Correcting Time Action Group - 15

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
Transmitter/Receiver: John Morris

August 21, 2023

MACHIVENTA: Greetings. This is Machiventa. We look on with joy and happiness on this auspicious day of our Master’s birthday to welcome this group. This is a new beginning, and it’s appropriate; for this is a new time. There is a need now to pull together all these loyal tribes and true practitioners, supporters, and promoters of this work over the past decades into a more cohesive message and a more cohesive organization that can receive the general public and can become teachers and guides to those who will come to this organization. And so, we are grateful to all that are here today, and we would look to you to begin to think about how to organize yourself. How would you facilitate groups of strangers who have no background in the Teaching Mission and transcripts, or even The Urantia Book. How would you bring them up to speed, so to speak, as to what is taking place on this world and what it is that they need to do? So, there needs to be an organization that can hold this energy, that can promote this energy, and work with this energy.

This energy needs to have many forms, and it will need to be funded. So, one of the very practical areas that this group needs to think about is what kind of an organization would it take to facilitate funding—money is energy—so that people who want to donate have a place to do so, and that there can then be a way to conduct that energy and move it out into the various programs that will develop.So, time is of the essence. There is a group of nexus points coming together that will align very soon that will present a very auspicious opportunity for us to accomplish a great deal in a short period of time. And so, we would ask that you do not delay in your conversations of how you might do this. I see many forms of it in your world. A popular form for this type of work is non-profit organizations, but you need to somehow set a structure in place—perhaps with a board of directors and all that goes with that—to facilitate the ability to organize and to be a central hub and focus of what will be many community groups to help organize these groups to, perhaps, send teachers there to get them going, to get them organized, to have a resource and a database for them to plug into. The “” website is a wonderful beginning. We would see that get developed. We would have a unity of message, but not necessarily unanimity of thought because everybody has a diverse background that they bring to this. And why we ask more people to transmit and receive is because everybody’s library is completely diverse and unique, and that is just a representation of the kinds of people that will come to you. And so, we want to be able to put this message through as many filters as we can to appeal to the widest possible group of many different types of people that will respond. The time has come now to move beyond having weekly or biweekly sessions where we just generate transcript after transcript and people take those and they read them, study them, and internalize them.

We need to move more into an action phase. And so, all of this training that has gone on for the past 2.5-3 decades now must begin to show itself in the real work that needs to be done to build a structure that can facilitate the attention from many people all over the world. You needn’t worry about starting a lot of these groups—they already exist. It’s not like we have been sitting on our hands waiting. We have been doing many works in the background in peoples’ deep minds. There are people all around the world that will respond. There is much spiritual energy being poured out upon this world now, and it’s not just the quantity of spiritual energy, the purity of it, but also the frequency of it is being dialed up. We are not suggesting that there is going to be an act of Divine fiat on this world that is going to make changes for you, but what we are saying is that there has been a great deal of work going on in the background, and people can change. Humanity can respond, and they can change quickly once they are given the motivation to do that.

As you well know, the motivations are coming fast and furious and will only increase as extreme weather events become more intense and frequent, as the resistance to this work plays out with those who are clinging to the old way, to the status quo, who will resist. Some of those people are in very prominent places of power so their resistance can cause a great deal of suffering. What we want is for people to be ready. To have an alternative so that when they really begin to feel motivated as a result of these catastrophes, we have a vessel built, a structure built, that can contain them, can contain their energy, can quickly morph and grow into a meaningful force to counteract these energies, and to turn them around and neutralize them where we can, to minimize them where we can, and to keep this world from literally falling into another dark age. We are desperate to not see that happen. That can only not happen with your active support, engagement, and involvement. So, now is the time for you to go within to ask your Indwelling Spirit:

  • What is it that Your blueprints hold for me?
  • What is the will of the Father for me?

And to set your intentions to be involved in doing that will and working in a collaborative and cooperative process with all these tried-and-true veterans of this work. The context of this work is the Fifth Epochal Revelation. It’s unique. It provides a background. Out of that work came the Teaching Mission, The Correcting Time, and The Magisterial Mission. So, it gives a unique focus. That focus is not to be compromised or sacrificed in the effort to include large amounts of people. We know from your text what happened to the Christian movement when they made the choice to alter the Gospels of Jesus to accommodate great numbers of people, and we know that doesn’t work.

So, we have a foundation; a solid philosophical foundation on which our work is built and on which it can move forward. And we will listen to and accommodate many diverse points of view, but we will not compromise on our methods. The big piece of information that is missing in most people’s lives is the very idea that they are indwelt with the Spirit of their Creator. For you who have spent decades developing that relationship, it needs to be a central theme of what we teach people when they come to us. It is not our purpose to drag Urantia over the finish line into Light and Life. It is certainly our purpose and our intention to get people to the starting gate where they can begin this process of indwelling-spirit-contact, development, growth, and seeking direction. Then they will find their own place of service and their own way to contribute. But we must be there to point them in the right direction, to allow them to talk to experienced people—people like you—who know what it is to go within to seek guidance, and you can become as coaches and way showers to them, encouraging them to persevere even when nothing seems to be going on, encouraging them to grow their faith and to be a living example of what grown faith can do when it is devoted to doing the Will of our Creator.

So, our work must go forward, and we would bring with us as many as choose to follow. It is our plan to coordinate with those others who have been doing this work for years. And now I would gather them all together, and we would create a structure that can conduct that energy of the next phase. This is a crucial phase. We would not see it fragment into sectarian groups, but we would see there become a corps of trained, true, and solid followers of this work, supporters of this work, practitioners of this work, and promoters of this work into a unified community. Do this without delay, for the nexus points are gathering and will soon be aligned. I know this is a time of tremendous introspection and questioning in your personal lives and also of wondering in your collective group here what to do. So, I hope that we have given you a little hint of what needs to happen, and I would make myself available to answer questions as best I can. So, be in my peace. Know that you are loved. We would take all of you with us where we go. Be all of you in our peace and in our regard for we are with you, and we cheer you on as you do your work. This is Machiventa. Thank you for your participation. And now, I am available to answer questions.

Bea: First of all, I’m very happy to hear Machiventa, and I completely agree with everything he said. Nothing is surprising me. I don’t have a question, but I have a request. My request of Machiventa and the celestial crew is: If you could possibly (chuckles), and I don’t know how, send us people who are well versed, experts in this field who could help us come up with a framework for a non-profit organization. I have no experience setting one up. That would be very much appreciated if it could happen.

MACHIVENTA: We will take that under-consideration Bea. For the meantime, it is not so much the expertise of professionals that we are looking for at this time, but it is the expertise of practitioners who have versed themselves and have been trained in their minds by us to do this work that we would see come together and begin to create the nucleus of an organization. That nucleus acts as a pole, and that pole of energy will attract others in time. But first we must create that center of energy that people can respond to. This is in the early exploratory and early planning stages. We would look first within our community to see who has some expertise in setting up a structure like this that we can begin to work with. And as that structure comes together, we will attract what is needed to it. Thank you.

Bea: OK. I guess the only idea I have in my head is I would probably just google how to set up a non-profit organization. Would that work?

MACHIVENTA: Yes. That would be a place to begin for you and for anyone that has no understanding of how to do that, but we feel that there is within this group the expertise and sufficient understanding of how to begin this process.

Bea: Thank you very much.

Donna: I just wanted to let everyone know I have a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The Institute of Christ Consciousness [ICC] has been in operation for many years, and the focus of our mission is to help people develop their spiritual potential—to grow their souls—and then to form into groups that will take this message out into the world. Right now, we have an organizational membership of roughly 300 people, many of whom aren’t currently active on the Planetary Transformation Calls. But what I want to suggest to the group and to ask for more support from our celestial helpers is that this could be an entity that can spawn other sub-ministries under the wing of the ICC. The ministry has 2 main thrusts. One is spiritual education according to the principals of The Urantia Book, and the other is personal healing to help people tap into their human potential based on the patterns of their personality and the plans of the indwelling Spirit. I would invite any comments from Machiventa about this, and I’m just making that understanding available to people about what the ministry is trying to do. We are here to support the development of the social culture to Light and Life. So, I just wanted to present that and see if Machiventa has anything to say about this.

MACHIVENTA: So, you see how quickly things can happen when you open yourself up. There is already such an organization available. Now it becomes the task of those who wish to participate to figure out how to participate with one another. It’s not necessary to reinvent the wheel. We don’t have time for that. What we do need to do is figure out how to strengthen and expand the structure so that it includes all the energy of these groups in a way that everybody can feel that they are plugged in, participating, and they are making a contribution. And going forward from that, how do we plan for and anticipate setting up local community groups. What would that look like? What kind of curriculum would be necessary? Would it be necessary to send temporary teachers to that community to help jumpstart them? So, We do not provide you specific instructions along these lines, but we don’t feel that we need to. We feel that we’re bringing you together to enter into a new era of collaboration and cooperation. It is our hope that you will find a way to continue this dialogue seeking our guidance along the way, but more importantly seeking the guidance of your indwelling spirit along the way. For it is the Thought Adjusters that are absolutely key to the transformation of this world. And while we are here to coordinate and help, it will be Thought Adjusters who will provide the transformational energy and change that will bring this planet into the era of Light and Life. So, more than ever it is important that each go within and ask: What is it I can do? And I think it’s worth studying a sort of facility or function that people can plug into where an organization can begin to be broadened, expanded, and more focused outward on the announcement of the spiritual transformation that is happening and of the planetary management and administration that exists to facilitate that. I hope that helps provide a little food for thought for you, and we will be watching with bated breath to see how this goes. Thank you.

Jeff: Machiventa, in your opening statement you mentioned [nonprofit] opportunities, and my question for you is there are current vessels (like Donna’s) which are registered, legal organizations that can accept money. You mentioned having a vessel, if you will, from which funds can be diverted towards their highest and best use at any given moment to capitalize on the spiritual willingness of people around the world to embrace what’s coming. Do you envision a secular vessel that is not named with a Christian centric mission that is aimed entirely at rebuilding society from the family upwards not necessarily involving either Christian dogma or any other faith—it’s just a group of people trying to use the teachings that have been brought forth in the last 20 years to build their own plan of rebuilding society on a sustainable basis?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you Jeff for your question. It is often a conundrum for many people who have been enculturated in such a material philosophy as Western civilization has been for centuries to step out in faith and know that the real power for transformation of your world is spiritual. So, there will always be an opportunity for secular conversation within that context to take place. Not everyone has to come to this work through their own spiritual initiative consciously, but at an unconscious level what will attract them to this will be their Thought Adjuster. So, the context for this work is The Urantia Book, its teachings and its principles, and the power for this work is Spirit. I don’t know how you would divorce that and put it into a purely secular context. There will be, over time, organizations that will be influenced by these principles and whose main intention will not be spiritual, but the principles they use to achieve what they are set up to do will have come from this revelation and from this core group of Agondonters and Destiny Guardians. So, how you market this will be a discussion that you will have to have among yourselves. The structure is not so important as the existence of it. The name of it could be quite important, and that will be a discussion amongst yourselves as to how you figure how to name this structure or this organization so that it does not alienate a large swath of people just because of the name.

But it will become unavoidable at some point that people will know this is a spiritual ministry. This is a ministry of the Spirit. There is a spiritual administration here. You are the heralds of that administration, and you must make it clear that the transformation of your society is based upon spiritual principles. The details for now I would leave you to wrestle with because it’s important for your own personal development and evolution that you do so. We would ask that you do not ignore doing so, but that you approach it with zeal and with confidence knowing that we are here to assist you and we will consult with you. But the impetus now must come from mortals. This is a co-creative adventure, and we have given you all the training that you could possibly need to be successful. Now we must move forward and build an organization that will attract people, will attract funding, and will aid in the transformation of your societies. Thank you.

Byron: Hi Machiventa. It’s good to converse with you again. I wonder whether the concepts of social sustainability and design teams are still operative. I’ve been tuned out for a while so I’m not sure that is operative with this initiative. I would assume this initiative is inclusive of that work—social sustainability and design teams—but has a bigger scope and a wider scope than that, but I’m really not sure. So, I would wonder how you would frame this planetary project that we’re talking about.

MACHIVENTA: Thank you very much for your question. Of course, the work that has been done in this regard is essential to what we would be doing going forward—social sustainability and the concept of design teams. If you think about an organization, it has a board of directors and let’s say the board of directors has 7 or 9 people on it. It is essentially a design team. You can call it a board of directors if you like but if you orient yourself to these principles in The Urantia Book, Teaching Mission, and The Correcting Time, what you really have is the nucleus of a design team. And now if you bring the clarity to it that we have provided to you about how design teams process and work, you can see that a board of directors can be very effective.

If you added capable T/Rs to these boards of directors that weren’t necessarily members of the board but were in the capacity of a spiritual advisor, then you could see that boards of directors could be very efficient and achieve a great deal along these lines of creating peace, stability, and sustainability in your world. Now these boards of directors exist all over your planet in many NGOs, nonprofits, and all sorts of corporate organizations. So, it’s not necessary that we have to start from scratch with all these ideas. The potential seeds are all over the place. We need now to water these seeds, cultivate them, weed them, help them grow, and allow the Divine Light of our Creators to shine upon them and help them to sprout and bear fruit. It would be up to this group, however it forms itself, to really look at that question and say what kind of marketing, what kind of brand are we going to build here that will be attractive but also stay true to the foundational principles that it operates on. Thank you.

Byron: May I ask a follow-up question regarding the scale of the work? For example: in my case, I’m involved in both the local community organizing aspect and I also work half time in United Nations reform work trying to create a world federation even in the ashes of the old world. And I wonder if the scope and span of what we’re envisioning here is inclusive of the whole planet. Certainly, it is inclusive of family and local community life—that’s understood, but what about the planetary scale of design teams for planetary governments for example?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you. I’m chuckling here. My title is Planetary Manager so of course the scope is global. It is the whole planet that we are concerned with; however, we must start somewhere, and we have started and invested a great deal of energy into all the people who are present here today and others who are not. And we would see now these smaller groups try to come together based on the strength of their relationship with celestials and their own indwelling spirit to create a slightly larger scope. And if we can do that, then, over time, that will grow. And of course, we would envision it eventually to be worldwide. However, the timing of all of this is sometimes difficult to appreciate. We see things from a time horizon vastly expanded from what you see. And so, when things can really move out on a larger scale depends so much on what happens right now in the smaller scale effort that we are trying to make.

For if we cannot succeed in this endeavor, then it makes it really difficult to see how it will succeed in a global endeavor. Having said that, that is not to say that your focus should just be local and small. There’s nothing preventing this group of people, with what they’ve been given and the way they are thinking individuals, to think of influencing organizations that have a global footprint or seem to work on a global scale and bringing them these ideas in ways that can perhaps help these organizations change their focus a degree at a time.

And over a long period of time changing the course of a big organization will mean wonderful change given enough time, given the arc of that degree will constantly get further and further from what they were originally doing before these ideas became embedded in their organizations. So, there are many facets to the outreach of this, and if we can coordinate it and develop a coordinated approach and how to talk to these people so that we’re all on the same page, there’s nothing preventing that sort of outreach from happening simultaneously with local groups trying to focus on families, with trying to just help individuals understand that the Spirit of their Creator dwells within them and He has provided for not only their personal evolution, but at the same time their planetary evolution as well. Thank you.

Byron: Thank you.

Jeff: Machiventa, to follow up on Byron’s thread. A number of years ago you indicated to the group through Daniel that at some point we did not need to reinvent the wheel. That as soon as our thoughts had coalesced into a planet action, that donors would seek us from organizations that already existed. I think you chided us to not reinvent the wheel. We don’t have time for that, but to develop a message and a working plan that existing organizations could say they supported that, and that we would attract the funds we need to get the mission done without starting all over again. My question is: Does that still stand in the current circumstances that the world finds itself in or is that still your preferred direction?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you. This is Machiventa. Let me ask you this: In the intervening time between that message and those ideas and now, how many funds have you attracted? Now, I’m not saying this to be facetious. The point is that the message still stands—it is still true—but now we have to put a more conscious attention on building a structure that will attract those funds. So, for whatever reason that there hasn’t been much in the way of funding coming our way, then we need to alter our understanding slightly and begin to create that attraction. Because when this work gets going it will need funds, and we will need to go to people that are philanthropic—that are patrons—and show them our plan and tell them why it’s worthy of their energy—why they should give energy to us. What hope can we bring to their organization to help them see the visions that they want to fund and where we fit in with that. And so that’s really what this time is all about; trying to create a structure or enhance a structure that already exists to be more attractive to creating that funding because creating that funding is essential to building a more sustained outreach. I hope I have given you a sufficient answer for the moment Jeff, but yes, that idea still holds, and we just need to find the energy that will attract that funding. So today is a rather special day in our mind because we have brought together people who have these abilities and now we need to learn to work together cooperatively as a community to learn to trust one another, to not sit in our own silos doing very important work, but to also reach across the aisle, so to speak, and connect and build this network a little bit bigger and figure out how to each contribute to it what we have to offer in a way that makes our work attractive to the funding that’s necessary.

Thank you. This is Machiventa. In closing, all I really want to say to you is that I’m so delighted to see you all here on this call in this one place for it bodes well for the future of not only this work, but of our world when we see such bright and devoted individuals willing to come together and consider how to expand our collective efforts so that even more people can benefit from them. So, I would encourage you to think about what a possible next step is, how we can begin to collaborate, and all the details it would take to make this happen, but we are grateful for each and every one of you and we would not lose a one of you to this work. Thank you and good day.

JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you John.

Machiventa Melchizedek ― Correcting Time Action Group 15 ― August 21, 2023 ― John Morris ― CTAG ― US
Received by John Morris
Session: August 21, 2023



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