121. Oneness is Intrinsic

Here again is an excerpt from the UNESCO Manifesto 2000 for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence (1999): "As defined by the United Nations, a culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, modes of behavior and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations."

The intention of this statement is very clear. Yet, its high minded rhetoric obscures the problem of generating peace. Read this again. “As defined by the United Nations, a culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, modes of behavior and ways of life….” Nowhere are these values, attitudes, modes of behavior or ways of life provided to us. They are ASSUMED. The goals that these words point to can never be achieved because the fundamental values of peace are invisible to us. How can we agree to achieve peace if we have not agreed to the values that are assumed to underwrite and support peace? We cannot. Values qualify the actions we live by. I suggest that a body of people who are intent upon working toward and for peace should initiate a Social Sustainability Design Team and work “peace” through the Schematic for Validating Social Sustainability. Peace makers must approach their craft with the same intense intention as terrorist bomb makers. You will need a vision, mission, philosophy, goals and objectives, blueprints, materials and people who live and breathe peace!

Efforts to develop peace must be founded on a set of values that are already innate to our species that support the development of individual potential (growth) that leads to an improving quality of life for the individual; and, collectively aids the “progress” of societies of people. Only then will peace become an option for a society. In contemporary terms, think of the plight of the Palestinians. Peace will never become a reality for them until they and the Israelis provide for an improving quality of life for them as a people, and as individuals, and provide assistance for them to grow into their potential (to grow) and to do so as would any Palestinian or Israeli. That would define the social sustainability value of equality, very clearly. Both sides are responsible for this.

“The oneness of us all is intrinsic” is not a glib statement but a genetic truth of our species. What is artificial are the interpretations and competition that set us apart!