Mission Urantia - 9

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
Transmitter/Receiver: Mark Rogers
Invocation: JT

April 15, 2024

JT: Since John can’t be with us today, I opened the meeting to anybody who wanted to do some transmitting, especially encouraging new people to do it. Mark Rogers volunteered to start things off, and Kona may join us later to exercise her T/R skills. Mark, do you have anything?

Mark: Sure. Yeah. And I'm following my assumption that we're trying to maintain contact with Machiventa in this forum.

JT: That's fine.

Mark: So, if that's the vision, then we can do that first, yeah.

JT: That's good.

Mark: Okay. I usually need to condition my own environment briefly with an actual welcome that I extend to Machiventa to join us in this process and to state my intention to be an instrument of peace for his use in this forum. So be it.

MACHIVENTA: Indeed, I will accept your invitation once again my loyal and faithful comrades in this mission that we share together. I am Machiventa keeping my promise that if you build it, we will come. And in fact, you have been engaged earnestly and dedicatedly toward this process. I can hardly extend the gratitude from myself and our whole side of the team on the other side of the veil, if you will, to participate together to act as if this is real thus creating this reality. Absolutely, if you build the construct, if you build the platform, if you build the arena, then I have promised that we will attend. We will join you in this process and support you in every way possible. So, I return again to honor your form here and to once again establish the connection and affirm the bond that we are enjoying and creating even now in this process.

I know that this group in particular is earnest and eager to receive marching orders and proceed forward on this grand mission that we envision in the process together, and I wholeheartedly support the enthusiasm to be about this business of Michael's mission. When conducting any business, it is important to know your customers, to know your audience, and to be able to read such an audience and determine your best approach based upon their level of awareness and their position at this point. Therefore, it becomes incumbent upon a group such as this to be sensitive to those who are the intended audience. These intended participants must be met where they are, so to speak, and brought to where you are, so to speak. This process here is best accomplished not from revelation from on high being dispersed second hand. Rather, this new evolution and growth cycle will involve the representation of the new reality in time and space by you, the participants, and you are the ones who will tell the story of how you got here, of how we are here, and of our purpose in spreading this gospel truth. It is you who will be the face behind the message. I will never be the face behind any message. If it comes through a mortal source such as yourselves, it then belongs to the mortal consciousness. The entire Akashic construct becomes available to all when any make a contribution to it. So, an enormous role that you get to play in this unfolding process is to represent, to be the truth that you know. To portray it in human terms—your own words. Share your experience and share your wisdom as a fellow sojourner on the seeking journey.

This is how this message will best be communicated; through your fellows, through you to your peers. Such things as blogs and conversations provide more insight for people because they are genuine, real human experience, human emotion, human understanding. This can be transferred. This is available to other humans once it has been discovered. Now, you that have discovered this new level of truth, beauty, and goodness now must translate this into the sharing of a personal experience which will be wildly attractive. Those personal experiences are what go viral. Those individual unique encounters are what is so significant in the thought stream of man—not words that come from an established text that must be ingested, processed, and interpreted individually, but rather actual spirit connection and communication with that part of your being. That experience as a mortal of being spirit is what the world needs to hear.

This is the phase we are at where your fellows are waking up to the fact that they are dual-nature beings—that it is their birthright to have a component of spiritual nature. This is where no amount of inspiration from on high will provide or have the same impact as a fellow describing their real-time, real-life experience of finding spirit. It is not so important to be able to define the many ways you may have discovered these spiritual truths. Your path will be individual. Their path will be individual, but the point is your sharing your path inspires others to do it as well. If it happened to you, it may happen to them. So, while the focus of this website is certainly a center for messages from myself in advance of impending changes ahead, this platform also extends the vast opportunity for personal sharing. That is what the many lost souls are seeking—connection—to be heard, to be understood, to share in common experience. Fellowship, If you will.

This is what it is your privilege to embody. This is what you get to do while you still have breath to do it. And it is that simple. The statement of your spiritual attainment cannot be argued with, cannot be wrong, cannot be improper. It is nothing but truth, beauty, and goodness manifest. Therefore, you should feel quite emboldened to stand on your feet as a spiritualized being, and recount as is appropriate what works for you into the matrix so that it may become an option for others, how it feels to you to be connected so they may recognize the sensation, how it has changed your life knowing certain spiritual truths. These are what make great change, great change starting with the individuals such as yourselves and moving into a group awareness and consciousness. So, while this website is a proclamation that There is a Plan, that we have contact, that I will supply some insights along the way, but this platform is a human function. You are the faces that will be seen. You are the ones who must become these truths and represent them as best you can. This is the service you provide. To be that which you have found. And trust me, the evidence of such findings, of such growth, are overwhelmingly obvious. They are an attractive force where your fellows will want to know why you are so peaceful, so happy, so content with this human life.

Thank you for allowing this opportunity. It's always a pleasure to take you up on your offer. This does come down to a joint effort. Without your effort, certainly no such meeting would exist. I trust we will meet again regularly, as we are both all-committed to this process at hand. And for that commitment and for your faith we are truly grateful. Farewell.

JT: Thank you Machiventa. Thank you. Mark. He said farewell. So, I guess questions are not really in order.

Sal: Well, that was very rewarding. I can agree, and I'm sure we can all agree, with what was said. And on that side of the veil, watching what's going on on this side of the veil is quite different to seeing how the world is reacting to the leadership that is in place now. And it's really hard to change the path of a stampeding herd of elephants running through the jungle. Trying to get somebody to think like we do is a challenge [much less] getting somebody to see what you see. I can't get my son to play bridge with me or learn the game. I can't get people to see what I see in reading The Urantia Book. I mean, there's a level of where everybody's at right now, and I, like everybody here, has an idea of how it should be run and making more websites, more vehicles of communication is good, but, you know, I, I look at quality, not quantity in what we're doing. And I don't know what website is going to become the website that monetarily we all support. And I look at that like a government and I hate to pound on that subject of getting together in a way of a government with leadership on this side of the fence. And I think I voiced my opinion about playing bridge and making that a vehicle to communicate online and at home. So, you got any comments on that or anybody else? I mean, I've talked a lot before. We're recording now. So, I think I've said my piece.

JT: Well, certainly Bridge is a social situation, and any social situation can be used for growth of relationships.

Sal: Well, it activates the adjutant mind spirits. The five animal ones for sure. For Courage, Counseling, Intuition, Understanding, and Intelligence. I mean, there's a lot to the game. And you can play online and like Bridge Urantia. I like the idea and I'm going to propagate that.

Deborah: That would be something good to have a link to on the website, so anyone who's visiting could actually check it out.

Sal: Well, I think we all should learn how to play the game of life. And playing Bridge is one of the games of life that you guys laughed at when I first mentioned it a couple of times.

Deborah: Oh, don't be sensitive just because we were lighthearted about it.

Sal: We all have our buttons.

Deborah: Well, I think Mark was trying to say something.

Mark: I was just going to comment on how your comments reflecting on how hard it is to know your audience, you know, to actually meet people where they are at, because it may be difficult for us to understand where they are at, you know. To be able to empathize to that point where they, you know, we could see totally where they're coming from. And so, boy, what a challenge, you know, and even if you think you can read the crowd, you find yourself duped, you know. It's easy to be misguided out there because there's a lot of deceitfulness.

JT: Yeah. I've never felt I lived in a society where what's true matters less. People just don't care about the truth anymore. I sound like an old man now.

Bea: Well, for some people I think it's difficult to discern the truth, but I agree with what Mark said. I was going to respond to you, Sal, about what you said about it's hard to unify. By the same token, though, I think, prior to unification, we're going to have to get through the stage of respecting each other for our different beliefs—even if one side or one party thinks the other is wrong. Because if we're not able to respect where somebody is coming from, or that they're innocently coming from the wrong place, or maybe they're coming from the right place and we're wrong, I don't think we're going to be able to unify. Unification to me implies that you really have to respect—everybody has to respect—other people's opinions and recognize that at the end of the day, we're not all going to be thinking the same. But if we can get each other on the same set of values, that's a starting point, right? But beyond like, say, the basic seven core values that the Celestials are trying to promote there is still going to be diversity of thought. And that's actually a question I would like to ask Machiventa if he's still here. During the days of Light and Life, will there still be diversity of thought? And what would that look like? What does a planet that is in the days of Light and Life look like? What does it look like on a planet that has established itself in the days and Light and Life? I'm sure there has to be some diversity, otherwise it would be pretty boring, don't you think?

Mark: Unity, not uniformity.

Bea: Exactly. Unity without uniformity. That's one of the main messages of the book too.

Mark: Right. And we just had recently.... I will go ahead and take this opportunity to share first that we have recently had a lesson from Machiventa about this very question of how can truth be so relative here? Because now we don't even agree, necessarily, on what the truth is. And how has it gotten to a point where it's been so obscured? I mean, so now we have alternative facts. We have strange things that never existed before. And so now it comes back to agreeing on the basic values. As you said before—what values are you going to discern this by? And we have become comfortable with accessing divine values. We want to know what the highest truth is, the most beauty, the best goodness. We want divine values when we seek. And so that points us in a certain direction of spirit, where we find our answers through our stillness, our meditation, and our contact, fortunately, with celestials. However, our brothers and sisters out there who have not found this avenue of spirit approach where you find spirit answers are left with the material approach, with only material answers. It's a real bridge. It's a gulf there that we have to acknowledge exists. And what it is, according to Machiventa, is these are the final throes of the Lucifer rebellion. This is exactly the mindset that caused the entire Lucifer rebellion, and that is not looking to divinity for purpose, for reason, and instead saying, well, we'll decide what's right. We'll decide what's good. We'll decide what's beautiful. That was Lucifer.

And so that and we're seeing the last vestiges of that raising their ugly head right now in the final throes of extinction. Because when you choose away from divine source with each choice (which you're allowed to do) you become less real. You move away from God. If you choose away from God enough, you cease to exist. You can't survive choosing away from God over and over again. So, it has the seeds of its own destruction in it, but it's not gone yet. And we're seeing one last tailspin here of me, myself, and I—that's all that matters. And we know that that is not the way of spirit. So, it's hard to reconcile how those people... That's their “truth.” People that don't believe like us, it's still their “truth.” So, we’ve got to lean on our truth that we know from spirit, from divine source rather than the news.

So, I think that that was our question a week or two ago: how does all this duality, the relativeness, exist on this world? It's all going to be there. It's all part of the plan, but the choosing away from God just creates the cessation of existence. And that's what's happening before our eyes. But we have to put up with the consequences of that which are not too good.

Bea: May I add something? I think that, unfortunately, the human lifetime is really too short for everyone to see the full, full consequences of a rebellion mindset. Like we're really not here long enough. And I think that's probably part of the problem that, you know, you can live on this planet and do well in a Luciferian mindset. You still can. I mean, it's going to be harder and harder to do that I agree. But, you know, there are plenty of opportunities for the competitive me-myself-and-I mindset on this planet. And I think it's unfortunate that it's difficult for people to be very farseeing in what the consequences are for the whole, and even that many people don't really consider the whole. In fact, they just consider themselves. They consider people like themselves, and they identify themselves into groups and compare themselves to other groups. And I guess the day when, you know, when we're able to unify people on a set of common human values, that'll be the start of something very, very new. And I think that's what people are trying, like the Celestials are trying, knowing how divided this planet is on ideology and a lot of things, they're trying to find things that actually will unify humans. And I think those core values that we are born with that are actually in our instincts are probably the best chance we have; that and convincing people that God is not separate from us, that he is accessible to us through our mind, right? Those two things are the two things that will be setting us on the path to (I like the way they say it) the path to the early days of Life and Life. In other words, it's a long, long road ahead.

Mark: Everything is long to us who are just here for a blink of an eye, right?

Sal: Right.

Bea: But once we pass to the other side, I think our vision is at least temporarily... I don't know what exactly happens on the other side, but I think I do believe anyway, in my own belief, I do believe we have greater sight when we're in spirit.

Mark: Right. Oh, absolutely. And let me float this out there for consideration: If we want to get our truth, beauty, and goodness from spirit, from the divine source, how do we get people to know to do that? Where that is? What that is? You know, how to do that.

The thing is that recognition, that association with your indwelling divine fragment creates that bridge that you need to be able to get the answers from the divine. And so, if we can get them to realize at first, that they have this divine point within, and that, second, it's attainable that you can actually work with it—you can find a way to get your answers and your inspiration through this divine source. In which case there'll be no miscommunication.

Bea: Okay. Less miscommunication. I cannot hear my Thought Adjuster. I'll just say that right out. I cannot hear spirit, at least in words, right? So, it's hard. Like I use a different method maybe of discernment than someone else, but I just think that as humans, since even the relationship with the Thought Adjuster is a journey in and of itself, for me anyway. I don't know about other people. I cannot say: "Okay, Thought Adjuster, I want you to talk to me like right now." It doesn't happen for me like that. So, I mean, that itself—the journey to being able to contact your Thought Adjuster directly and be confident that you are—is, to me, a journey of myself, right? So, I see that, you know, even if we do teach people how to talk to their Thought Adjusters, there is still going to be a variation of interpretations out there, right? But the thing is, at least the ultimate goal that we have of that Thought Adjuster is going to be the same across the board. That's the beauty of it because if we are all focusing on our Thought Adjusters, we are all focusing on the Creator, the Source, the same, the same thing, right? So eventually if everyone does that, we will find greater unity just because of that.

Bea: I still think there's going to be some, you know, disagreements. right? Like, because I can't even, like, sometimes I have a hard time discerning myself. So, I can just imagine other people who are aware of the Thought Adjuster but are still struggling, you know, to really know… I can't hear him. So then, how do I discern? You know, I know, I know he's in my mind, I know I have a Thought Adjuster, and if I look back in my life, I've probably known that all along. Nobody just gave me a name for this, right? But by the same token, I think a lot of people do know there is something, they just might not have heard the term “Thought Adjuster” or had it described as an indwelling presence of God, but I think there are lots of children and other people that know they have an instinct within themselves. Some ascribe it to their guardian angel or to whatever, whatever. But I do believe a lot of people have that.

Mark: Oh yes, and like you say, it's misidentified most of the time. They don't know what it is, but they know it's there, you know.

Bea: Well, that's a start.

Mark: Oh, absolutely. No actually that gets us really close. Absolutely. And I have to throw in that at this time, from what I understand from all of our transmissions, things have changed in terms of the ease in which individuals now can pursue their internal guide.

Bea: Yes, that's absolutely true.

Mark: And so, we have to ride that wave, and we have to be really careful about terms like, "I can't do that." Because you certainly can. It's just that, not yet, you know. Right? That you identify.

Bea: Yeah. No, absolutely. I'm not saying I never will. It's just, at this moment in time, it is still a work of faith. Right?

Mark: Absolutely. Well, that's our goal here in life. Yeah.

Bea: Yeah, yeah, I mean I my faith has grown to the point where I can hear, I think at least, I can hear little messages like short thoughts from spirit, right? It’s just I'm nowhere near being able to T/R. In fact, I could, but I think it would be probably just from me.

Mark: Well, absolutely. And the way we used to do that was to "T/R for ourselves" by journaling.

Bea: Right.

Mark: And that convinced us that, yes, we were actually hearing something not of us when we read it later. So, I encourage anyone to take that step just because it proves to yourself that, wait a minute, I don't recognize this. This is, you know, something different. So, journaling is a great way to point out to yourself that, yes, you do have this contact. You just have to allow yourself some avenue where it can flow. So, for a lot of people, journaling breaks that barrier.

Bea: Well, I guess just to make light of this, I think that perhaps there have been instances where I've read my work from my younger years in high school, and I asked myself “Who wrote them?” Because I don't even recognize my own writing. So, I don't know if that means spirit helped me with all those essays in high school, those philosophical essays that I wrote, but you know, it even happened to me once, that I was in a class where we were told to write a short answer to a question. It was in grade nine English, and the teacher read out an example of a student who wrote blah, blah, blah, blah blah. And I went, oh, I actually said out loud “Oh, who wrote that?” And she goes, “You did!” I didn't even recognize it right after I wrote the thing, so I don't know if that has anything to do with what you say, or just that I have poor recognition of my own work.

Mark: Well, the most common thing, and it is always happening, is that you don't recognize that when that happened, it was something you-plus—it was more than you.

Bea: Okay. Yes, that makes sense.

Mark: But it sounds just like you. Because the voice in your head is your voice. You don't hear another, different voice. You hear your thoughts expressed by your voice in your head. And so oftentimes we don't think that's anything else other than us. But when you look back at it and it's inspired, you have to concede that, wait a minute, I can't take all the credit for this. You know?

Bea: Right. Well, I often have that now. It's just not in long extended paragraphs, that's all.

Mark: Yeah, yeah! And that's another way we confuse it. We're looking for it in certain forms and certain ways. We're hoping to hear you know, something strong enough to make sure we don't have any doubts about it. No, that's not the way it works. It's going on all the time. We tune in and out and now I believe that through the tools of stillness, The Urantia Book, and knowing some of these aspects that that process of trying to slow the vehicle so that you can get in touch with T/Ring is the same thing that you're doing to come in contact with your inner voice.

Bea: Right. Okay. That's very helpful, actually. Thank you.

Mark: Oh, yeah. It's going on and we overlook it. That was my biggest realization when I first actually got or believed that I got a message directly from my Adjuster. And the message was, why did it take so long for this to happen? That's the message I got. That got my attention.

Deborah: So that's why when Machiventa said share our personal stories, he wants you, Bea, to share yours too. That is that you're driven to have this connection, but it's not coming easily for you that the way you judge it to be.

Bea: Right.

Deborah: My biggest problem is making comparisons. No, I do not hear the voice of my Adjuster the way sometimes Donna expresses what she gets—my friend Donna. But just the other day I asked my Adjuster a question and it didn't come to me then. And then I went into my study group, and someone said something that triggered a thought, and all of a sudden, I had my answer.

Bea: Well, that happens to me a lot.

Deborah: Right. Yes! So that is the Adjuster answering us. We just needed a little preparation. Some outside assistance too, with our fellows, you know.

Bea: I call those synchronicities and signs.

Deborah: So, I think they are answers also. So don't, you know, don't fail to give them credit because our Adjuster is going to break through that veil any way it can. And I have had a few actual words, but they're always brief. Things like: “I need you.” When I ask God, why did you create or plan for the creation of humans when we do so many inhumane, cruel things? I don't get it. Why did you want us in the picture? And that was a prayer I kept saying when I was 16 years old, and by then I already had The Urantia Book and had been reading it. And then one day in the middle of that prayer, it popped in and says, “I need you.” And they were the only words that came through. But when it comes through, it's not just words, it's a bigger understanding. So, it didn't have to be expressed with words. It came with a broad understanding. So, every now and then, yes, there have been a few of those, but most of it's like you Bea. I'll ask for something, and it might come later that day or on another day when it gets triggered by events in my life. But people need to hear that because otherwise they make comparisons and they think that since it's not happening for them the way someone else is describing, then there must be something off with them.

Bea: That is so helpful. Thank you. That is so helpful. That's very, very helpful.

Deborah: I've also been starting to get a sense that there's another way to feel a connection with my spirit, and that is; when I become more and more spiritually aligned myself, it's almost like we're just doing this together. Your thoughts are my thoughts. And it's hard to tell them apart sometimes.

Bea: Does it matter, though?

Deborah: Right. So, I don't have to have a direct thought from my Adjuster. My thoughts are becoming more aligned, and they represent my Adjuster in a lot of ways.

JT: Your Adjuster is part of you. You are moving towards integration—being the same being.

Deborah: Yeah. So, it should get to the point where it feels harder to tell each other apart.

JT: That's like you're talking long distance to your grandmother. You know. You're the same.

Deborah: What was a big change for me was when I read in The Urantia Book, talk to your Adjuster the way a child talks to their invisible friend. Just talk to your Adjuster. “Okay, Spirit, what do you want to do today? I've got this and this and this to do, but is there something else you would like us to do together?” Yeah, I like to get silly with my Adjuster. But anyway, just talk like you would with a regular friend.

Bea: Actually, I do that.

Deborah: Yeah, make that a normal habit because that's what starts to blend us together. And then when we're creating something in our work or whatever else we're doing, we say, okay, let's do this together.

Bea: I actually think the Adjuster loves it when we are like little children though—childlike in our sincerity. That really comes across, right?

Mark: With the trust and the faith of a child.

Deborah: Not the childish behavior.

Mark: Yeah, yeah.

Bea: No, no. But the wonder, I guess, And the innocence.

Deborah: Absolutely. All of that. It's really important.

JT: I think of faith, I think of a young child raising up his hand to take the hand of a trusted and dependable parent. That's faith to me.

Deborah: And he knows that his parents are prepared to do what's best for him or her. That's right.

Bea: Yeah. That can be very difficult. There are lots of temptations, I think, in life to get frustrated and discouraged, but...

Deborah: Yeah, and that's when I go to my Adjuster and I say, I know I need an attitude adjustment because I'm succumbing to this stuff and I'm getting negative, and I'm, you know, I'm just not seeing the bigger picture. So, I give you permission to give me an attitude adjustment. Tell me what is awry in my thinking so that I can, do something about it.

Bea: That's really great.

Mark: Well, here’s another good thing we've come across in our exercises. They said at one point that communicating with your Adjuster is particularly effective before you go to sleep for the night. That is, that you actually engage them intentionally before you go to sleep and say: “I need your help, I need to figure something out, or I need some [consult] or whatever. I need to figure this out. And please, Adjuster, could you work with me?” Because they say after that, if you go to sleep, you're more near the Alpha state, and we can make our messages come through in the dream state if we need to. So, if we set that tone before we go to bed and kind of say, okay I need your help, you know what I need most and why don't you help me with it? Turn it over to the Adjuster. And a lot of times at that time of day, it actually is very helpful.

Bea: Well, that's good. I do that, and sometimes when I have a hard time falling asleep, I actually just kind of use that as a way of quieting my mind. I just open my mind and just try to listen, right? And then oftentimes I end up falling asleep, but I like that intentional asking, you know, for them to come through in a dream. That's something I've never specifically said.

Mark: Well, you're providing them permission and a request, so now they can act.

Deborah: Yeah. The more you say yes, this is what I'm willing to receive from you, the more you're able to receive it.

Bea: Right. Right. No, thank you.

Mark: Yeah, and really, I do believe the whole transformation is going to be when people realize that they are a member of the family of man and a child of God, and that they are a fragment of the whole, and they belong, and we've all been found! So, we all are saved, and they need to know that.

Bea: Yeah, I think there's too much, far too much fear theology out there, and that we need to shift the focus to something much more positive because, in fact, I do believe our thoughts are quite probably a bit more powerful than we recognize. And so there really is something to those old phrases of mind-over-matter, or fake-it-till-you-make-it because it just illustrates the importance of the attitude. How much that actually goes into making good things happen, right?

Mark: Yeah.

Bea: So good discussion.

Mark: Great. Yeah.

Deborah: Yeah. Awesome. And I need to go, but I'm glad I tuned in, and I really enjoyed your transmission, Mark. I am willing to dare to do this if we ever have a little gathering of each of us trying to take a turn. That's how it worked in my Teaching Mission back in the 90s. Yeah, we all transmitted (all three of us), but we all did it. And it was wonderful to look back at our early transmissions and compare them to the later ones, to see how much we had improved.

Mark: Right.

Bea: Oh, you should do it Deborah. Actually, I think this is actually a good idea that, you know, once in a while there should be an open floor to people who want to T/R because I only caught the end of your transmission Mark, but basically what you said is in line with everything else that has been said. And I really enjoyed it, and I thought it was great. It really did really sound like Machiventa. So, I think this is a great idea, and I think, you know, maybe. Maybe spirit actually thinks, or the celestials actually think that we can help each other with that because a lot of things you two told me today were very helpful to me. I never thought of it like that. And the fact that you just expressed the path or the exact path towards it is very reassuring to me, actually. So, you know.

Mark: Okay. Well, you may have missed in the beginning of the transmission a part about how we need to state the truth from our own perspective, basically, and that we need to be this truth as an example which is far more powerful than trying to encourage someone to come along by description. So, what the gist of it I was getting at is, that while this whole format is, you know, for the promotion of “There is a Plan,” the face that people are going to see is not Monjoronson or Machiventa. It's going to be us. And so how do we pass our story down so that it's attainable? Because just like what happened today, once something is in the mortal consciousness it can be transferred as it was to you just a little bit ago. And so, we need to stuff this stuff into the consciousness so that it can be transferred.

Bea: We do that anyway. But yeah, consciously.

Deborah: Consciously and deliberately what we're going to put into the collective consciousness.

Mark: Right. It shifts the emphasis from thinking we're going to just do whatever Machiventa says, and, you know, he's just going to tell us what to do and we're just going to do it. No. He's presenting the whole platform, the whole idea, but it's our experience. This is us doing this.

Bea: I'll say it like this: Machiventa is not a micromanager.

Mark: No.

Machiventa Melchizedek ― Mission Urantia – 9 ― April 15, 2024 ― John Morris ― US
Received by John Morris
Session: April 15, 2024



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