New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group 42 – Being a Planetary Manager, Revision of the human culture

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


  1. On questions and answers
  2. Your assignment
  3. This is for all future generations
  4. Timing of the end of Machiventa’s incarnation
  5. Verbal and non-verbal communication during divine communion
  6. Speak your words out loud
  7. Why 46 chromosomes?
  8. Inequalities in the Americas
  9. The need for a new culture after the impending collapse
  10. Begin your planes for future societies at the family level
  11. Best practices
  12. Ethics, morality, and Artificial Intelligence
  13. Hope, faith, belief, trust, and knowing

Transmitter/Receiver: Daniel Raphael, PhD
Invocation: Jeff

October 17, 2022

1. On questions and answers

MACHIVENTA: Good morning.

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa, your Planetary Manager. Today, I will not provide you with an opening statement. I wish to go into some instructions regarding questions and answers. It is important that you, again, and more in more depth, learn how to ask questions. As always, the quality of the answers depends on the quality of the questions. That's always been a truism and always will be. In this case, I'm going to teach you through a metaphor of cooking. Let us pretend that we are in a kitchen, and that we are going to scald some milk without boiling it. And so, you ask me: “So, Machiventa, what temperature does this have to reach before we add the sugar?” And I would respond that we would have to reach a certain temperature and then you would add the sugar. And you'd ask: “Well, Machiventa, what are we making?” And I would say: “Well, we're going to make the beginnings of the ingredients of a sweet dough as we are going to make sweet rolls. And so, you proceed with Machiventa along this line. Now let's change the whole episode. Let's say that you're with me in the kitchen, we're standing in front of the stove, and I tell you: “Well, student, today we are going to make sweet rolls.” And you then proceed with your questions. And you would ask: “Well, what are the ingredients?” I would list those ingredients and then you would say: “Well, what is the procedure?” We would go through the procedure, and then you would ask: “What are the parameters? What are the limitations? What can we do to make this, so it turns out right—so that our sweet rolls do not taste of burnt milk, burnt sugar, and so on. And I explain that to you.

Now let's stop this metaphorical story and examine what has happened. You have taken the position of the student, but you have been given instructions about what to do from the beginning, and then from the other side of the conceptual development of sweet rolls beginning with the ingredients and the procedure. And this is much the same as Christ Michael is doing with Urantia and has done with other worlds in his local universe. Now, you, as a mortal student on Urantia, could take your position as a student and ask questions of yourself: “Well, what is my role in all of this right now on this world?” And on the other side, you might take the role of Christ Michael, and you'd say: “This is my local universe. This is my planet, and I am responsible for it to evolve to enter the Days of Light and Life. And your role in all of this is to be an effective member of that development. And you'd ask: “Well, Christ Michael, what is my role in all of this?” And he would explain that to you. And then you would say: “Well, what do I need to do to become an effective partner with you in this work?” And he would explain that to you. So, when you are able to take both positions, one at a time, you are able to engage the problem that exists on Urantia in a way that you hadn't been able to before. And according to those two different positions, you could ask a multiplicity of questions that would be useful to you to understand what it is like both to be a Planetary Prince, a member of the Most Highs, and on the council with Christ Michael in Salvington the capital of Nebadon. Now, you may feel this is overwhelming, but surely it is not. This is simply role playing, and it is to assist you in asking relevant questions.

2. Your assignment

So, once we end this session today, your assignment is to go to the Internet, find, and discover how to ask questions on your search browser. Knowing how to ask questions on a search browser is a good beginning, and, of course, I'll give you some clues: One is investigation. One is the procedures of inquiry. Another is asking questions. Another is developing answers, and so on. So, if you go through those three processes right there, you should end up with several dozen references that will assist you in asking questions. Of course, if you don't ask questions, that means you're not interested. And in the coming months and coming years if you don't ask questions and you remain uninterested, you will obviously become a victim very quickly. So, you would want to be able to ask questions that do not begin with “why” or “when,” but with questions that begin with “what.” Questions that begin with “when” are not productive, as when it is used in a question as, “When will the Days of Light and Life come into being?” It isn't the date; it isn't the time. It can be asked in this manner: “What are the procedures we need to help us get to the point where we become able to sustain ourselves?” That is a much better example.

This is all preparatory to the next three sessions—this session and the following two—as these will all be centered around questions and answers. It is your turn to form the content of the session. You may have some ideas by yourself. You may want to confer with other members on the PMG team about what to ask to proceed, and how to ask questions. What would be the questions? What areas of interest would you have? As you recall, in all of the dozens and hundreds of sessions that we've had in the last 21 years, many 1000s of topics have come to the fore. So, you have a tremendous field in which to ask questions. And of course, again, you have the processes now involved in the decimation of your global population, decline of your economies, and the increasing difficulties for survival for at least two billion people on your planet immediately at this moment. You have a whole world of meaningful questions to ask. You are assigned to take the position of a Planetary Manager, myself as example, perhaps, as I have had experience on this planet previous to this one as an incarnate being, as you are an incarnate being on this planet as well. So, we have several things in common and this challenge I'm giving you is reasonable, logical, and, hopefully, will lead you to be able to ask questions of your personal situation, your national situation, and the planetary situation.

3. This is for all future generations

You are welcome to think of civilization as the organizational interdependence of all organizations around the world that makes the running of the planet reasonable and rational. And you might define humanity as this generation and all future generations because it is not just this generation that you must be concerned about, but you must be concerned about all future generations which is a heritage that also belongs to Christ Michael from his seventh bestowal. Thank you. If you have questions, please ask them now. Whatever questions come to mind, ask them. They may be related; they may not be related. Thank you.

4. Timing of the end of Machiventa’s incarnation

Recca: Good morning, Machiventa. Good morning, everyone. [When] you spoke just now you referred to the fact that you've been incarnated here before. What was the tipping point Machiventa for your deciding to leave your physical presence in the days of your incarnation? Why did you decide to stop?

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your question. The answers are clearly given in The Urantia Book about the elements which initiated my leaving the planet. And for those who have not read that portion, it includes that I had outlived at least three generations, and it became apparent to those who had known me over two of those generations that I was not an ordinary fellow, not a peer of theirs, and that this would begin to cause problems in their understanding of the wisdom I had given them. They would mix that with their own interpretations of my reasons for being there. Thank you.

Recca: Thank you.

5. Verbal and non-verbal communication during divine communion

John: Good morning, Machiventa. As always, I'm grateful for your presence among us. My question has to do with this process of divine communion that we are engaged in with you Machiventa and your teaching staff. Now I want to check my perspective that this connection takes place in the soul—this kind of morontia co-creation of our Thought Adjusters and ourselves. And [in] which our side of the conversation is often verbal in nature in which I'm actually using words to speak to you, but the celestial response seems to me often nonverbal—more of a feeling of presence. But nonetheless, it's a real connection that is taking place. In time, we may recognize the different energy signatures of the celestial beings that we are connecting with and perceive something of the uniqueness of their individual personalities. And [as] we persevere in the co-creation of these connections, would you speak to the importance of listening and hearing the celestial side of the conversation even though it may be nonverbal? And how can we improve and expand our capacity to “hear” this conversation in our souls? Thank you.

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your question. Yes, tuning into a celestial being, whether it is Christ Michael, your Thought Adjuster, your guardian, myself, or some other being is a matter of having an open conversation with them. But as you know, many times we respond in a nonverbal way. Nonetheless, you understand what we are “saying.” We often do not use words to express what we want to convey to the soul level of your listening that is recorded in your soul. When we do this, you have ideas—expansive ideas—where you understand the totality of what we're conveying without words. It is part of what occurs when you go into meditation. Sometimes you recognize that you have received a download that seems more like a conversation in contemplation than a wordless download. You have the means to improve this by paying attention and asking for assistance to make a message clearer to you—more evident to you—if you wish.

There are many options which many of you do not exercise in our “conversations.” Just as you age you may become less able to hear what a person is saying who is in front of you talking to you, you would ask them to speak louder, or if you do not understand the concept, you would say: “Well, please clarify that for me, I do not quite understand it yet.” And so, we are always willing to be highly conversant because you are the object of our service. You are one who we value highly as a potential candidate for personalizing on the morontial world after three days. Your concerns for hearing this conversation are well appreciated. You need not be overly concerned or even attentive to what is being recorded in your soul as this is above your level of comprehension. I'm striving now to address these elements at the level of your understanding so you can gather and can make conclusions from what I'm saying. Now, do you have questions regarding this?

6. Speak your words out loud

John: No, I have to sit, contemplate, think about what you've said, take that in, and kind of chew on it. I do know that part of what helps me in these conversations on my side is to speak it out loud. And I wonder in doing that, is that kind of preparatory, training, or a help in becoming more of a clairaudient Transmitter/Receiver instead of just an internal conversation?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, definitely. It is helpful to you to speak your words out loud, because then you are able to identify your voice separate and apart from the voice that you hear from the celestial. The because of that involves the mental voice that you use. When you become more adept at listening to the mental voice-signature of a celestial, you'll be able to identify and separate your mental voice from that of the celestial. It is important that this separation occurs. There has been much confusion throughout the history of contact with Celestials—angels and the God Presence within people—over the last several 100 years and this voice has been attributed to various celestial beings including those who are malevolent. It is important to have this separation—that you practice this, and practice this, and practice this because it is easy for the human consciousness—the ego—to wish to override any other sentience that comes into the mind’s presence. Thank you.

John: Okay, thank you, Machiventa. I appreciate that.

Walt: Good day, Machiventa. It's definitely a privilege to be with everybody again. [I’m] seeking to get some clarification on the dissertation on the completion of Maslow's theory of human motivation. My first question is: The premise of the human motivation dissertation implies that values, such as empathy, compassion, equality, and love are encoded in the human genome as primal triggers. Please comment on whether the urges to express these values and our traits are merely the effects of biochemical processes and products as seems to be implied.

MACHIVENTA: Walter, Walter, Walter. You continue down the same rabbit holes by a different name in each of our sessions. This has been explained as thoroughly as it can be in the text that was written, and this is what the genetic scientists of the human genome would be seeking to identify. That was also clearly stated that this is unknown, and that this would be a meaningful pursuit for their research activities in the future. Thank you.

Walt: Okay. Thank you for the response. I have to ask, you know, what is the intended audience of the dissertation? [Is it] intended to be for the academic community or the general public? There just seems to be so many things about the premise that are not clear.

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Yes, the audience is all humanity. If you are a material, human, mortal with consciousness and a mind, then this text is appropriate for you. Thank you.

Walt: Okay. Well, thank you. There are other aspects of the premise that I was hoping to get help with, but I think I will withdraw from questions on this. I think it's an important work. I do not think it is ready for the light of academic scrutiny yet, but I really would like for less ambiguity and clarifications to be made in the premise of the dissertation that I think would give it weight that could be useful for, you know, the general public and especially in the academic community. However, this may not be the forum to get into it. So, I will withdraw at this time. Thank you.

7. Why 46 chromosomes?

Juan: Hello to everyone. Hello, Daniel and hello Machiventa. For today I have two questions: I would like to start with one and then the other one. So, the first one is: originally, we were talking with some friends of mine that we were meeting and talking about the number of chromosomes that we have as human beings, as a species. So, I would like to ask, Machiventa, why are the number of chromosomes for human beings 46? I read in The Urantia Book that on other planets and other species have 48. For example, the apes, the monkeys, and gorillas, and they are the closest to us, but why do we have a 46 and not 48? Thank you.

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Thank you for your question, Juan. Again, you start your question with “why”. If I were a mortal that would put me on my back foot, and I would be defensive. As a Planetary Manager I'm not defensive, but I am wondering what is it about this question that leads you to need to know this information? So, I'll put that in a “what” question and ask you to answer that eventually. I apologize for perhaps being a bit too assertive in my question, it’s that I want you to think more closely about how you can make a contribution to this forum. We enjoy your thinking; we enjoy the cultural differences that you present to this North American, European, and South African audience, and we want you to continue to be here. However, as you have witnessed already in the half dozen sessions that you have participated in, there are many, I won't say useless, but meaningless questions being asked that you have the intelligence to improve tremendously. You are in the university; you are learning to be a physician, and you may want to pursue microbiology and chromosomal development and anomalies as the subject of a future paper perhaps. The reasons that humans have 46 and not 48 is that this is part of the Luciferian contribution, if you may see it as a contribution, to the deficits of human behavior, the human psyche, and of a human’s capability of becoming spiritually self-sufficient in a mortal lifetime. Thank you.

8. Inequalities in the Americas

Juan: Okay, Machiventa. Thanks for the clarifying answer. The second question that I have is more a Latin American view as you have clearly said. Recently I was in a space with the Pan-American Health Organization, and they were talking about inequality, inequality, equality, and more inequality in the Americas. But I have seen that, in the Maslow completion of the theory that Daniel and you wrote, you talk about equality. How can we focus more on equality when the global efforts go to inequality? Thank you.

9. The need for a new culture after the impending collapse

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. If I understand your question correctly, what you are speaking about are some of the macroeconomic inequalities that have resulted [from] the preponderance of emphasis of value of monetary and material wealth which causes tremendous inequality. This is a huge deficit that has caused civilizational inequalities across the planet. This is a systems anomaly. It is the lack of a holistic, integrated system of human values that has caused this tremendous global sense of inequality. The reality of all humans is that you are innately equal, though your innate gifts create difficult inequalities for you on a personal level. As far as planetary management is concerned, the global inequalities of wealth and so on is due to a tremendous lack of wholeness of living [and lack] of a more well-balanced culture of the Western/Eastern civilizations. Your sense is true. You must now include in that conversation that the terminal decline of Urantian civilization has begun.

Your civilization has passed the tipping point of recovery and has long past the point of effecting a different outcome. What your planet is now going to experience as a planetary culture is a complete revision of the traditional, materialistic orientation of civilization and of the human culture. This will be highly destructive, and you are needed to be present when the plans are presented on how to recover from this tremendous calamity that is in the process of befalling all humanity on this planet. It is important that these old problems not be corrected as in a process of remediation, but that you simply reinvent a human civilization as a culture of continuity, of wholeness, of integrity, and of maximizing the innate potential of individuals and the innate potential of societies of nations. And that together, you can do this with other societies of other nations.

The ideation of separation, of competition, of me-or-you, must eliminate the “or,” the o-r. It must be transposed or transformed into and, and with, and together, so that you seek problems together, which assist everyone to have equality in this new global forum of creating a new, well-balanced civilization. I am speaking of the strategic dynamics of managing a planet that is now in high flux.

Yes, there will be great destruction and so on that will occur, but there always must be that residue, that core that remains—that seed germ that carries the DNA of a whole society, a whole culture, a whole culture of humanity, and that you have a civilization of the organizational matrix of all humanity, of all civilization that works together, not apart. I know this takes you far, far afield from your question, but you must begin thinking as a Planetary Manager, as you, a medical student, think about the chromosomes of humans and how to regenerate each new generation of children as being biologically whole and not being genetically flawed. So, too you will carry the seeds forward—the dynamics seeds, the organizational seeds, the documentary seeds of a whole civilization with you as you and your children begin to rebuild what these older generations have destroyed. Thank you.

Juan: Thank you again Machiventa for your, again, clarifying answer.

MACHIVENTA: You are most welcome. Thank you for your question.

10. Begin your planes for future societies at the family level

Jacques: Okay. Good afternoon Machiventa. You said in your introduction to us [that] you can be an effective member of the PMG team. So, if I put myself or we put ourselves in the position of the Planetary Manager assistant today, my question is what are the most urgent actions we can do now to help Michael to develop his plan.

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa. Thank you. [That is] an excellent question. The primary thing that you can do is to begin the plans for rebuilding your future societies at the family level. Avahlah Melchizedek and This One have produced multiple editions of the Learning Centers for Sustainable Families or documents similar to that which most recently has been uploaded to This One's Google website where you can find the latest edition. There will be no whole societies without whole families. There will be no whole organizational matrix of the New Era civilization without whole families. It begins today by recording those best practices of family, of parenting, and child rearing. This is the most important and well thought out element of the plan for recovery. There are individuals in your world, in France and other nations, who have been raised well—they are well balanced. They have good ego balance, emotional balance, intellectual balance, and so on. And as you know that Christ Michael as Jesus always taught balance, moderation, and the middle way. And so, we want to emulate that in a much more dedicated, organizational manner prior to the collapse of your civilization. It is important that these first elements are recorded. A cultural anthropologist would be helpful for you to use locally, in your area in France, Spain, Portugal, and so on who can be of assistance to develop those questions of those individuals who have been raised to become whole individuals. It may include: How was it that you became such a whole, well-rounded individual? What elements did your parents bring into your life to help you achieve that? And then later as you grew older, what did you do to grow into a well-balanced individual? What were the main influences that helped you to become a law abiding, moral individual who is socially and psychologically mature. We want to eventually then, get to the parental practices of parenting and child rearing that initiated those maturing, balancing processes within the child. You want to record those as they will be highly useful in the development of the programs that we anticipate establishing and initiating in the next year.

11. Best practices

You have a prime orientation to this by your questions that you just asked in this team setting. And so, you have food for thought. And not only food for thought, but words of guidance for action. And this will require that this planning take place on a real time basis, where you actually go to friends and associates who you know are well balanced, rational individuals, and ask them these questions. And eventually, you will ask lots of questions of many people, and you will begin to see the questions that are most productive and intuitive. You want those open-ended questions that lead the person to answer them in broad terms, and also, on some occasions, specific terms. And you can determine that in your question/answer session. You should be able to hopefully spend at least 30 minutes to 60 minutes in an interview session with these individuals. Of course, your first ones may be far shorter, but eventually, you will find that the questions lead the individual you're interviewing into deeper questions and to deeper thought. Do you have any questions concerning this?

Jacques: That is a lot to digest, but yeah, I understand the general idea is to set up this kind of library for best practices as we have discussed in the past. And [have] some of these all around because you have also said that it must start at the community level, not at the national level.

MACHIVENTA: Yes. That is correct. The reformation, the new era of Urantia will begin at the family level. It may be that someone initiates a national plan of action to do this, but nonetheless, it will require individuals to come forward. And there will be those individuals who will see that they were raised well, and that they are striving to raise their own children well. And so, they will take it upon themselves to make their contributions to answering these questions, which will be a rich enterprise for sure. Thank you.

Jacques: Thank you. That's all for me.

12. Ethics, morality, and Artificial Intelligence

Christina: I'm Christina. I'm Swiss and [have been] living in France now for a couple years and for the first time I'm here to ask a question. It is a “what” question. I welcome everybody. It's a “what” question. And it's a “what” question about the artificial intelligence that is galloping in development on our Earth. A lot of humans are welcoming this intelligence without realizing that it will not be a long time [before] they will overrun us completely. My “what” question is: what would be on our human level besides asking for morals and ethics that we could bring into the consciousness of humans that this is a danger for humanity?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly. Thank you for your question. Your “what” question is well formed. This question is answered best for both humans and for artificial intelligence, and that is the need for a code of ethics for making ethical decisions and a moral code of decision making for making moral decisions. This has been explained thoroughly in the document by Avahlah and This One entitled Making Sense of Ethics where that topic is discussed in one of the later chapters. As artificial intelligence is being explored by various nations, these nation’s technologies are already confronted with the necessity of code writing for artificial intelligence programs and algorithms that incorporate ethical standards and parameters. This is known to that industry already, though they disregard that in terms of making money. Ethical practices and decision making and code writing now would impede the rapid solution finding and money making that artificial intelligence provides.

There are nations which have ceased to develop artificial intelligence or at least exploratory, developmental AI programs due to the very fact that it calls into question… [interrupted by noise]. There have been national developments of AI which have ceased simply because that AI is intelligent enough to follow the logic to state that the political agendas, political theories, and political logic of their nation are illogical and self-destructive to humankind. Of course, if you're going to develop a logic, an ethic, and morality for decision making that sustains humankind, then it must involve decision making and the values that underlie sustainable decision making. And those values of course are innate to humankind. They are the seven values which we have discussed many times, and which provide the foundation for an integrated civilization of organizations that provides a sustainable future for humanity. Thank you.

Christina: Thank you very much.

MACHIVENTA: You're most welcome.

Jeff: Okay, it doesn't appear that there are any other questions in the queue Machiventa. Do you have a closing for us or a benediction?

13. Hope, faith, belief, trust, and knowing

MACHIVENTA: Yes. This is Machiventa. Of all the things that I could give you at the end of this session is the word “hope.” Hope is the beginning of the hope-and-belief continuum. When you have hope, you can develop that into faith, and belief, and trust, and knowing. if you are an advanced believer—truster—you know that you are safe in the arms of the First Source and Center; you have that assurance within you in the God Presence that occupies its realm in your mind. There is always hope. There's even hope in the great desperations of war and of conflict. And in your world now, hope is one of the attributes and one of the assets that will help you develop the plans for the future for your children, your grandchildren, great grandchildren, and future generations. You are one of the individuals who is responsible for this development. You are in ways responsible with me for the loving care and sustaining, social envelope that surrounds all future generations. Together, we can do this. You have been given the plan, you have been given the process, and you have been given the place to initiate where we begin with the outcomes that we desire and that you desire for your future generations. And we thank You. We thank you sincerely—this moment—so earnestly for your participation. For without your presence in developing the future, there will be no hope for others. Thank you and good day.

Jeff: Thank you Machiventa. Thank you, Daniel.

Machiventa Melchizedek ― New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group 42 ― October 17, 2022 ― Daniel Raphael, Colorado, US ― NOCO group
Received by Daniel Raphael, Ph. D.
Session: October 17, 2022
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