contrast, but they are part of the milieu, the environment, the background of your world. And yes, you will see some positive influences even among the disarray and the calamities that are occurring on your world. We are about the good of your world; we are about the reconstruction of your world as a functional member of the family of planets in this section of the universe. Thank you.
MMc: It’s good to know that you are working with us.
MONJORONSON: We work when you sleep.
“State of the World” report
MMc: As this is the start of a new year, and soon the governors of the states and the President will be giving their “State of the States,” “State of the Nation” addresses; I wonder if I might dialog with you or one of your staff about the “State of our World?”
MONJORONSON: Yes, you may. Please continue.
MMc: There are a few things in our news that concern me. In 2012, the worldwide jobless rate climbed by 4 million, to 197 million. That figure will swell to 5.1 million, to 202 million by the end of this year. Would you like to comment on this, please?
MONJORONSON: Yes. What you are seeing is—if you can imagine a graph—of continued growth and continued employment, as the growth of your commercial enterprises have risen and grown, so too, must the workforce to support them has grown. Now, you are beginning to see the contraction of a global economy, and there will be no cessation to this decline. The economic decline may rise in some nations and decrease even more precipitously in other nations, but in the whole over the next 7 to 8 years, it will continue to decline tremendously. Your nation right now counts itself as growing, and that is very good. Your nation—even as morally retarded as it seems at times with its leaders—nonetheless, has a destiny in this world, at this time, in this era, and will do so through the foreseeable future.
The State of your World is that there will be greater and greater unemployment. Do not be surprised eventually, when there is a more widespread decline in the economic indicators, that there will be more and more contraction, with more and more people unemployed. We have spoken of this before, years ago, when this one first began describing the future as you would see it. This is the beginning.
The other factors that you are seeing are the renegade elements, the worst bandits using political and religious excuses to raid and create mayhem against their fellow brothers and sisters, even of the same race, ethnic groups and religious groups. This is remarkable; it is deeply primitive; it is highly destructive and is quite indicative of what you will see even more in the future.
There is the element within the human species at its most primitive expression to destroy its fellow brothers and sisters, families and communities, without second thought. This is a tremendous blight upon your world, and it does not exemplify the vast and broad swath of humanity, but gives you an idea of what will be occurring more frequently in the future, even in more civilized nations. If you compare Europe to the United States, the United States is still a vastly unpopulated world. Europe, on the other hand, has many villages and communities in close proximity, so that there is a tremendously dense population in a small geographic area that has tremendous long-term historic roots. These areas of high population density will be highly adversely affected by this decline. There will be want and hopelessness in the future. Only those individuals who can see the perspective of a global civilization in the throes of desperation, will have hope and faith that good will come about. That is why it is highly essential that we have begun these efforts back in the 1980’s in New Zealand, and now our word and our presence has spread throughout the world. It is now important to seed your planet with those actual seeds of hope, those generative ideas that can assist and empower local individuals to begin to reconstruct, reinvent their communities, their social organizations and even their morality.
I will stop now, as there is much more to say, but allow you to ask further questions, if you wish.
MMc: I realize that there is much more to say, that the questions I have are taken from yesterday’s news, actually.
MONJORONSON: You say “yesterday’s news?”
MMc: Yes, what would actually be today’s news also. One article’s writers in Reuters’ suggest there might be some brightening of the world economy this year. Optimism over 2000 and 2013’s world economy hinges on whether emerging economies, such as China and Brazil, finally delivered the upturn that many economists have expected for 2012. They say among the threats are the U.S. and Europe’s fiscal problems; in another article, they say that China has been one place where economic growth has resisted the worldwide trend of depression, but the new economic growth in China seems to have stalled. Apparently, on the one hand, they are trying to give us optimism, but on the other hand, they are showing that the optimism may be… maybe we should not be so optimistic. Would you like to comment?
MONJORONSON: It is the wonderful penchant of optimistic individuals and businesses to be optimistic, to express positive hope that the indicators that they see will develop and bloom into something greater, more robust, more profitable. Remember, there is an agenda by these individuals in the money markets, commodity markets and stock markets that they feed on this optimism, and those who are pessimistic are making bets or investments on short sales. Everyone wants to see the continued growth of their cherished investments, including their life, their children, their family, their society and their culture, economy, community and so on. Yet, if you were years into the future looking back, this current increase in the growth, against a three-year global market trend, you would see that this is a minor blip that is so small as to be almost irrelevant.
China and U.S. relationship
There is truly a long-term relationship between China and the United States, one that has been generated and supported by us, as it makes them co-dependent upon each other for both their successes and their failures. This helps unite the energies of these two nations, which if they were separate, would become quite volatile and unpredictable. The huge investment that China has in the debt of the United States is a counterweight to its own aggressive nature at this time. China has vastly outgrown itself, similarly as Spain did. Spain had a voracious appetite to invest in real estate and other ventures, which expanded businesses and tourism and so on, but it was not supported by a sound economic anchor to hold it during the time that you see now. Now, it is in desperately difficult straits.
The same could be said of Spain, and there was a child-like, adolescent-like willingness to be a spendthrift, to see the prosperity as something to garner material achievements immediately, rather than stacking it away for the winter of depression and recession. Many nations followed this, and it is a completely unsustainable principle that is easily visible to anyone who has any economic sense at all.
The difficulty with China
The difficulty, therefore, lies in China, which has a tremendously authoritarian centralized government, and centralized controlled economy. It has one of the largest steel mills in the world; it produces many millions of tons of steel annually, yet this huge steel mill is now experiencing decreasing demand and over- production. It has many, many acres and hectares of stock in warehouses and out in the open that has yet to sell. Yet, the central government has required that it continue to employ all 30,000 employees, full-time, into the future.
Now, you know and I know, that if you are going to continue the employment of 30,000 people when you can only pay for 20,000, that there is going to be a huge deficit, a squandering of financial assets and profits and savings that this company has put away for future growth. What happens when those 10,000 people are unemployed? What happens when the work force decreases to half its original size. Where will those 15,000 go? What will they do? How will they feel? Will there be hope for them? Or desperation? So, my friends, you are seeing the eventual, internal implosion of China, politically, in the future. It is based on an unsustainable political model; it is based on an unsustainable economic model. Even though it is communist, it has espoused and developed democratically western business models for its growth. Politically it enforces over-employment and over-investment to keep people employed. If you examine the skylines of their major cities, you see that there are many, many—not dozens, but hundreds of new multistory apartment buildings, and so on, that are growing and coming into existence that will never be filled by people who can pay the rent, or who would be compensated as part of their salary by living there. This over-capacity, over-development creates a false sense of hope.
Christ Michael’s plan for slow growth
It is Christ Michael’s plan to grow planets slowly, carefully, deliberately, with the intention of long-term sustainability socially, economically, and so on. Your world, as we have said, is in the beginning stages of a tremendous correction. Many times you have heard in the past that this recession, or that recession was a corrective movement in the marketplace. With that parallel, you can see this tremendous difficulty that your world is going into as a correction of the management of this planet. It is vastly over-populated, and uses the resources of this planet in squanderous and highly detrimental ways. You will find, however, that everything that was here is still here; it has just been transformed into many great landfills and so on, which will eventually, someday perhaps, be mined for the concentrations of what they hold. That is another economic development.
The United States
You are fortunate to live in this nation. As despicable as some of the ethics and morality that exist and are expressed in the majority of people, it nonetheless provides the hope for the planet that has the greatest capacity to reinvent itself and reinvent the culture and social development of your world. It has the greatest social resources for doing so; it has the greatest number of minds that have access to some of the greatest resources for the development of advanced social developments. The technologies that have developed in this nation and with the support of other nations, will be highly positive and contributory to the rapid dispersion and re-education of millions upon millions—hundreds of millions—of people in short order. It however, will not replace or displace the despair and the hopelessness that many people will feel. They must simply retreat to a simpler life. For those who live in complex, highly externally dependent cities for their resources, for their infrastructure, they will be vast wastelands in the future. I do not need to explain that again, as I did several years ago.
So, my friends, the increase of the economic activity that you see against the backdrop of your global economy over the last three years and the next thirty years will amount to nothing!
The problems of over population
MMc: I think I understand. You mentioned earlier, some situations in Europe being more heavily populated than the United States. There is a situation in Britain at this point that came up in an article. They were reporting significantly higher suicide rates in Britain that reveal the profound human consequences of the economic downturn, says the chief executive of the British Mental Health Group. Increased depression and suicide are an outgrowth of the economic turndown, but there are others, like increased irritability. You commented on this earlier, but would you like to continue with that thought, please?
MONJORONSON: Yes, briefly. When animals are cornered they fight back. Even docile animals will become vicious to save themselves. Only those animals that have been genetically developed as a species for food for other predatory animals seem to let that occur. If the species has the mind to reason the situation that they are in, and many will see—can see—that the situation that they are in personally, is the situation that their community is in, and their society is in, and the major global region they live in is the same. When there is ongoing, long-term decrease in the quality of life and living, when there is no hope of growth—and this is equally applicable to everyone, no matter whether they are rich or poor, whether they live in a grand home or a hovel—then you will see greatly increased rates of suicide.
It is for these reasons that Christ Michael foresaw the necessity of bringing everyone who crosses over into the afterlife, into the mansion worlds, to become educated about the reality of the larger universe, even those who commit suicide in despair will surely be given every opportunity to reinvent themselves with the hope of eternity. This will be quite a difficult situation for your world, for yourselves, who live with greater security and hope to see vast large communities become lemmings of your civilization, to cast themselves, so to speak, over the cliffs and into the sea, as you have seen these small animals do when they are in great numbers and become influenced by the crowd-effect of the herd, and run pell-mell over the cliffs, not knowing to where they are going.
These will not be happy times, my friends. This is why we need you here. We need you well informed. We understand this squabbling that has been going on in your ranks of theTeaching Mission and Magisterial Mission, but I am here to tell you, friends, there will be a time when you will gravitate towards each other as though you were raised in the same womb. It is then you will see beyond yourselves.
I hope, dear sir, that you will bring us into a more agreeable, enlightened discussion, please.
MMc: I’m afraid the news is full of not very optimistic information at this time. In the Middle East the United States has been conducting attacks with pilot-less drones on suspected Al Qaeda operatives in non-war zones like Yemen and Pakistan. Syria is facing food pressure and a growing refugee exodus as its civil war enters its twenty-second month. Israel and Palestine are at it again, and this has affected the whole region, the whole world. Asian/ North Korean officials have announced a new round of missile and nuclear testing. North Korea asserts that the testing is needed because the United States is the sworn enemy of the Korean people. The testing is in response to the United Nations condemnation of last year’s missile testing. Tensions between China and Japan have increased as both nations press their claim to a set of small islands off the coast, and it just goes on like that, almost forever.
Problems yet to come
MONJORONSON: Yes, it does, and it will continue so—and get worse! We could reiterate this litany every week, if you wish, but we have told you that this is the scenario for the future, and these are truly what we have predicted and seen so long ago, and now you are seeing them out-forming in your world. The good news will be on the large national scale and international scales very small. That is why you must deal with the joys and the surprises of life on the personal level, and with your neighbors and in your communities. This is where the hope of the future is; it is not in the pell-mell relationship among the community of nations.
Yes, you will see much aggressiveness by nations soon. Before the end of this decade you will be shocked by what has occurred on your world. It will be most difficult for even the stoutest believers to accept that this was not planned. This is simply the evolutionary developments, the out-working of individuals and nations in the evolutionary scale of social development in a world that has too many people; people with too much power, too much authority, and too much control who do not have large enough hearts and compassion to embrace their fellow brothers and sisters. It is an evolutionary situation that will out-grow itself, through the destruction of a large percentage of your global population. There is no other way that your world will come into balance, and there is much to be learned from these sorrowful states of affairs.
What can readers do to help?
MMc: What can those in our audience do to help, to help with the Correcting Time, to help you, to help our planet?
MONJORONSON: The most important thing that they can do is to realize that the power of one is huge, that if they see centralized authority in government and large organizations as the hope of the future, they will be sadly disappointed. The hope of the future is the empowerment of the individual, with others in their community. What is going to occur is a huge social and cultural change across the breadth of your world in the next 20 years. It begins by [your] becoming empowered, believing in something, having the tools and the capacity to actually bring about positive change around you. Individuals, master gardeners for example, are teaching their fellow brothers and sisters how to garden. You can have a garden even in the most difficult of circumstances on your world, as long as it is not above 3,000 meters. You can have many empowering developments occurring around you.
We have begun to fulfill our plan for the re-education of the global population and this will be made known to most people throughout the world, within the next three years. If you feel disempowered or unempowered, if you feel hopeless and helpless, then you will be of no assistance to yourself or to us. What we want you to believe is that you can make a difference. What we want you to believe is that you will make a difference. What is required is for you to decide to make a difference, and then act to make a difference. Do you understand?
MMc: Yes.
Training for leadership roles
MONJORONSON: We will be giving and sharing with you the training that you need to proceed. Do not be surprised if it comes through one of your fellow brothers or sisters. As we say, we are working in your world co-creatively with you; we are not going to take you into the woods and give you ten golden tablets and tell you, “This is the way it is!” That has not worked very well. We want everyone to become a leader; we want everyone to become a follower of the lifestyle of Christ Michael as Jesus. He was empowered; he was one; he had much to overcome in this world, and in all the worlds of rebellion. He believed in himself that he could do it; he believed that he had the power to do it, and he acted accordingly. Even from the growing consciousness of an infant, a child, that young individual and as a man who became fully aware that he was the Creator of Nebadon. So too, as you grow in awareness of what lies within you, you too can grow your consciousness and intention for life into the same dimensions as he has, respectively. Even yourself — believe in this way —believe that you are an expression of God in your world today.
MMc: I don’t have any further questions on this topic today. Is there anything more that you would like to say to us?
The hope of the world is in individuals
MONJORONSON: Yes. I want to re-emphasize that as you look upon the world, there will be very little good news, but when you look upon the news in your small area where you live and in your community, there can be great hope, and this is where the hope of the world is for the future; [it] is in you as individuals, your family, and your community. You will draw to you those individuals who are hungry for what you know, and what you believe, and the hope that you have in your heart. They will see this in you. If you are a heartless, soulless believer, so to speak, then people will see that as well and not come to you. This small cadre of believers, who have attached themselves to the Teaching Mission and the Magisterial Mission, are truly important—highly important to us—because it is in you, almost every one of you, will become teachers and leaders in your community. Even though you may be shy and socially retiring, you will be seen as someone who knows something more than others.
Many people will be drawn to you, both physically and in proximity. They will want to live by you, socialize with you, to know what you know. They want to have the hope that you hope. If you are cynical about what is occurring, that what we have shared with you, if you have sarcastic comments, and if you are critical, then this will be of no avail to us and none to yourself as well. You will find that because others are attracted to you, that they will assist you to be supported, that they will come to you and want you to remain with them, to teach them what you know, to emulate your life, to come to know God within themselves as you know God, and to feel the brotherhood with Christ Michael as you feel it.
You are the hope of the future of your world. You are the ones who have empowered yourselves through these lessons and messages, and through your reading and your diligent work in meditation. You are the light of the world. There will be those, as well, who come from the religious sector of your society, through the many forms of Christian faith and other God-believing religions, who will discern in their hopeless situation that their religion has not provided them with the resources to engage very difficult social situations. They live with false hope and false faith, while at the same time being very sincere about their religion and their faith. The faith of Christ Michael, the faith of Jesus is a living faith; it is something that is within them; it is that which does not seek to be in large churches or [have a] need for ceremony or ritual, but is from the deep compassionate, loving relationship that resides within you and emanates from the God presence within you—by whatever name you may call It—and that there is the oneness of assurance that you feel with this, even in dire circumstances where your very life is threatened, for you know this is only temporary and that the permanence of God’s love and his presence abides with you forever.
MMc: Thank you again for joining us today and for being a…. As I look out at the news, I don’t do it often. The reason I don’t do it often is because it doesn’t offer me much in the way of solace or optimism about the future. I realize that the future is probably not going to be as good as I would like it, and if I’m going to find any solace in it at all I must find it close to me, my relationship with God, my relationship with my family and those close to me. I thank you for reminding me of that.
MONJORONSON: You are most welcome. We wish you good day.
MMc: Good day.