MACHIVENTA: Greetings. This is Machiventa. We look on with joy and happiness on this auspicious day of our Master’s birthday to welcome this group. This is a new beginning, and it’s appropriate; for this is a new time. There is a need now to pull together all these loyal tribes and true practitioners, supporters, and promoters of this work over the past decades into a more cohesive message and a more cohesive organization that can receive the general public and can become teachers and guides to those who will come to this organization. And so, we are grateful to all that are here today, and we would look to you to begin to think about how to organize yourself. How would you facilitate groups of strangers who have no background in the Teaching Mission and transcripts, or even The Urantia Book. How would you bring them up to speed, so to speak, as to what is taking place on this world and what it is that they need to do? So, there needs to be an organization that can hold this energy, that can promote this energy, and work with this energy.