Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
Transmitter/Receiver: John Morris
Invocation: JT
May 27, 2024
MACHIVENTA: Good morning. This is Machiventa, your Planetary Prince. I am here as a representative of our universe sovereign, Christ Michael. I represent the ever-descending sons of light to the material worlds of time.
In the course of the evolution of human mind, there comes a moment when that mind can comprehend a larger understanding of the context in which it exists. Mind on Urantia has come to this point. The pull of spiritual gravity has drawn thinking mortals to seek for the truth of their existence and the purpose for their life. There is a hunger on Urantia for a greater understanding of what life is about. The current status of affairs on this world no longer makes sense to an ever-increasing number of its inhabitants. It is time to end this confusion and to make forever clear humanity's place in creation.
This is why I have asked you to make my presence known; and along with this, all the ideas of how to create sustainable families, societies, and civilizations. Where does the power lie to accomplish this? Let me quote from your Urantia Book text. “Intelligence may control the mechanism of civilization, wisdom may direct it, but spiritual idealism is the energy which really uplifts and advances human culture, from one level of attainment to another.” I believe this is in Paper 81:6.27.
The Spirit is the source of the power to effect the needed change now on your world. A secular approach will only do so much and will not by itself accomplish the needed results. While we work on many fronts, we must not neglect the spiritual approach to our work. By announcing my presence and presenting a spiritual context for secular ideas we are creating a holism in which this work can exist and tap into the spiritual hunger and longing of humanity and become a soul-satisfying experience for advancing mortal thinking.
There is much latent creativity waiting for expression and we must channel this energy into positive venues of expression. This is our present task—to put a spiritual context around the budding creativity of human evolution, and direct humanity's ever-expanding search for truth, beauty, and goodness in productive directions that will resonate with the longing within each thinking mortal and provide them with a vision of a world settled in peace, cooperation, loving kindness, and love. If you think this is utopia, consider the option of dystopia in an ever-increasingly violent and eventually destructive alternative of allowing greed and materialism to ultimately destroy your world. I am not alarmist. I am not fear mongering. I am here to affect the continued evolvement of Urantia into the era of light and life: your planet's destiny. Now I need the free will participation of the citizens of Urantia to consciously assist in uplifting Urantia out of the effects of the Lucifer rebellion into the light of a new dispensation of peace and sustainability. Thank you. Now, if you have questions, let's entertain them.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you, John.
Deborah: All right. Thank you. Well, Machiventa, while you were speaking, I thought, well, I could use that phrase, and I could say it that way. And I thought I should write an article for my paper's faith section and announce the very things that you're talking about. Now, I've written articles in there before, and this would be quite a unique one.
So, I was wondering if you have some advice on how I could open up that article, you know, how can I draw people of different religions into what I'm going to say that kind of builds on what they already believe. That's my question.
MACHIVENTA: Yes. Thank you Deborah. Yes. These ideas of how to attract people, to connect with their curiosity, is done quite well through the sharing of personal stories. How is it that you came to this understanding of the context of how you see your spiritual life? Share that with them. And be not afraid of how they might receive it, but simply be honest with people and tell them about the joy that you're discovering, the hope that is in your breast that you would share with them and humanity at large. That positive vibration, will be well received. Thank you.
Recca: Thank you. Good morning, Machiventa, on this beautiful Oregon morning. I am a member of a board of directors which is in contention right now, in animosity, but which has to move forward. And I'm taking just the tip of your opening statement as bringing a spiritual aspect to a secular, board meeting atmosphere. Do you have any suggestions for me [on how to do that]?
MACHIVENTA: Yes. Good morning to you, Recca on this beautiful Oregon morning. It’s so nice to see you here.
Boards of directors can be wonderful cauldrons for the triggering of unaware, unexpected biases and pain bodies that you have within you as each of you struggle to bring your passion for a project to fruition. Usually when conflict arises in such situations, there is a cross-current of purpose. It's good to go back to ground zero and examine your vision and your mission statements and see what it is that drew you together into creating a board and having a particular project or mission that you feel you want to accomplish. Because without a unity of purpose and a wholehearted support of that purpose, it's difficult to move beyond contention.
In your relationship to those on your board, regard them with love, with compassion. And know that no matter what you have in terms of differences of opinion, you are brothers and sisters in a spiritual sense. That doesn't always mean you will reconcile differences to the point of being able to work out these clashes of purpose, but it should bring clarity to the individuals if they are sufficiently spiritually mature and aware as to what the issue is for them personally and what it is they need to work on in their own practice. Because that is the secret, really, to remaining in a harmonious relationship with one another. As imperfect beings, we will at times, each in turn, fall into a position of less than love with one another, and we will contend with one another from the point of view of our egos. It's a great gift because it shows you exactly what it is that you need to work on. And if you can accept that as a gift, and do that work, you can experience in a short time great personal growth.
So, in terms of your contention on your board, it takes a real vulnerability and courage for someone to be the leader; to call for a timeout and say, let's reflect here and see what it is that is presenting the issue, get a clear understanding of it. Let's see how that aligns with our mission and vision statement. And encourage each member to take that time for spiritual reflectivity and to truly seek for guidance in how best to resolve it that is in line with their understanding, at this moment, of their Creator’s will for them. I hope that that helps, Recca. If you have further questions on that, please ask.
Recca: That’s very telling, for me. Thank you, Machiventa. I have, in moments of trial and personal impatience with these board members, had to step back and view our group as being on the Morontia worlds, the transition worlds, and recalling our activities here on the planet, viewing our little group here as a transition world recovery group. And that has helped me to see our mission and our vision for the transformation of this community center in a broader sense that is in line with our Urantian goals for cooperation. It is a telling point in our community right now, that cooperation is not a high option.
If I may ask one more question, I’d like to balance all of the work that I’m doing in this community board with the overwhelming work that I have at my own little piece of property (11 acres of agriculture and forest). Could you give me some comments on your observation of how I’ve handled it so far, alone, and how I could be more balanced in my personal work and my public work?
MACHIVENTA: Certainly. Thank you, Recca, for your willingness to open yourself up in a personal way to talk about your personal life and your personal growth and spiritual efforts.
In everyone's life, as far as mortals on this world are concerned, you have within you the perfect guide. And so, what I would suggest (not just for you, Recca, but for everyone) is, if you're not already doing so, you need to be able to find a way to access this guidance. This guidance that you have within you is personal. It's unique. It understands your personality. It knows what you need. And it has with it the perfect plan for your accomplishment of all these lessons that you're currently involved in and yet to get involved in.
The answer really lies within. Set aside some time, and I would suggest it's the first thing you do in the morning upon waking and getting dressed and go into the stillness and truly dedicate yourself to trying to connect with your indwelling spirit. There are many ways to do this. Some use music, some use a beautiful natural setting, some just use the written word of inspiring spiritual literature to kind of get into a space that focuses their mind. But I would suggest to anyone that if you lack the idea of how to do it, that you simply just try to do it and learn how to discipline your mind, so that eventually, if you persevere, you will come to a place of feeling that divine presence. And if you truly and sincerely in your heart desire to do the will of your creator, then you will begin to be guided into what that is for you. Is it more work on your property? Is it less work in your public realm or is it the opposite? Maybe the property’s become too big for you to handle, and you want to have less time taking care of it and more time doing other things. You will get clear if you consistently persevere in seeking your Thought Adjuster's guidance for you.
This is the cusp that this world sits on. This is the wonderful transition area and opportunity that awaits this world. People want to see outside of themselves for confirmation of who they are and that they're loved. When we talk about these high spiritual ideals of conscious contact with the spirit of the First Source and Center, and a personal plan for the evolution of your life, a lot of people can become okay with that and have an idea of it in their mind. But they have yet to have enough faith to persevere in making it a real experience in their heart: a really heartfelt experience of connection. Because when you can do that, you begin to sense that you are unconditionally loved by your creator, exactly the way you are, and that everything you've done, whether you have regrets or feel guilt or remorse about, is forgiven. All of it is simply a lesson.
And you may spend time in early stillness practice sorting through those lessons and bringing the trauma of those lessons to the light of divine love, so that they can dissipate, you can be relieved of them, and you don't drag them around behind you anymore. That is part of what Jesus meant when he said, the truth shall set you free.
When you truly feel connected and loved unconditionally as a child of life, this is how you begin to bring your ego back into a proper perspective. Because everything that's happening on your board is simply a contest of wills and position taking amongst egos. And people are looking outside of themselves for confirmation, of being loved, of being worthy. Depending on how their ideas are received, they want to contend with another, instead of simply just accepting the grace in every present moment. Just simply allow yourself to be present as love and allow it all to play. Each is responsible for their own personal growth and decision-making, and where you get that guidance is where you find the real answer to your question, Recca. Thank you.
Recca: That was pretty darn good. Thank you. Thank you very much. And I'd like to thank the efforts of the Teaching Mission and the Correcting Time teachers from when I started experiencing your guidance from back in 1989. I can attest to a faith fact that my confidence in learning the lessons through the transcripts has gradually, not precipitously, brought me to a faith in our progress on this planet. And I'm dealing with this small group of five other people right now, which is just a microcosm of our world. I appreciate your guidance today, Machiventa. Thank you. I'm finished.
MACHIVENTA: You're most welcome. Thank you, Recca.
JT: It seems the most common invitation we get from people to interact with them is for a conflict. Now they just want a piece of information from you so they can classify you as a friend or foe.
Recca: I hope to bring some peace and equilibrium tomorrow to our annual board meeting and to our continuing board meeting. And I'll apply what I've heard you say today, and all of everyone’s support. Thank you.
MACHIVENTA: A further suggestion for you tomorrow, Recca.
Recca: Yes?
MACHIVENTA: We have this sort of idealistic teaching on the seven core values. But if you appeal to each member of your board on the basis of those values, knowing that they're innate to them, that whether they're aware of it or not, it's also in their DNA. And you can say, “Let us talk about what we all want. Do we all not want equal access to opportunities? To grow to the limits of our potential and provide a quality life for ourselves and our families? And if that's truly what we all want, then instead of emphasizing our differences, why don't we work together to cooperate. I'll help you get what you want, and you help me get what I want? Then the discussion really should be, how do we do that? And see if you can find some cooperation around these values. I offer that as a suggestion for you. Thank you.
Recca: Thank you. I'll try that. I hope I have the...well, I'll ask for access to that, to the speaking. You know, I can run off at the mouth. I'll try not to run off my mouth tomorrow. Thank you. (Laughter)
JT: Any other questions for Machiventa? (Pause) Looks like that's all we have today. Machiventa. Do you have a closing for us? We appreciate your being here.
MACHIVENTA: Yes. Thank you. Where does the answer lie when conflict arises? How to solve issues on an interpersonal level, and how to be at peace within ourselves? These are all questions that this world is dealing with. You see it in families, you see it in organizations of all kinds, you see it within communities and nations, and you see it within the nations of the world: a great deal of conflict. And when the ego is left to run the show, there will always be nothing but conflict. For that is the legacy of 200,000 plus years of Lucifer's false idea of liberty, and the result of trying to give immature, imperfect mortals self-liberty before they've actually earned it.
Everybody's assuming ultimate absolute liberty for themselves, without any regard to what the effect is on others. Contention is the result. That contention can spark into unimaginable violence. This is where I say that spirit is the power. As the part goes, so goes the whole. As the whole goes, so goes the part. Right now, the real power for each part in this world to contribute to a more peaceful whole is that they know that the true power to find the happiness, the joy that they're so desperately
seeking in the outer world, does in fact lie within them. They need nothing more but to go within and have faith that they can find the answers that they're looking for. This is not a doctrine, this is not a theology, this is simply truth. And that truth can be experienced throughout every culture in this world, under any thought system in these cultures. It doesn't need to be presented in just one way. It can be adapted. People need to know they have choice. They need to be redirected in their thought patterns. As within, so without. This is why the Thought Adjuster is named that.
In my closing, I want to share with you a short transcript from the Teaching Mission. And this is one of the reasons why I also would like to see this body of knowledge preserved. These lessons have been given over and over again, from many different facets, many different points on the compass, so that many different kinds of minds can open to them and can receive them. This particular transcript comes from a T/R called Lytsky. She wrote a wonderful book, The Guiding Light Within. [The transcript is] called “Godward with Right Thinking.”
I will leave you with this, spoken from the point of view of the Thought Adjuster.
“Where your attention is, that is where your heart is. You are still very scattered in your thinking, and so you are very unaware of my presence. Discipline yourself to live in a greater awareness. Try to always focus your attention on the work at hand. First of all, in this manner, your attention to details will become sharper and your thinking capabilities clearer instead of diminishing with the aging process, as is now an almost worldwide accepted truth. This accepted theory points out that older people are prone to forgetfulness and all kinds of mental maladies. This is not necessarily true. More attention needs to be given to the quality of thoughts and the discipline of thinking. As the saying goes, thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. It follows that negative thoughts attract negative vibrations. Positive thoughts attract positive vibrations. As a man or a woman thinketh, he or she becomes. Secondly, another important aspect of healthy and clean thinking is, of course, the moral code one lives by. Do unto others as you would like to be treated. Likewise, you must love each other, since you are each other at your spiritual root source. Thirdly, the quality of food one imbibes is what the delicate balance of the chemical electrical mechanism of the brain mind rests upon. Drugs and alcohol are denatured food. They may result in misfiring, and over long periods these affect the delicate balance, resulting in the weakening of the cognitive areas of the brain. Each of these three points is worthy of contemplation. There are many others that will be revealed in time to come.
Your concern and mine rest upon your free will dedication to enlarge your focusing and listening skills when you come to me in the stillness of your heart so I can nurture you in my love and fertilize and lead your thoughts Godward with right thinking. So come and practice this most important skill.”
Now, the reason I share this with you is because this is an illustration of the richness of the treasures that this generation has been entrusted with. It doesn't have to be reinvented, it simply needs to be shared more widely so that people can access what they need, what their Thought Adjusters are guiding them to, so they can continue this process of evolution in their minds and their hearts and their ability to become the very thing they seek: To be at peace within, and to be at peace with those around you. In such a peaceful environment, this loving-kindness will grow exponentially. Then this world can change from one of being locked in the mind-patterns of separation from Spirit into the acknowledgement of the possibility of experiencing connection, even now, in this mortal life. So, I wish you all pleasant growth and connection with Spirit. And I look forward to our next time together. Thank you.
James: Thank you, Machiventa. And thank you, John.
Machiventa Melchizedek ― Mission Urantia – 12 ― May 27, 2024 ― John Morris ― US
Received by John Morris
Session: May 27, 2024