



New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group 26 – Russian invasion, Cascade of cataclysms, Rules of decision-making

Monday, 7 March, 2022

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Cascade of cataclysms
  • Values and rules for decision-making
  • A new “vibe”
  • A life ring for your civilization
  • Financial cataclysm
  • Role of central banks
  • Returning here to help as a morontial being
  • A new criterion for funding evaluations
  • Genocide
  • Life becomes cheap when overpopulation exists
  • Tolerating predators
  • Dealing with barbaric aggressors
  • An aggressor with nuclear weapons
  • United action against an aggressor
  • Parenting and self esteem
  • Fellowship appearance follow up
  • Purging defective strains
  • Spirit and the intention to become materially successful
  • Do morontial beings feel emotional stress
  • My benediction for you

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One Size Does Not Fit All

Saturday, 24 April, 2021

Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson ―
We find it quite troublesome to see so many families, friends, and communities torn by those members who demand that there is only one way to survive this pandemic and who insist that all must comply. And though there may be a time when people must come together, we are troubled by the degree of censorship that restricts healthy debate and by the inability of some to respect at some of the most basic levels, the free will of others.

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Mobilize, Unify, then Lead with your Heart

Thursday, 26 March, 2020
Monjoronson ― Mobilize, Unify, then Lead with your Heart

Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson ―
These are trying times and they are significant, my friends. Your environment is rich with unique opportunities for you to influence those around you. Wherever you find yourself, we ask that you mobilize, unify, and lead with your heart.

There are some who profess that you are falling off course. That your countries will never be able to recover in the same way as they have in the past. That you should be shaken and paralyzed by fear. They are correct on one point: things will be different.

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Warnings of More Changes to Come that will Bring Havoc

Monday, 22 June, 2020
Warnings of More Changes to Come that will Bring Havoc

Teacher: Augustine ―
Beloved souls, I am your Teacher Augustine. The first wave of this flame of disease that has swept over the Earth has now been controlled in many places but continues to burn in others. I come to warn you, beloved souls, that in the near future there will be more that will come to cause havoc in your lives. These conditions that have brought on such a disease continue to smoulder within the ground, within the environment of this Earth and will come again. So I urge you to be prepared. Be prepared in your physical needs and to be vigilant as you open your doors and windows and emerge out of your isolation into the world.

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Shift in consciousness and a tiny virus

Tuesday, 31 March, 2020
Malavatia Melchizedek

Visitor: Malavatia Melchizedek
Hello my friends.
I'm here to bring you some good news. Look forward to everything that is going on in your world right now. God offers you a great opportunity to discover your potential for kindness, love and mutual help; to transform your governments and political institutions.
You are all in the same box. You are all on the same boat, you are all living on the same planet.
You realized in a quarter of a second that if someone coughs on the other side of the world, you get a cold. All planned wars stopped, soldiers are brought back to their countries to help their own people.

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New Era Transition 87 – Jesus, Pandemic, Discernment, Learning

Saturday, 28 March, 2020

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Jesus’s business here
  • Heed the warnings
  • Wisdom of Divine restraint
  • Be open to guidance from within
  • Lessons of one can become transposed to whole of civilization
  • Be discerning
  • Coronavirus pandemic is prequel—be prepared
  • Strategic foresight
  • Learn from this—forethought and transformation

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New Era Transition 86 – State of the World

Monday, 23 March, 2020

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • State of the world
  • Stay healthy
  • You are a critical asset at this inflection point
  • Denver gathering
  • Financial crisis
  • Pandemic and celestial plans
  • Overlooked actions to take
  • Is a physical manifestation on the table?
  • Revelatorium
  • Minding colloidal silver
  • Ray Jardine
  • Inhaled steroids in the treatment of COVID-19
  • A furrowed brow
  • Pandemic time frame
  • Seasonality of pandemic
  • Pandemic and vaccines
  • Pandemic response and values
  • People matter more than things
  • Be in stillness and open to the urgings of Spirit
  • How long for social isolation?
  • A cascade of troubles
  • A time for humility, mercy, rational generosity, and peace

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A Difficult Situation

Wednesday, 11 March, 2020

Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson ―
Hello to you all, Monjoronson here, who once again wishes to send you a message of great importance.
Right now, there are major disturbances affecting the entire population and there are still some individuals who do not yet seem to realize the importance of what is happening now and how problematic this situation is.

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Be ready

Tuesday, 3 March, 2020

Teacher: Monjoronson
Hello to you all, Monjoronson here and today I will convey to you a message that we consider important for the people of Urantia.
Many of you are aware of the global changes that are coming, because this was mentioned on several occasions in the past by some of our messages, documents and prophecies.

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The New Coronavirus, a Pandemic

Wednesday, 5 February, 2020
coronavirus, COVID-19

Teacher: The Damascus Scribe (Sananda) ―
…When a new enemy appears on the scene, you must name him or her or it, for you must all know who or what you are talking about. In the case of the new coronavirus, Cov19 or Cov-19 (It has now become COVID-19). And, yes, it’s an it – a rather troubling illness as our celestial scientists have determined.

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The Coming Times

Monday, 24 May, 2010
Teacher Christ Michael

Teacher Christ Michael:
I AM Michael of Nebadon, and I come to share my thoughts with you on the coming times.
Dear Ones, You live in difficult times, and yet there are even more difficult times to come, as your world id reconfigured to allow more spiritual growth to take place and a whole new civilisation to be built by you. No longer will it be the prerogative of the rich and powerful to construct a society which disenfranchises most of the population, for it will be the responsibility of each and every person to make their contribution to building this new civilisation.

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New Era Transition 52 – Curiosity questions; Human Potential; Cataclysms; Belief Systems

Monday, 3 December, 2018

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • What are curiosity questions?
  • The broad brush of the Correcting Time
  • Are we ready for contact with other civilizations?
  • The protection of quarantined planets
  • The seven dimensions of human potential
  • How the Correcting Time affects the “swamp”
  • Ambassadors
  • Are the seven dimensions of human potential related to the seven Psychic Circles?
  • Charity versus enablement
  • Suicide
  • Protection from cataclysms until now
  • Internet communications prepare us for cataclysms now
  • Adding human caused cataclysms
  • Internal refugees
  • Changing belief systems

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New Era Transition 51 – Overpopulation; Fear; Life Expansion

Monday, 19 November, 2018

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • California fires
  • A question on overpopulation
  • A shift in population to rural
  • Ownership of personal property
  • Design of cities
  • Self-sustainability of cities
  • Preparation for calamities
  • Prevailing emotion of fear
  • Promoting world peace
  • Closing of the dark circuits
  • Not having power to control situations
  • Mental, spiritual and physical health and life span
  • Living in groups to add to longevity
  • Can we be infused with more violet blood?
  • Outreach programs for youth
  • Land restitution in South Africa
  • Gratitude
  • Closing statement

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New Era Transition 02 – Transitions; Democracy; Trauma

Monday, 22 August, 2016

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


  • Change does not always mean evolution
  • How the light within you is seen by others
  • This New Era of Transition
  • Maturity of cultures in our world
  • Using the 6 core values in life
  • Transition Era will start slowly
  • Collapse from the inside out
  • Democratic nations must be flexible and adaptable
  • Social justice, peace and social stability
  • Backwards countries
  • Chemical imbalances of the brain
  • Framing questions
  • Dealing with the traumatic effects of catastrophes
  • More on framing questions
  • Mental health issues
  • Raising spiritual consciousness
  • Control over non-natural cataclysms
  • The good of the individual vs. the good of the whole
  • Thinking outside the box
  • Closing remarks by Machiventa

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New Era Conversations 66 – Strategic global plan; Parental Instinct in DNA

Monday, 4 April, 2016

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Preparation for what is to come
  • Strategic global plan
  • Social sustainability is for future generations
  • Normal worlds vs Experimental Decimal worlds
  • Values expressed by the Urantia Book
  • Using leisure time creatively
  • Parental instinct in DNA
  • Skills specialization
  • Life-plan and its revelation
  • Relation of six core values to Golden Rule
  • Natal world is a school for learning and experience
  • Machiventa’s history with Urantia
  • Separate authorities of Triumvirate members
  • The brain/mind interaction
  • Are Six Core values used in politics?
  • The threecore values embedded in our DNA
  • The economy in advanced societies
  • Copyrights and trademarks in advanced communities

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