Personality development


Personality development


True Freedom

Monday, 20 April, 2020
True Freedom

Teacher: The Divine Inner Voice ―
There are many who claim to be free, but in reality, they are not. There are great chains that hinder their life, because true freedom is experienced within.

It is time to reclaim your freedom. You are the only one who can remove those chains. You have the keys to remove them, forever.


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Recipe for a Quantum Leap

Wednesday, 15 July, 2020
Recipe for a Quantum Leap

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
When you set out to initiate our dialogue, an effective way to empty your mind and make it standstill in the Now Moment's expansiveness is to do a countdown from 10 to 0—zero being the absence of time. As well, close your eyes to disengage from your spatial reality. Bring your attention to your third eye or heart chakra. It is how you successfully ‘pause’ your time-space experience to connect with My timeless and spaceless Infinity—quite a quantum leap on your part.


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The Day of Equilibrium

Sunday, 27 September, 2020
spiritual life

Teacher: Editorial - From the Desk of Chris Maurus
I have learned from the difficult lessons of the past and by the folly of others that making predictions is a sure way to discredit yourself and create controversy for those that support you. I have vowed to never make predictions even if having the greatest inspired knowledge given by any celestial messenger. I’ve been receiving messages by personalities of light for more than 12 years, and I have come to understand that Spirit does not measure time the way humans do, and they will often avoid giving information in human measures for events yet to unfold.


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What You Call Perfection

Monday, 31 October, 2016
What You Call Perfection

Contact: A Departed (passed-on) Human Friend.
The Friend:

We are on these mansion worlds supposedly to become more perfect as we go along. We don’t see it that way. What you call perfection, we see as a process of maturation. We don’t have perfection in mind, no, not yet. We take it a step at a time to become more sociable, to become more helpful, to learn, to prepare ourselves for tasks we will be given from now until eternity and that is really something we look forward to — to co-create with our beloved Father-Creator.


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Play fair!

Wednesday, 12 August, 2020
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
As the planetary situation is severely impacted by the relentless tugs of war between Divine Right Order and unbridled anarchy, integrity and corruption, hope and despair, everyone is called to take a stand---the symbolic parting of the sea of consciousness.
Do you rally to the Love in Action for which Jesus ‘was all in’ or stagger in your loyalties, caught in the predatory web of low-grade emotions that pour more bile into an already overly acidic predicament?

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What is versus what appears to be

Wednesday, 29 July, 2020
Teacher, Thought Adjuster

Teacher, Thought Adjuster:
There are vastly conflicting opinions about current events: A rosy or a gloom-and-doom interpretation of their constitutive elements. Quite often, the ways of revelatory truth are the most enigmatic ones. At the time of Jesus, Israel was under the Roman yoke. Roman overseers and local leaders held and exercised power, thus denying the Israelites the right of self-governance. Nevertheless, On High, it was determined that this was to be the best venue for the birth in the flesh of a long-awaited spiritual savior—not the political vigilante Israel hoped for.

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Who Made Whom in His Image?

Monday, 20 April, 2020
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster —
Genesis 1:27 states that “God created man in His own image” — a statement that was misinterpreted due to humankind’s state of spiritual immaturity. The Fifth Epochal Revelation of The Urantia Book sheds light on what it means: “Regarding the endowment of man with the divine Adjusters, the Father said: “Let us make mortal man in our own image.” [The Urantia Book, 10:3.1]

What many fail to understand is that, due to their evolutionary nature, human beings ‘progressively’ achieve God-likeness. Born as spiritual ‘rookies’, humans need the spontaneous activations provided by flashes of insight — those momentous Ah-Ha moments when they grasp that they are a living tabernacle of Divinity — their Indwelling Divine Fragment.

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A lesson in remediation

Friday, 24 April, 2020
Trinity Teacher Uteah

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah ―
Crises are mighty game-changers and should be welcomed as such, as it does put a positive spin on them and motivates those affected to come up with innovative solutions through the use of their brainpower.
Your entire planet is currently undergoing such a mighty reshuffling. How you individually face the challenges determine which trump card you get to play in that intense Game of Life.

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Promote a culture of peace!

Friday, 12 June, 2020
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Warfare and riots are peace’s archenemies. Far from quenching the emotional fires, they fuel them. Violence is versatile in its venting. It may be expressed through biting spoken words that culminate in traumatic emotional or physical altercations.
Yes, you should be disgruntled about any miscarriage of justice and become a peaceful activist for their remediation. Wisely invest the motivational force of your righteous indignation so that it brings about happier endings.

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Truth Comes in All Colors

Wednesday, 3 June, 2020
Magisterial Son, Monjoronson

Teacher: Magisterial Son, Monjoronson ―
During these times of uncertainty and unrest, let us talk about truth.
Truth comes in all colors. It does not matter whether you are black, brown, yellow, red, or white. It does not matter whether you are affiliated with blue or red. It does not matter whether your flags, your groups, your race, your hair, your skin, or any other affiliation has color designated to it. Truth is not restricted by such designations or color boundaries. Yes, it is a fact that some have skin that is brown or white. Yes, it is a fact that some have hair that is yellow. Yes, it may be a fact that one affiliates with a particular group. But this does not designate that you then have a monopoly on truth.

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About Patterns

Friday, 28 June, 2013
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
The human brain is ‘designed’ to recognize patterns. This is how reality starts to develop in your mind, by collecting a great number of patterns that you can recognize. These patterns allow you to predict future events to certain extent, and to guess what will be the result of current conditions. This is why you are able to finish other people’s sentences just by hearing the first words, particularly if it is a common phrase.

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We are on a Treasure Hunt

Sunday, 16 February, 2020
The I AM

Teacher: The I AM
The I AM within you speaks.  
I know all of your thoughts and your hopes for an exciting future, yet I require you to bring your concerns to Me that you may work them out against the realities of your life and the fantasies of your mind where I can show you what is real and what is imagined.  Sometimes what you focus on distracts you from your own spiritual growth.  Fear of the unknown or fear of a future that falls short of your own expectations is mostly unfounded.  Whether or not you understand our relationship does not change how I operate to mold you into a vessel of My expression and how I work without end to spiritualize your mind.  When I stand at the door of your heart and knock, and you pass by the door without answer, I move to another door.  I will continue to find ways of engaging your mind to help you understand the realities of your world and how to grow from the experiences in life.

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Experience “The Way”

Sunday, 9 February, 2020
Trinity Teacher Uteah

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah ―
Dear Students,
The lessons you have been given by the mansion world Teachers, myself, and other beings of Light during this “Correction Time” are advanced spiritual instructions, yet compared to a world that has entered an enlightened age, these kinds of lessons are rudimentary and would be taught to very young children. Along with these teachings, children would also be trained in various faith building exercises that require contemplation, meditation, communion with Spirit, service, and manifestation—the receiving of and appreciation for blessings. You have an opportunity to participate in and experience what children of an advance world would call “The Way,” and this sets you on a path of extraordinary (on your world) development that leads to the attunement your Indwelling Spirit requires you to have to prepare you for universe service and citizenship in the hereafter.

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Anchors of Light

Sunday, 10 October, 2010
Teacher Unknown ― Anchors of Light

Teacher: Teacher Unknown
Things are changing on your world very rapidly.  Some things according to plan, others have to be revised and recalculated.  Each one of you on the 11:11 list is known to us, and we ask each of you to pay close attention to the inner life and the inner voice as you will be guided through the many changes that are now taking place and which are about to occur in the near future as the Correcting Time mandates are executed.  Turn off the TV and the radio—sanctify yourself and remove from your life the media drama of violence, hatred, malice, greed, revenge, and all other forms of fear and negativism that the public at large ingests on a daily basis that keeps them in bondage to the worldly powers.

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New Receivers – Part 4

Tuesday, 3 December, 2019
Mighty Messenger, Charles

Mighty Messenger/Teacher: Charles
Hello to you all, my dear friends, this is Charles here. Today I have a short message for the rest of our communications on receptivity.
Being able to communicate with Spirit is noble and glorifying for those who practice it and many of you have already begun this process. Our entire team is delighted to contribute to your training and learning.

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