

About consciousness


Hand All Your Troubles to Me

Sunday, 30 July, 2006
spiritual growth

Teacher: The Beloved ―
The unblocking of the communication channel, of that which keeps you away from Me, is a definite part of succeeding on the road to self-mastery. It has everything to do with the trust and faith you cultivate, one step at a time. When you are out of sorts, and your soul-rest is missing, truly, My child, there is only one thing for you to do, and that is to come into the Stillness and hand all your troubles to Me. I am the Calm of your soul and I make it so your heart sings again.

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Thought Containers

Saturday, 24 May, 2003
Thought Containers

Teacher: Judas ―
Do you know what “thought containers” are? Well, it is a term I have just come up with. In the body of the Padgett messages there is mentioned that thoughts are things. It is a statement that surprises many. In fact, many do not know what to think of this: Do thoughts crystallize? Do they float in the air like droplets of mist? Today I intend to write you a message in order to give you an idea of what this expression means. It cannot be a very accurate message, because once again I will take recourse to analogies for describing the unknown. But it will possibly help you to understand a little bit of what up to now has been a mystery to you.

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An Apocalyptic Showdown

Thursday, 1 October, 2020
Gabriel of Salvington ― An Apocalyptic Showdown

Teacher: Gabriel of Salvington
Dear One,
There is a battle on-going in the mass consciousness of your world and you are not the only soldier fighting the good fight. Your seer of old saw a vision of this battle and described it as the armies of Earth coming together for an Apocalyptic showdown. I tell you that these armies he saw were not flesh and blood armies and the battle ground was not Terra Firma, but the final battle taking place in the consciousness layers of Urantia—a fight between the forces of Light and the remaining rebel armies. What you are now witnessing with your third-eye is the battle to extinguish the rebel strongholds.

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Peace of Mind Generates Mental Clarity

Tuesday, 23 June, 2020
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Whenever your mind is clear, things fall into place quickly and organically. The fogginess of confusion and the nervousness it triggers within you are lifted, presenting you with a mental panorama more likely to nudge you toward making appropriate decisions. Mental clarity is crucial to a meaningful life, as it allows you to make up your mind based on reliable data. How else could you figure out what is worth pursuing?


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The Mind of the Observer

Wednesday, 10 July, 2013
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
The ability to ‘listen’ and the willingness to follow the guidance of the Thought Adjuster are two very different things. However, the willingness of a human being can facilitate or hinder the capacity to listen or somehow receive the words of the Thought Adjuster. In reality, there are no issues in the communication between a Thought Adjuster and her charge. The Thought Adjuster is always able to make her messages ‘heard’ by her human charges. It is the human who can ignore, misinterpret, or corrupt what it is received according to her level of faith, her expectations, and her spiritual development.

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About thought-forms

Monday, 27 April, 2020
Teacher: Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
Thoughts 'form' in the mind. It is not a metaphor but the way it goes with the thinking process. Myriads of thoughts pop willy-nilly in your mind through the constant brain activity of neurons. Once an embryonic thought-form catches your attention, you mentally zoom in to further investigate and develop it. 'Thought-appeal' can exert a good or bad influence according to its content in truth, beauty, and goodness.

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You have a Unique Opportunity

Sunday, 29 March, 2020
Trinity Teacher Uteah

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah -
My Dear Students,
You have a unique opportunity in this climate of uncertainty to create a new vision for your world. The mass consciousness of humanity generates a collective “Light in the Field” (the Divine Matrix) that manifests the reality of your lives. Until now, that vision has been steered and directed by powerful factions that paint a picture (create a narrow vision) in the minds of the masses to manifest their vision of the future. With the unprecedented events of what is now taking place globally with this pandemic, we have what you would call “a blank slate” for the projected future of humanity. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to create a vision for the future—one that is not steered by powerful factions, but by the hopes, dreams, and desires (visions in the consciousness) of the citizens of your world.

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Eight Steps to Conscious Co-creation

Sunday, 2 February, 2020
Trinity Teacher Uteah

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah
Conscious co-creation is the most efficient and effective way to manifest the Creator Father’s Will in your reality.  The gift of co-creation and manifestation is inherent in all humans that are Indwelled by the Father’s Presence (the Thought Adjusters), and because you are His children, you posses the power to create—you are the child creators that forge out the plans and blaze the path of planetary evolution leading to Light and Life—the completion of universe destiny.  Knowing, or “being conscious” of this co-creative ability requires you to acknowledge your partnership and develop an integral relationship with your Thought Adjuster.

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Think Deeply about Meaningful Ideas

Sunday, 5 January, 2020
Trinity Teacher Uteah

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah
There is one fundamental idea that must preclude all ideas and understandings about higher consciousness that is required to attain a progressive path of growth both spiritually and mentally. What I am speaking about is your ability to conceptualize and think deeply about meaningful ideas and potentials—in other words, to have “deep thoughts” and to develop a personal philosophy for living.  It is possible for each of you to develop the skills of a philosopher and tap into great potentials that lay buried beneath the surface of your busy mind.  It starts with an intention, then an action, then a discipline to continue deep thinking going forward.  Deep thinking is a well that leads to all knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual guidance—it is the path to the seat of soul where the Father’s Presence dwells.

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Wednesday, 13 November, 2019
Teacher Charles

Teacher Charles:
I salute you all. I am Charles, a Mighty Messenger who is responsible for the encircuitment of the new receivers. Many of you wonder who I am, so what you need to know is that I am from Orvonton and just like you, I was an evolutionary being who lived on a planet that knew rebellion there aeons ago. I am with you as a Finaliter and to accompany Machiventa, Monjoronson and Christ Michael in various tasks assigned to me.

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Influence Human Consciousness in a Positive Way

Sunday, 20 October, 2019

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah -
When you live with the idea that everyday the world is becoming more aligned with the virtues of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, regardless of any negativity you see in the media, you are contributing to the collective intention for a better world.  These are seed ideas in consciousness that do affect the collective consciousness of your world.  Ideas born from these virtues are much more powerful than the ideas born out of fear, and you can “engineer” a seed idea like this, nurture it to grow and work to become self perpetuating; to gather gravity; and to influence human consciousness in a positive way.

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You Are Transmitters/Receivers

Saturday, 4 May, 2019
Thought Adjuster

Teacher: Thought Adjuster ―
All of you have been equipped by On High to be Transmitters/Receivers. You may shake your head in disbelief, but how could you be sure that it is not so if you do not investigate this claim? Wouldn’t it constitute an incredible blessing if it were so? Wouldn’t it make perfect sense that the Creator, whose objective is All-Inclusive Oneness, has encircuited all His creatures in His vast network, outfitting them with individual state-of-the-art servers?

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Light and Life Series, Lesson 3, The Mindset of Light and Life

Sunday, 3 February, 2019
consciousness and mindset

Teacher: Trinity Teacher Uteah
In this third lesson on Light and Life, we will explore the differences between a rebellion mindset and a  mindset that is oriented toward progressive thinking ― a people moving into Light and Life.  It would be wise for us to consider the "Golden Rule" as a universal understanding―and that would be helpful to keep in the forefront of your thinking, but in application on a world conditioned by rebellion, the Golden Rule is mostly thought of as a Utopian idea that comes after your neighbor adopts this thinking.  Light and Life is a state of being―simply being in a relationship of goodness with your fellows.

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Inherited Memories

Wednesday, 21 November, 2018
Inherited Memories

Teacher, The Damascus Scribe:
Not only are humans gifted in many areas you do not presently comprehend or even begin to realise, you have absorbed and retained incredible knowledge and outstanding wisdom from your parents and, yes, from ancestors going back some thousands of years.

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Announcement of Monumental Significance!

Monday, 3 September, 2018

Teacher Xsamuel:
Greetings people of Urantia!  I AM Xsamuel, of the Absonite order of consciousness engineers.  I AM here to announce some exciting news.  Many of you know that there is a great contingent of personalities (both celestial and human) at work in the system of Satainia--working to free all 37 former apostate worlds from the deliberate corruption of the consciousness circuits by the Luciferian rebels.  It has been a most difficult and laborious effort to cleanse the circuits, and in some cases, replace them completely while moving the various levels of consciousness to the new circuitry. 

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