13. Why a Socially Sustainable Morality is Needed

The reasons a socially sustainable decision-making moral code is needs are several:

1) It is totally applicable to individuals, families, communities, states, nations, governments and all organizations. The traditional morality does not include organizations or governments.

2) It provides a definitive, proactive model of decision-making that clearly points to the long term benefits our decisions and behavior can contribute to each other, social organizations and global organizations. Our traditional morality protects the stability of mediocrity as a social model that now is aiding the disintegration of our societies however moral according to the traditional morality. Traditional morality provides no incentive for proactive good behavior, other than to avoid getting caught.

3) A sustainable morality proactively assigns value to the individual as a social asset and value-contributor to their community and to the global community. It also assigns to the individual his or her responsibility to determine how they will live their life as a contributor. The traditional morality assigns no value to the individual.

4) A sustainable morality provides a consistent and reliable guide to strategic planners. Because it is based on the timeless and universal values of our species it becomes far easier to project into the future what short term goals and stages of development are needed to fulfill long term social goals. The traditional morality is not capable of contributing to strategic planning or even short term planning.

5) Societies now have a rational argument for dealing with individuals and organizations that work against the common good or do not include consideration for social justice in their governmental or corporate policies. Having a moral compass to guide the development of laws and social policies that support social sustainability is essential to bring the decisions of tens of thousands of social agencies and thousands of global organizations into complemental alignment. Then millions of decisions would be made every hour worldwide that would “Pay It Forward.”

With that hope also comes the anticipation of a unifying morality that addresses all human behavior — one that draws individuals, families, communities, national societies and our global civilization into a unifying, integral socially sustainable future. To do that it must be applicable to the billions of daily decisions made by billions of citizens. Only a socially sustainable morality is capable of creating endemic positive social and cultural change – the first stage of sustainable peace.