Personality development


Personality development


The One Great Gift

Wednesday, 4 February, 2015
spiritual service

Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson ―
The one great gift all mortals share, without exception, is time. The value of time is incalculable, for who can evaluate time? Time is only an immeasurable part of eternity, consisting of moments, but it is a most important commodity as time in eternity allows for evolving humans to make good and right use of their time. Still, most mortals live life as if they exist outside of eternity whilst each moment counts to make your short-lived existence here on the planet worthwhile.

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Be an Entry Point

Monday, 11 October, 2021
Thought Adjuster ― Be an Entry Point

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
In his travels, Jesus presented liberating truth in a palatable form so as to whet the spiritual appetite of his associates. His constant intentions were to facilitate their induction into the kingdom of the hearts — lifetime citizenship acquired by passing many surprise character tests.

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Progress is Slow

Thursday, 20 February, 2014
Thought Adjuster ― Progress is Slow

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Revolutionary changes are seldom beneficial, for societies or for human beings. All the advances that civilization has gained have occurred through sustained effort and wisdom based on ample experience. This is how civilizations slowly move forward and also how individuals progress spiritually.

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Glorious Human Life

Tuesday, 4 February, 2014
Glorious Human Life

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Live your life as if you are already in the Kingdom of Heaven. Do your work as if it is a very important mission the Father has entrusted to you for the benefit of your peers. Offer to your siblings the best of yourself, as if you are sent from heaven to help them awaken and start their personal spiritual journey. Do for your family the same things that the Father would do if He was in your place. This is the Will of the Father and it portrays the most exalted and glorious human life. Those who live in this way walk with certainty towards the goal of perfection.

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The Light Within

Wednesday, 22 January, 2014

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Those who are spiritually passive find it easier to receive specific recipes about how to behave. This is the reason why many religions have succumbed to the need of establishing commandments and laws of conduct to satisfy their followers. However, the religion of Jesus is based on sincere faith and asserts that only through this faith can all necessary things for salvation – spiritual progress – be obtained.

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Sources of Human Joy

Sunday, 8 February, 2015
Prolotheos ― Sources of Human Joy

Teacher: Prolotheos ―
Primitive man, evolved from the lower primates, was rarely capable of expressing real joy. Nonetheless, the capacity of manifesting joyous feelings has always been a feature of the human personality. In fact, only after the genetic upstepping by the Adamites did humans become more joyful creatures. The sense of the ludicrous is an important dimension of human life and its regular enjoyment provides the necessary equilibrium with the more serious and strenuous activities of daily living. The importance of entertainment activities is well acknowledged in the Morontia Worlds by the existence of a special recreation corps called the Reversion Directors, whose ministry of diversion is most appreciated by all classes of beings. We may distinguish three primary sources for human joy.

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Mind and Spirit

Tuesday, 21 January, 2014
Thought Adjuster ― Mind and Spirit

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Jesus suggested that the main motivation for human beings should be their most sincere intentions. Many religions teach that mortals should examine themselves, see their mistakes, and make the necessary adjustments. This is a useful and necessary task, but it does not promote spiritual progress on its own. Only when a human being feels the fervent desire to be better will the profound character transformations, bringing them closer to the object of their worship – the Father, take place.

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The ‘Dearth’ of Revelation

Monday, 30 September, 2013

Teacher: Samuel of Panoptia ―
The very first thing that I wish to remind you of is that you are an evolutionary being in that as a general universal rule you are not entitled to revelationary material. As a product of evolution you are meant to grow into knowledge and wisdom by personal effort. So it is for the individual, for the family, for a nation, and in fact for an entire planet. Long ago it was determined that force-feeding information to those that are not yet ready can be counter productive.

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Actors or spectators?

Friday, 7 May, 2021
spiritual service

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Action; activity; activation; actualization; actionability; activism. Those are a few of the many variances of proactive initiatives. Nothing of substance will ever magically shape up if you do not find practical ways to translate the potentialities you envision into reality.

The value of your life portfolio is not assessed according to the quality of your daydreaming. What would be the point of having a material body if you did not use it as an instrument for creative undertakings?

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Put in All You Have

Tuesday, 18 May, 2021
spiritual life

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
At times, you feel as if your heart was about to shatter under tremendous emotional pressure. Pain, be it physical, mental, emotional, or ethereal, can insinuate itself in the other layers of your being, as they are like communicating vases. You do have the option to initiate a bypass of sorts to prevent radiating pains from attacking your overall immunity.

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New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group 24 – New regimen, Spiritual maturity

Monday, 7 February, 2022

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager

  • Free energy
  • A new regimen
  • A less formal approach
  • Application made for Machiventa to speak to The Urantia Book Fellowship
  • Mending fences
  • Deep trouble
  • Emotional and spiritual maturity—becoming whole
  • Nine roles
  • Seven sins, seven virtues, and the seven core values
  • Reparenting
  • Animals can be a training ground
  • Leading up to a cataclysmic collapse
  • More on emotional and spiritual maturity
  • Our informality can feel very personal
  • Vulnerability and completeness

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Your Call!

Tuesday, 23 March, 2021
spiritual life

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
God is an infinite existential being who dwells in the circle of eternity. “To [Him], there is no past, present, or future; all time is present at any given moment. He is the great and only I AM.” [The Urantia Book, 2:1.5] He made the free-will decision to become experiential through His creative endeavors by eventuating the multi-dimensional canvas of time and space—the evolutionary playground.

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The impulses of your higher self will not lead you astray

Wednesday, 6 January, 2021
poor in spirit

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
When Jesus spoke about the poor in spirit, he did not mean the witless. He was bringing attention to a desirable attitude conducive to a rich spiritual life. Only the humble at heart are teachable, as they candidly admit to their ignorance and deficiencies, eager to make up for these lacks.

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Repressed and chronically depressed

Monday, 4 January, 2021
Repressed and chronically depressed

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
To repress is to hold something back or to prevent an act of volition—often by force. Inhibition is a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. Both refer, generally, to the act of subduing something.

One thing is sure: Repression and inhibition generate unhappy emotions, as they greatly restrict positive self-expression. Sadly, many religious leaders emotionally manipulate their adepts into unhealthy submission by inappropriately scolding and shaming them. How could one ever experience spiritual bliss while suppressing the spontaneous expression of the innate soul cheerfulness?

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The Ego – An Aspect of the Human Self?

Thursday, 5 August, 2021

Teacher: Inner Voice ―
I am honored to be able to field this question from the crowd, as it were. I am given the latitude to step forward as this one’s Inner Voice who has been granted peace, love, the material voice and vocabulary and structure of thought that allows me to access this channel of communication. I understand that there is present a question to familiarize the participants with this aspect of themselves, this component of their being they are referring to as this ego. This aspect of the human condition that you are referring to is your internal drive mechanism. It is the aspect of you which is inspired to pursue your vision and to activate your creative prerogative. It is a motivator, it is a champion for your cause, it brings inspiration and can channel creative forces as you would so direct.

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