

Holy Trinity


Our heart is a meeting place

Friday, 25 September, 2020
Our heart is a meeting place

Comments Wivine: This session are answers to questions posed by Bernard from Rwanda, following session # 9 - 2020 announcing the birth of "Uni". I thought they could be of interest to others also.

Bernard Question # 1: I wondered why our planet is so special to be able to welcome three Sons and Daughters of Heaven?

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Birth of a Creative Daughter of Paradise on August 21, 2020

Wednesday, 9 September, 2020

AYA : I am Aya – Master Spirit nr 7 of your Superunivers nr 7 – Orvonton. I am the Voice of the Trinity which is an indivisible Entity and the original Deity. I am also the Voice of the Supreme Being ― the cosmic Oversoul in which all Creation resides, thus also the Seven Superuniverses in which She is currently active.
On January 12, 2015, you received the birth of Aaron ― little boy ― Avonal Son from Paradise.
On January 19, 2019, you received the birth of Luoja – Paradise Creator Son who does not manage a local universe. Born as a little girl who responds to the name of Luova.
On August 21, 2020 you received the birth of another little girl – a Creative Paradise Daughter.


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This Paradox is not your Handicap

Sunday, 3 May, 2020
Trinity Teacher Uteah

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah —
My Dear Students,
I talked to you about divine patterns and relationships being replicated and augmented in various forms of God the Seven-fold throughout creation from the Trinity of Trinities down to the flesh and blood creatures indwelled by the Father’s Presence. Though you may feel dis-empowered as God’s imperfect children furthest from Paradise, you are also the closest to the Universal Father through His Indwelling Spirit. This “paradox” is not your handicap, but your strength—it is a “Divine Engine” that drives creation, and when you better understand these patterns and relationships, the greater is your capacity to harness the energy from this Divine Engine and create a reality that supports your supreme desires.

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The Eternal Mother’s teaching on us being perfected by our Paradise Parents – The Paradise Trinity-I AM

My beloved Father, Eternal Mother, Infinite Mother, I AM, I worship and glorify you – feeling your Love and Care for from within, and I do desire to receive your teaching on perfection and perfecting us on the way to Paradise – your dwelling abode and our destiny – bestowed by you upon all of us on Urantia – as you have commanded us – Be perfect even as I am perfect.

Father’s Teaching On Concord

My beloved Father, Eternal Mother, Infinite Mother, I AM, I worship and glorify you, and I am asking you for your teaching-response – what is concord as now people cannot live in peace so that in this sort of concord they would live and would not fall to anger for a long span of time because now some sources of tension and conflicts spring up everywhere – in the street, within family, at school, at work. Could we keep on this mutual concord for a longer time?

See it―Feel it―Become it!

Sunday, 14 October, 2018

Trinity Teacher Uteah:
Greetings my dear Students,
I AM Trinity Teacher Uteah and I welcome all of you to connect with me and feel the vibrations of the Trinity.  When you ask your Thought Adjuster  to connect you to me, does the Divine Operator make contact with those circuits that are necessary to tap into my consciousness here on the Circles of Jerusem where I can process any number of conscious connections with all of you.  Never am I too busy to speak to those who truly want my attention.  This receiver noted upon our connection this morning how beautiful, warm, and loving is the initial connection with me and made comment how he desires that all people could feel this wonderful loving vibration when speaking with spiritual beings.  It is possible for all of you reading this message to feel these spiritual vibrations that pluck the heart strings of the soul, for to reach for these connections with an attitude of sincerity and loving expectation, conditions the circuits of your mind to meet me on the common ground of love.  What experience can you share with me that brings you to this place of high vibration in love, truth, beauty, and goodness?

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The Foundation of Light and Life

Sunday, 5 August, 2018

Trinity Teacher Uteah:
Greetings to you, people of Urantia!  I AM Uteah—Trinity Teacher―speaking to you from Jerusem, your system capital.  Today, I would like to share with you my purpose for being here―my assignment to your world and the expected outcomes from contact with a Trinity Teacher.  What you know from your text is that Trinity Teachers arrive on the planets of time in the later epochs of the era of Light and Life―a time after the arrival of a Magisterial Son―it is a time of great peace, prosperity and enlightenment for all citizens. That time however, is afar off, yet there is a Great Plan for Urantia, and in this plan is the foundation laid for that settled time of advanced life.  My presence here is to see that the foundation is made ready.

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The Ability to Choose

Sunday, 29 July, 2018
Ability to Choose

Trinity Teacher Uteah:
Greetings to you—sons and daughters of Urantia!  My name is Utigh (U-tee-ah) and I am a Trinity Teacher residing here for a time on your system capital of Jerusem at the invitation of your Sovereign, Christ Michael.  This is an introductory message to inform you that your world is in the preparatory stages of Light and Life—a time when new circuits are being prepared, that when fully operational, shall assist all humanity in achieving greater attunement with their Thought Adjusters.  What you are about to experience is a greater clarity of mind—the old circuits that were tampered with during the rebellion are being permanently dismantled. 

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